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Jul 30, 2020

Amit Segal and Amnon Abramovitch speak to people about hatred, left and right (video)

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Jul 29, 2020

Tweet of the Day

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have someone destroy his soul for you

I love the ad posted in the NY/NJ area for this new business/service being offered.. a few of my friends posted it online...

I admit I had some devious plans of what I would ask them to do online for me if and when I would subscribe to the service... I love that he is offering to do your banking for you. And what's he going to do for Uber - book your rides every time you need to go somewhere? Why call him to book you a ride rather than just calling a taxi?

Great initiative shown here. Some people don't want Internet in their homes, so he'll surf the web for you..

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pregnant women and fasting

Rav Yoni Rosensweig issued a psak regarding pregnant/nursing women and fasting on Tisha B'Av. I did not see the original psak, nor did I search it out, but he himself considers it a lenient psak. I have no comment on the psak, but Rav Rosensweig posted to Facebook a response he received by email regarding his lenient psak. I find the response fascinating. 

Here it is:

I am also copying the text of the post here:

As I make clear every year, the ruling I follow with regards to pregnant and nursing mothers as far as fasting is concerned, is somewhat more lenient than what is customary. And while I believe many women find relief in such a ruling, as it makes sense to them in their current situation, it is incumbent upon us to also recognize that there is a form of "collateral damage" that such rulings create.

I recently received an email which adequately expresses this. I have no desire to contend with this email here in this post, but rather to simply let the voice of this woman be heard, as I am sure there are others out there who feel similarly, but have not the words to express it, or the desire to expose their feelings publicly.

"The wonderful lenient psak encouraging pregnant and nursing women not to fast is circulating, providing them with important reassurance that avoiding fasting is the right thing to do. This movement toward bettering the world through logical leniencies in halakha, like exempting women from the unreasonable expectation to fast during the child bearing stage, is uplifting and inspirational. It's comforting to know that our daughters will be armed with better halakhic tools to cope with these challenging years.

Has anyone paused to consider the distressing emotional and spiritual impact of these leniencies on the generations of women who suffered for years, apparently misinformed based on common psak?

With several children and miscarriages behind me, I have never missed one fast Yom Kippur or Tisha Bav. I was taught that's what we are obligated to do. Two of those fasts resulted in actual life-threatening conditions after the fact, and many others in days and weeks of anguish and aggravation suffering premature contractions, babies deprived of breastmilk, and other adverse effects to physical and mental health.

Fasting was a challenge I carried proudly and without resentment, because I believed it to be my halakhic obligation. I view the halakhic system as our framework for our commitment to Torah and to עבודת השם. It's a system I have put my trust in, and have sacrificed for.

While I am thrilled to know that my daughters will not have to similarly suffer, I find those who encourage the change of psak in this generation are unaware of the anguish this causes women of my generation, who felt they suffered needlessly at best, and acted irresponsibly at worst, when they were instructed to do what was essentially a מנהג טעות. I find myself wondering how I can trust a halakhic system that instructed me to risk my health and my infant children, but has now turned and changed its mind, for no apparent reason.

How does one remain committed to a halakhic system that has failed them, when they feel mocked by the system for their own commitment? Fasting compromised my health and the health of my children, it compromised my relationship with my husband due to all the anguish involved, and it demanded enormous sacrifice, that I was happy to take on at the time, and now, in the wake of the common psak, I feel was unfairly misplaced. I consider myself a learned woman; I have studied the texts, I asked all the right questions of a different generation of rabbis. All indications were that fasting was the only option, except in extreme circumstances. That was the predominant psak in our circles twenty years ago. Maintaining commitment to the halakhic system that has failed me in this way, that demanded compromises of health and relationships, is hard enough; but to feel mocked by that same system when nothing has really changed is too much. It makes a mockery of my sacrifice and my suffering.

I encourage you to continue dispensing halakhic leniencies. I understand this is part of the better world we live in, and getting better all the time. It would be a kindness to address the emotional ramifications to women like myself who made the mistake of believing that they were sacrificing for עבודת השם, and now feel mocked by the system. As we approach Tisha Bav, while I am not pregnant or nursing, for the first time in my life I feel disinclined to fast. I feel such mistrust of the system. Who's to say twenty years from now a new psak won't dismiss the next twenty years of fasting?

Thank you for listening".

Wow! Such an interesting perspective. I find it very not intuitive. On the one hand she wants to encourage you to keep publicizing such lenient piskei halacha while on the other hand it upsets her and makes her question what she did. Intuitively, I think, people would generally tell you to stop being so publicly lenient and only issue lenient psak in private, or tell you that you are wrong and the young generation will grow up without the strong commitment we used to have. Her perspective is fascinating. And she is right about the attitude that used to be in place. That is why we have stories like that of Rav Yisrael Salanter making kiddush on the bima on Yom Kippur in the middle of the black plague because otherwise nobody would eat.

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Facebook Status of the Day - Third Beis Hamikdash

this artist, Elisha Katz, studuied and researched what the Beis Hamikdash should look like and created this:

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Bibi Vlog #5: visiting the Corona Department of Soroka Hospital (video)

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Bennett: now is not the time for elections (video)

he says in any upcoming elections Netanyahu cannot be confident in having Yamina's support..

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the spiritual pandemic: the yeshiva boys dropping out of yeshiva (video)


these young men aren't doing anything bad... but you can't expect much from a bunch of bored kids who have nothing to do...

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Synagogues of Israel Part 42 Tel Aviv C (video)

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Ezra Eliyahu - Shema Koleinu (Accapella) Official Music Video - Yeshiva Ateres Shimon (video)

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Jul 28, 2020

Proposed Law: rabbis have immunity for anything they say regarding torah

MKs Yisroel Eichler (UTJ), Moshe Abutbol (Shas) and Ariel Busso (Shas) have proposed a law that would grant immunity from any legal action to rabbis regarding anything they say or publish regarding issues of Torat Yisrael.

I am not sure how exactly that immunity would be qualified, as they could easily claim anything they say has some sort of halachic ramification and therefore qualifies for immunity. 

I think this proposal might be due to the threat of a lawsuit by the Reform against Rabbi Dovid Yosef who said the Women of the Wall pray at the Kotel and fight over it just "lehachis" - just to anger God and to be defiant. Rav Yitzchak Yosef also recently called them names such as apikorsim and the like.

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Netanyahu blinks first and meets Gafni's demands

MK Gafni stood his ground in the Knesset Finance Committee and refused to budge on his demands for including all children, even beyond the third in a family, in the stimulus grant, and PM Netanyahu and the finance Ministry announced a short while that they have greed to his demands.

According to the adjusted stimulus program, the additional children will get the payout (the parents will, on their behalf), but not the same amount of money. Every adult is getting 750nis, while the first 3 children will be getting 500nis each. 

The inclusion of additional children is at different rates. While the fourth child will also get 500nis, the fifth will only get 250nis, and children number 6 and beyond will get 100nis each.

I don't know why they get less, and why 6 and beyond get so much less, but something is better than nothing.

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Interesting Psak: when to not fast on Tisha B'Av

Just yesterday Chief Rabbi Dovid Lau released his psak of how to behave on Tisha B'Av in the shadow of CoronaVirus.

Slightly different is the psak of the dual Chief Rabbis of Bnei Braq, Rabbis Shevach Rosenblatt and Chaim Yitzchak Landau.

the Chief Rabbis of Bnei BRaq published a letter with their guidance on how to act on Tisha B'Av this year.

the main points and differences from Rabbi Lau are:

Everyone should be extra cautions, wear masks, wash hands, keep distance, etc

On Tisha B'Av itself one can use alcogel on his hands as that is not washing but is disinfecting, and especially in light of the danger it is allowed. They do not say anything about washing hands with soap on Tisha B'Av - presumably they are of the opinion one should not, except perhaps in a situation of clear danger, but that is just my assumption based on its absence.

Tisha B'Av is a more stringent fast than many of the others, so, upon consultation with God Fearing doctors:
Anyone healthy and over bar/bat mitzva, even if in quarantine, must fast
Anyone who tested positive for CoronaVirus but has no symptoms at all, must fast
Anyone who has symptoms, even light symptoms, must NOT fast
Anyone fasting and over the course of the day develops symptoms, such as fever, coughing, achy muscles, loss of taste and smell, etc, must break the fast and eat (how is he going to know if he lost the sense of taste?)
Anyone who has suffered from CoronaVirus over the past two months in a serious way, such as with pneumonia or shortness of breath, should NOT fast even if right now he has no symptoms

Stay healthy and may our mourning turn to joy

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The Shabbat Show - Episode 15: Rachelle Fraenkel - Full Interview (video)

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Meir Kay's Podcast: Zelda Volkov - Wearing Wigs On Your Own Terms (EP. 36) (video)

Since the 1950s, when affordable synthetic wigs first went on the market, sheitels favored within Orthodox communities have tended to be dark, short cuts. They didn’t look natural and they’re not meant to be. For Orthodox women, wigs are a kind of religious headwear, like the yarmulka for men, that signal: “I’m married, I’m observant, I’m Jewish.” Zelda Volkov, a Crown Heights native, used to wear a traditional sheitel. Zelda decision to start selling wigs was inspired by her own personal, traumatic experience with a short, bristly sheitel as a teenaged bride. Her transformation began with a trip to her mother’s sheitel-macher, or, “wig lady.” She walked into the shop as a woman with long, blonde hair, and walked out wearing the standard model: a dark bob with bangs. Zelda Hair specializes in sheitels — a Yiddish word that refers to the wigs worn by married Jewish women. Zelda's goal with Zelda's Hair is to make wigs as natural and as similar to your hair as possible. Zelda Wigs, in Crown Heights, and Zelda regularly holds pop-up shops in Paris, Israel and across the United States. She also ships wigs worldwide! Zelda has incredible energy, she's a powerful leader, and throughout this podcast we talk about stigma's around wearing wigs. I hope this episode will bring less shame to the ideas talked about on here and open up much needed conversations around the subject. Have a listen, let's talk things out and thank you all for listening.

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The New Moroccans, Part 3 (video)

Dr Avishai Ben Chaim's documentary, finale

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MK Keti Shitreet interview (video)

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FATHER (Acapella) | Tani Polansky (video)

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Jul 27, 2020

Quote of the Day

Children numbers 4 and 5 will grow up with the feeling that the State doesn't want them. They are going to talk to us about equal rights/benefits? There is no greater theft and damage than taking away the grant of these children..

  -- MK Yisrael Eichler (UTJ)

I love Eichler. he is so much fun. 

the State doesnt want them? Because they didn't get free money once?
theft? taking the money away from the children? it is money that wasnt given to children. Nothing was stolen and nothing was taken away.

As I have said before, I happen to agree with the UTJ position on this. I think the State should be giving the money for all children, not just up to the third child, in this case. It is a special grant that was announced to be for everyone, not only for people who qualify under certain categories, such as elderly, poor, Holocaust survivors, children, served in army, etc. Everyone. So why cap it at a number of children?

But it isn't theft. Nobody is stealing money from these children, or telling them they are not wanted.

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Proposed Law: civil marriage in foreign embassies

MK Sharren Haskel (Likud) has proposed a law that would help Israelis interested in civil marriage but unable to travel due to CoronaVirus restrictions. 

Normally anyone interested in civil marriage, either due to the Rabbanut not allowing them to marry because of halachic impediments or just because they only want a civil marriage would usually travel abroad, often to Cyprus, or arrange for something local but off the record and possibly illegal. With travel restrictions the way they are, these people want/need a solution.

To that end, Haskel is proposing a law that would allow them to go to the embassy, in Israel, of one of the foreign countries and get their civil marriage there.
source: Maariv

According to Hamechadesh, the Haredi parties are, understandably, upset about this proposal. They see it as damaging to the family unit and halachic marriage system that has always been protected in Israel. They are especially upset because it is coming from a coalition partner - a Member of Knesset from the Likud rather than from the Opposition such as from Meretz. 

They are especially concerned in light of last week's vote for the law proposal about prohibiting conversion therapy in which some coalition members, including Kachol Lavan and at least with Likud ember voting in favor, in addition to other Likud members staying away allowing it to pass. They are hopeful that this time the coalition members will play ball with what is sacred to the Haredi parties and will vote against this bill. 

Last time Kachol Lavan seemed to use the vote for an Opposition bill as some sort of revenge against Netanyahu, so it is likely that this time they won't want to upset the Haredim that they have been working to keep happy. With Likud members also tacitly supporting the bill last time, this one remains a question, though I suspect they won't want to upset their coalition partners and will either have Haskel pull the proposal or vote against. This is one of those things where it seems other parties are not allowed to have their own position against the Haredi parties' position due to coalition politics. If they pass this bill I would be very surprised.

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Freedom of Assembly has become a sacred cow

A lot has been said about the right to protest being a staple of democracy, thus causing the government to allow protests to continue almost unhindered while limiting all other social activities with very strict restrictions.

It is considered so sacred that I think it has become a sacred cow. 

I do understand it though, even though I personally would not participate in a protest at this point. I also understand it even though I think anyone who does participate in such protests, especially without taking care for social distancing and wearing masks, is taking undue risks and could very well be causing the spread of the virus.

However, I am not sure why the right to protest is the only right given that status. Democracies are built on the rights and liberties of the people, with those rights including a lot more than just the right to protest.

If the rights of the people are so sacred,. what about the right and freedom to worship? I am not one to fight for shuls to open against the recommendations of health officials, nor in greater numbers than what they recommend, but why is the right to protest any more sacred than the freedom of worship? There is no right to go to a restaurant or a concert, so I won't compare it to that directly, but there is personal freedom and liberty and if a person should choose to open his restaurant or organize a concert and should I choose to go to it, why should that be any less than the freedom to protest?

If the government has the right to shut down everything else due to public health concerns, why not protests? I just don't get it. Why is the freedom of assembly, the right to protest, any more sacred than all the other rights a democratic society provides?

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Interesting Psak: fasting on Tisha B'Av

Chief Rabbi Rav Dovid Lau paskened that this year on Tisha B'Av, because of the expected extreme heat along with the issues of CoronaVirus, sme people should not be fasting.

Rav Lau said that anyone who has tested positive for CoronaVirus must not fast, even if he feels fine

Anyone with fever above 38C must not fast.

Anyone with symptoms of CoronaVirus such as weakness, lack of smell, coughing, etc, must not fast

Anyone n the process of recovering from CoronaVirus must not fast

Anyone who has already recovered form CoronaVirus but still feels weak must not fast

Anyone in quarantine but with symptoms, must fast. if he feels any weakness he should drink bshiurin (37ml of water every 9 minutes). If he gets weaker he should eat as regular

Everyone should be extra cautious regarding hygiene including washing hands with soap and using alcogel

Anyone who is not supposed to fast should not even start the fast and should eat regularly

Anyone instructed to eat should eat only one dish per meal, and only eat what is necessary

Even if not fasting, all other customs of mourning should be kept

This year because of the need to minimize the time spent out in public and the extreme heat expected, the saying of kinos should be kept to a minimum. Kinos can be said in private and it is not necessary to say them in shul. In public the only kinos to be said are "Shabbos Suru Mimeni", "tzion Halo Tishali", and "Eli Tzion", The rest can/should be said at home privately.

Be healthy and may our mourning turn to joy.

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Project Inspire Presents: MindFlex - Ask the Rebbetzin: Issues that Matter to Women, Part 2 (video)

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Project Inspire Presents: A Pre-Tisha B'Av Walking Tour of the Old City (video)

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The New Moroccans, Part 2 (video)

Part 2 of Dr Avishai Ben Chaim's documentary on the Moroccan Jews culture in Israel..

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Marvelous Middos Machine Pitch Meeting (video)

This video is made for humorous purposes only. Not intended to offended or make fun of any person or group. I love Abie Rotenberg, and this tape. The original idea for pitch meetings is Ryan George. I can only take credit for the jokes themselves

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Rafi Biton and Kolot Min Hashamayim: Return Again fused with Hachniseni Tachat Kenafeich (video)

a fusion of Carlebach and Chaim Nachman Bialik pining for a return to the shuls..

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Jul 26, 2020

Interesting Psak: masks and food, masks and fines, washing hands on Tisha B'av

Hamechadesh reported on a number of interesting questions asked of, and piskei halacha issued by Rav Yitzchak Zilbershtein, rav of Ramat Elchonon neighborhood of Bnei Braq.

Q: One of the questions asked was if a person could eat while walking nit he street of he is wearing a face mask. Normally one is not supposed to eat while walking in public, as the Gemara says one who does so is compared to a dog and invalidated form serving as a witness. Perhaps with a face mask on (because of Corona) and the eating not visible to the public, it might be acceptable.

Rav Zilbershtein paskened that technically it is ok as the eating is not noticeable, but the real problem is that it is a character flaw - a prince would not want to do something that makes him the equivalent of a dog. While technically it is ok, one should not do so.

Q: If one sees his friend walking outside with no mask and he knows that there is a policeman nearby giving out tickets, is he allowed to warn his friend to put a mask on because of the nearby policeman (even possibly being a form of hashavas aveida)or should he let the friend get fined so that he (and maybe others) will learn the lesson and know to wear the mask when going outside?

Rav Zilbershtein paskened that it is a mitzva to warn him to put on the mask - there is no mitzva of dina dmalchusa dina in this case, especially when they are harassing the haredim and giving fines while only telling the secular to wear masks.

I wonder what he would say about a similar question about warning drivers about a speed trap set up by the police or about a spot that has a policeman waiting to check seatbelts and talking on the phone...

Q: Is it allowed, on Tisha B'Av, to apply alcogel and the like to one's hands, or does that fall into the prohibited category of washing hands? As well, what about washing hands with soap and water as a way to prevent catching the CoronaVirus?

Rav Zilbershtein paskened that this is not considered pleasurable washing. That would make it ok,. Someone who does enjoy it, but needs to wash, should not enjoy it.

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Picture of the Day

That is Rav Moshe Meiselman, Rosh yeshiva of Toras Moshe, speaking to a Knesset Committee today via Zoom regarding the possible return of American yeshiva students.

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Can a Woman be a Sandek?

The Rama rules in Shulchan Aruch that a woman should preferably not serve as sandek at the bris of a baby, if a man is available, due to it being considered immodest.

I don't know how often this actually happens in real life, but I have never seen a woman serve as sandek. In most situations, in normal times, a man will almost always be available, so at frum bris ceremonies, this rule is strictly adhered to. Perhaps it happens in more liberal communities, I do not know.

Corona has done strange things to our Jewish life (and by "strange" I just mean "unusual", not good or bad). We have spoken about zoom minyanim, had porch minyanim, encouraged people to daven at home, have baby namings, bris ceremonies, weddings and bar and bat mitzvahs over zoom, and sadly also funerals and condolence visits. We talked about having guests to the pesach seder via Zoom. And more.

In Russia, CoronaVirus caused a woman to be sandek at a bris.

Rabbi and Rivky Zalkas are the Chabad shluchim in the Russian town of Bryansk. According to Haredim10, Rivky Zalkas tries to call everyone in her contacts list on their birthday and wish them a happy birthday. A couple of months ago she called a young woman who had visited the Bryansk community a year or so prior but had never returned. When she called, the young woman told her that she is pregnant and will soon give birth to a baby boy.

Rivky offered to be available to help in whatever way she might need, especially in assiting to make a bris for the baby. 

This week the young woman called Rivky Zalkas saying she had given birth to the baby and would like to make a bris for him. Her only stipulation was that because of CoronaVirus it must be very small with the only people present being the mohel Rabbi Zalkas and Rivky.  

This past Friday was the bris and because Rabbi Zalkas was the mohel, and the father of the baby is not Jewish, Rivky Zalkas was appointed to be the sandek! 

Would that be called sandekes? sandeka?

The strange things that happen because of CoronaVirus - a Chabad woman acting as sandek!

And, look what one phone call did. It seems likely to me that this young woman was not going to have her baby undergo a bris. Maybe she did not even know about it. Rivky Zalkas calls her up just to say happy birthday and that leads to this woman deciding to circumcise her baby boy!

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Hatzlah volunteers in Tel Aviv to fly to emergencies with Bird scooters

Calcalist is reporting on an arrangement between Bird Scooters and Hatzalah that will allow Hatzalah medics in Tel Aviv free access to the Bird scooters located around the city when rushing to a medical emergency.

Tel Aviv is a crowded urban area with difficult traffic and congestion and also congested pedestrian walkways. that makes the normal quick response of Hatzalah a bit more difficult in Tel Aviv. With scooters all around the city for scooter-sharing services, Bird giving Hatzalah volunteers free access to the readily available scooters will speed up response time in Tel Aviv.

This is a great initiative that might be expanded to other cities - around Israel and around the world.

Hatzalah volunteers in TelAviv should be able to fly to the calls now..

Good job to everyone involved. 

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Tweet of the Day

one of the students had to be in isolation for a week in his home and would have missed the annual class picture. The teacher took the initiative and brought the entire class to the house of the boy outside his window, so that he could be part of the class picture.

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Headlines Podcast: 7/25/20 - Show 282 - Tuition crisis solutions and Halacha (audio)

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Project Inspire Presents: MindFlex - Ask the Rebbetzin: Issues that Matter to Women (video)

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the new Moroccans, part 1 (video)

Dr Avishai Ben Chaim's report about the Moroccans culture in Israel..

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Synagogues of Israel Part 41 Tel Aviv B (video)

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Steelers Zach Banner tries CHALLAH for the FIRST TIME in support to the JEWISH COMMUNITY! (video)

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Jul 24, 2020

Aryeh brunner - Halleluhu Bminim V'Ugav (video)

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Jul 23, 2020

Quote of the Day

the Haredim in Jerusalem are protesting because of an avreich that was arrested 3 months ago for breaking the rules and for debatable claims of spitting at a female police officer. What would happen if a Tel Aviv resident would be sitting 3 months in jail for surfing against the rules?

  -- Dov Eichler, Haredi journalist for Kan broadcasting

what would happen? probably nothing. Most people probably would not know. Those who do, mostly would not think they need to protest on the surfer's behalf. the sense of community that causes the Haredi community to go out and protest every time someone gets arrested is beautiful, though the protests are not necessarily so, but the comparison to Tel Aviv is, I think, a fail.

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government finding ways to not give the stimulus package

[If you live in Israel] You are probably still waiting for the stimulus money to go into your bank account. Like so many others, every couple of days you are probably wondering why you haven't gotten it yet and you are probably asking why you didn't qualify or what you have to do to get it.

First of all, just because Netanyahu announced it last week and said it would be immediate and for everyone and would avoid bureaucracy, does not make it true. The benefit to Netanyahu was immediate as everyone is thankful he gave them money, without actually giving it. Maybe one day he will, maybe he won't, but either way it is similar to the expression that you can only make a first impression once. 

Besides for that, second of all, Netanyahu's announcement notwithstanding, the entire stimulus payout is held up in debates as to how it should be given, how much should be give, to whom it should be given, and probably a lot more.  

The news media is now reporting that while the Knesset committees continue to try to formulate the algorithm of who should get, how much, and how, the current model has it with only some minor changes to Netanyahu's original announcement. 

the most major of the changes, at this point, seems to be that the payout will not be automatic. People will need to apply, likely through Bituach Leumi (including via a simple online form), for the stimulus grant.

Why apply for it, rather than just have the government give it out?

It seems there is a problem that many people have never given the government and Bituach Leumi their bank information, so the government, through Bituach Leumui, has no way to automatically funnel the money to everyone.

I don't know how that is possible. Almost everyone in Israel has regular contact with Bituach Leumi making payments and getting some sort of payment (eg child payments, old-age, pensions, maternity, illness, workmen's compensation, unemployment, etc). It seems that this is largely young singles who have not yet started working and might have almost no contact with Bituach Leumi except for paying the quarterly payments. However it happens, it seems that Bituach Leumi does not have the bank information of some people.

So of course, instead of paying out the stimulus to everyone possible and those who miss out due to incomplete records applying for it with the missing information, they will just make everyone apply for it instead. This way, plenty of people won't know that they need to apply, or won't remember to apply, or won't know how to apply, or can't be bothered to apply, or will think they applied but the form did not get sent in correctly, and won't get the money promised to them.

Chelm. Or maybe government brilliance. They found a way to win over the public and save a ton of money at the same time. 

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Tweet of the Day

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Behind the Bima (Episode 17 - 7.22.20) Special Guest: Eli Beer (video)

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Meet Orthodox Jewish All Star, Karen Barrow, Senior Editor, NY Times (video)

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Do you know these 6 Jewish Acronyms? 🤔 (video)

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Lenny Solomon Live (video)

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Jul 22, 2020

today we saw just how dysfunctional the government is

with today's fighting between MKs Betzalel Smotritch and Moshe Gafni over the appoitnment of an investigative committee to look into selective enforcement against the haredi community regarding Corona regulations, and then the Knesset vote on a law (outlawing conversion therapy) by MK Nitzan Horowitz of the opposition that the coalition lost because Kachol Lavan (and Amir Ohana of the Likud) supported the bill and the coalition crisis that it caused, all I can say is that this government is whackadoodle.

This entire government situation is crazy and is not working. It is dysfunctional at best.

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Bank of Israel; extending the mortgage payment freeze program by more time

Early on int he days of Corona, the government put in place allowances for people to be able to push off some loan payments with no penalty. Among the possibilities was the ability to freeze mortgage payments. The plan was that one who felt it necessary, because of Corona and the damage caused to his income, could request it from his bank no questions asked, and it would be approved.

At the time, the delay in payments was set for 3 months. Also, the delay payments would not then mean the loan itself would get extended at the end of it by an additional 3 months. Rather, the 3 months of non-payment would be divided up over the remaining payments due on the loan, making future payments somewhat higher.

According to Globes, the Bank of Israel recently announced that payments for 1 out of every 4 mortgages in Israel was delayed. 1 out of every 5 small businesses in Israel delayed payments of loans under the same plan. And, seeing the necessity of this program, the Bank of Israel has decided to extend this plan further, beyond the 3 months initially set, for an additional 3 months until the end of October.

They are extending the plan because of the second wave of CoronaVirus that we are experiencing (though some insist that it is not a second wave yet but is still; part of the original first wave) that is still threatening to cause major damage to the economy and to many businesses.

Again, this is the ability to push off payments, no questions asked, and it also incurs no fees, but it collect interest on these pushed off payments. A bank rep said that a person requesting the payments be delayed should see this as a new loan being paid on top of the mortgage, and this new loan might have its own fees.

basically, it is not as simple or quite as "free" as you might think. Check with your mortgage bank for details of what you might have to pay when eventually repaying the loans, and decide whether it is necessary or worth it before you just go ahead and take advantage of this.

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airline food for your bar mtizva or wedding

Just what you never thought you needed is now available for purchase, and rpetty cheaply at that!

Yediot is reporting that the Israeli company that makes meals for the airlines has been struggling badly. The company has 550 employees, and most of them are still on furlough. With the airline industry decimated for the past few months, they have nobody to sell their packaged meals to. They are now selling just tens of meals a week, mostly to some Israir flights, to Aeroflot, and to some cargo flights.

They have come up with a way to rebrand themselves during this difficult period. They are now selling airline meals to the general public, and pretty cheaply at that! For just 10 shekels, you can buy yourself your favorite airline meal! And with free delivery (on orders over 300nis, in the Gush Dan region). They are also looking to place pop up stores in various malls to sell these meals. They are opening a "restaurant" int he airport for workers who are there, and they are selling their food to some of the Corona Hotels as well.

They are offering catering services as well. For your son's bar mitzva, get airline meals!

I just want to know if you order special kosher meals will they come double wrapped or do you need to add the second wrapping yourself?

I am just joking, but really, good for them, trying to find a way out of the crisis. And 10 shekels for a meal is pretty good. I hope a lot of people order meals and this company is successful in finding a way to save itself until the airline industry makes a comeback.

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Philippine mother and son converts eviction order frozen

Remember the story of the mother and son converts who were originally from the Philippines? They had received eviction orders and were to be sent back tot he Philippines, due to overstaying visas and all sorts of technical mishaps with their appeals.

So here is an update:

Yesterday, according to Channel 12 News, the Ministry of Interior announced that the decision has been made and is final - the mother and son will be banished form Israel within 45 days.

Of course nothing is final until it actually happens, and even then it still isn't always final...

Less than 45 minutes later Minister of the Interior Aryeh Deri announced that he is freezing the orders to send them home. According to Deri this situation will remain frozen until after the Corona period is over, whenever that will be, if ever, and only then will he review the case and make a decision.

So little Moshe Dovid gets to stay in Israel for the foreseeable future!

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Jeremy Saltan "What do the Palestinians want" Debate vs Yoram Dori (July 21 2020)

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Israel's (younger) Chess Champs! (video)

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Lenny Solomon Live (video)

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Six13 ft. Shmueli Ungar, Simcha Leiner and Pumpidisa: Eliyahu Hanavi / Kol Hakavod / Baruch Hashem (video)

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Jul 21, 2020

Quote of the Day

We are an independent party. If we could, we would run Gafni for the position of Prime Minister..

  -- MK Yitzchok Pindrus (UTJ), about the recent friction between the Likud and UTJ

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eating meat during the Nine Days in quarantine?

With all the different heterim and allowances on fast days and during the Nine Days and Three Weeks, and previously during sefiras haomer, I have yet to see the interesting psak of a rabbi allowing people to eat meat during the Nine Days, even if just for people stuck in quarantine. Where is the rabbi who will allow meat due to the difficulty of the times and the depressing state when in isolation?

And for a hypothetical question, would you go into quarantine "just" to be able to eat meat during the "Nine Days"?

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Picture of the Day

PM Netanyahu recruited Theodore Herzl to try to help persuade people of the importance in wearing masks...

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Interesting Psak: washing hands on Tisha B'Av

Rav Hershel Schachter has issued another interesting psak for Tisha B'Av in light of CoronaVirus.

According to Rav Schachter, even though normally one is not allowed to wash himself, even just his hands on Tisha B'Av, if one feels the need to wash his hands on Tisha B'Av this year to protect against Corona, as per the instructions of the various health organizations (ie Ministry of Health, WHO, CDC, etc) would be allowed to.

However, he would only be allowed to if he strictly adheres to all the rules of the health organizations that were put in place to protect against the virus, including masks and social distancing. if one is flippant and is not careful about the other rules, one cannot say he needs to wash his hands as protection against the virus. If someone is disregarding the other rules of the CDC, he cannot insist on this one, and washing would remain prohibited..

I might think even though a person is an anti-masker, he still might see the importance of regularly washing hands, and for him that could be allowed (though not if he were only doing it on Tisha B'Av but isnt careful about it the other days). Rav Schachter is taking an all or nothing approach with following the CDC rules. If you find the advice of the CDC valuable, keep it all or don't use them as your excuse.
source: YU Torah

Interesting Psak: Woman wearing a tallis and "Lo Tilbash"

Behadrei is reporting on a weird story involving Corona, quarantine, police and a tallis led to an interesting psak.

An avreich in Bnei Braq needed to be in quarantine after an alleged exposure to someone infected with CoronaVirus. The fellow claimed that the exposure detection was a mistake in the GPS signal tracking by the Ministry of Health from his cellphone and that he was never actually exposed.

Because he felt it was in error, he did not keep strictly to the quarantine. he went out one day to go to shul. While he was in shul, his wife at home answered the phone and it was the police checking that he was keeping to the rules of quarantine. They asked to speak to him, to make sure he is home, but she explained that he is in the middle of davening, at home, and cannot come to the phone. The police officer said he is downstairs in front of the building and will wait a bit and check in again soon.

no, it likely did not look like this
Several minutes later they called again and she answered again that he is still davening. By now the police doubted the veracity of her story and said that he should stick his hand out the window, while davening, and wave to them so they can see him. This way they would not come up and disturb him during his prayers, but at the same time confirming visually that he is at home as per the quarantine orders.

Mrs Quarantine came up with an idea quickly. She found her husband's Shabbos tallis and wrapped it around herself, went to the window and stuck out her hand and waved. I guess the police accepted that and moved on. It is a good thing she probably was not wearing nail polish.

The question was then raised and sent to some local rabbis if by doing this she had transgressed the prohibition of a woman wearing the clothing of a man. I don't know why she did not also ask if it is permitted to lie in such a situation to avoid a fine, but so be it.

According to Behadrei, the rabbis did not want to answer the question so it should not appear that they are supporting people breaking quarantine, even if the claim is that the need for quarantine was mistaken. In the end they did issue a psak that the wife had not transgressed the prohibition of Lo Tilbash, of a woman wearing the clothing of a man.

The Women of the Wall and other women who like to wear the tallis for davening surely all apreciate the psak of the rabbis from Bnei Braq...

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Restaurants, Minyanim and Money

There are currently two new big fights going on in the government between the Haredi parties/public and Netanyahu (and his government).

1. One fight is regarding the decision to allow restaurants to open with a maximum of 50 people dining, while at the same time limiting minyanim outdoors to 20 (and indoors to 10). The restaurant situation is actually a fight within the government itself even without the Haredi reps - the government wants to shut it all down, and the Corona Committee wants to allow them to remain open as the government has not shown any significant level of danger by allowing them to remain open (with strict guidelines). Assuming that fight will get resolved by leaving them open, the Haredim are upset that restaurants are left open for 50 diners and minyanim with only 20/10.

The big difference, in my opinion, is that people go to minyan 3 times a day. Aditionally, there is some amount of socializing at minyan. On the way in and out, and honestly sometimes during services as well, people talk to each other, say hello to friends, etc. The restaurant - any given person goes to a restaurant maybe once a month or once every couple of weeks. if someone goes once a week that is considered eating out a lot. Also, there is almost no socializing done at restaurants besides for socializing with the person you went with - your spouse, kids, other half of your business meeting, whatever, but you are not socializing with other people just sitting in the restaurant at their own tables. In the shul everyone is doing an activity together, and in the restaurant everyone is doing their own thing.
2. The second fight is over the "stimulus" money being talked about. Netanyahu announced the plan to give out money to everyone, and parents would get money up to, and including, the 3rd child under 18. At first it became a fight about only giving to those in need and not to everyone, not to the wealthy, not to those still working, not to those earning over a certain income... now the fight is why stop at 3 children and why not give for all children under 18? Stopping at 3 is discrimination against Haredim who have many more children on average. Do those children not deserve the money for food and things?

I agree with this. The plan is to give the money to every single person, whether they need it or not. Every person should get it, except the fourth child in a family? Every person except the fifth or eighth child? Why does child #4 or #8 deserve it any less than anyone else? If you come up with a great plan (and it is fair to debate whether the plan is actually good or not) to hand out money to everyone, give it to everyone.

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Facebook Status of the Day

this is the first I am hearing about this trend or discussion. I am a bit wowed. for years people have been talking about sending to public school with after school Jewish education because of the high tuition and the crisis it causes so many. on the one hand this is a good idea. The kids will get the education without the high tuition and without having to mix with the non-Jewish kids. It is the perfect opportunity for following through on the "threat" that they never otherwise would have done.

on the other hand, it does seem likely that what he says at the end is correct - many kids will surely not get a Jewish education, at least in a serious way. But then again, are they now? Many of our schools give a great education - but are all the kids getting a great education? So many just don't seem to fit in and the schools can't or don't customize anything for them. This has been discussed for decades, I am not saying a chiddush. Probably the kids that would not get a good Jewish education in such a scenario probably already are not anyways.

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Why I'm Not Giving Up on Two States: A Conversation with Daniel Gordis – AJC Advocacy Anywhere (video)

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Lenny Solomon Live (video)

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Synagogues of Israel Part 40 Tel Aviv A (video)

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Gershon Wachtel Amazing Full Piano Concert 7 19 2020 (video)

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Jul 20, 2020

Quote of the Day

We are a Moroccan family of 150 cousins. I haven't seen a single shekel because of [my relationship with] Miki Zohar..

  -- Yehuda Yifrach, cousin of Miki Zohar and owner of a wedding hall, responding to accusations that MK Zohar (Likud) is against the closing of wedding and event halls becaus eof his cousin who owns one...

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Operation Beneath the Floor Tiles

If you have cash stored in your freezer, or stuffed in your mattress, or, as Israelis say, under your floor tiles, you very well might have gotten that cash by legal means but just don't want it kept int he bank. The assumption by the authorities though is that a high percentage of cash held by people int heir homes, int he cookie jar or under the floor tiles, so to speak, was obtained by more nefarious means. Not necessarily by dealing drugs or whatnot, though possibly also that, but even working without reporting the income and without paying taxes on it.

To that end, the government is going on a project to find that cash and "turn it legal", so to speak - ie collect taxes on it.

Cash is already not king, nor is cash even a prince. Now it is not even a simple citizen but a criminal!

According to Ynet the government is working on a plan to create an amnesty program, of sorts, by which people could "turn in" all their unreported cash. They assume a large amount of cash is held in houses or in bank safes, and much of it comes from money laundering, unreported income to avoid taxes, and possibly criminal activities such as drug dealing and prostitution.

Operation Beneath The Floor Tiles assumes about 10 billion shekels in cash is floating around out there. it also assumes a loss of about 35 billion shekels a year in unpaid taxes from unreported income.

This amnesty program would give people the opportunity to report the cash with no fear of prosecution for criminal activities or for tax evasion. It will also grant the reporter a lower rate on the taxes to be paid for that cash than had he reported it properly - with the expected rate to be set between 10 and 15 percent. And the reporter would not be fined or charged interested,  assuming he pays his taxes immediately.

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Bennett showing misplaced loyalty

MK Yair Lapid (Yesh Atid) tweeted out an interesting tweet, pointless as it might be. he tweeted:

Lapid announced that if Netanyahu would resign, within 48 hours he (Lpid) would form a new government that is truly a national unity government, a national emergency government, not the bloated disconnected government we currently are stuck with. This government would be efficient with 18 ministers and would be focused on its objectives. As soon as Netanyahu resigns, everyone will join and combine forces. Us, Bennett and Lieberman.

Ok, not a bad thought, but pointless as Netanyahu is not resigning. My point is not Lapid's tweet though. 

MK Naftali Bennett's (Yamina) response is what is more interesting to me.

Bennett tweeted in response:

Bennett responded saying - Yair, we can't have both Bennett and the United Arab List. it won't happen. We are in a national crisis. I recommend my friends from Yesh Atid focus on helping defeat Corona and not in supporting anarchy.

I don't know who Bennett is showing loyalty to here. Those days are over. Bennett showed loyalty for a year of elections, plus the time in government prior to elections, to Netanyahu and the right wing bloc. That did him no good as he was cut out from the bloc as soon as Netanyahu did not need him.

Additionally, since the current government has been bumbling along in the fight against Corona, Bennett has been focused and has been running all over talking about how to defeat Corona with a detailed plan. He has been doing this so much he has become an annoying nudnik, but he's still the only one who seems focused and has an actual plan. Bennett has even proposed to present his plan to Netanyahu to adopt, but Netanyahu ignored him. he proposed to take the role for free with no title and no salary, but Netanyahu ignored him.

So I don't know who Bennett thinks he is showing his loyalty to. Not only that, but at this point it looks like Lapid's plan, were it to come true, which it won't, is very likely the only way Bennett can actually be helpful in fighting to defeat Corona, because Netanyahu won't let him have any part of it.

This type of loyalty is more like Stockholm Syndrome and lack of leadership than actual loyalty.

And, Lapid never said anything about the United Arab List.

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Interesting Psak: music during the Nine Days

By now there is not all that much new in this psak, especially after the piskei halacha we have seen during the times of Sefiras HaOmer and those in the days leading up to 17 Tammuz, but each period is slightly different and it must be said explicitly again for each period, with its own nuances.

Chief Rabbi Rav Yitzchak Yosef has paskened that people who are stuck in quarantine during the Nine Days are allowed to listen to music, and if they feel it necessary they can even listen to upbeat music with a quick pace.

According to Srugim, Rav Chaim Kanievsky paskened similarly though it says Rav Kanievsky added that one should preferably only listen to songs of texts from davening or other slow paced emotional songs.

According to Kipa, Rav Yosef's allowance is actually in stages:
1. at the first level, only audio clips are allowed - not videos.
2. listen with earphones so other people who are not in quarantine can't hear.
3. preferably a capella, vocal, songs, then if necessary calm music, and if still necessary for the person, he can listen to even fast paced music
4. the purpose for listening is to keep calm and not for other purposes
5. children can listen to childrens music with no problem
6. yeshiva students in yeshiva i the capsule system who need music in order to help them emotionally can listen

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Corflakes Reform brings end to kashrut certificates required for imported foods

One of the difficulties posed to importers of food, specifically the alternate importers of food items rather than the official importers, was the requirement that they provide proof of kashrut to the Rabbanut to get the food items approved for import and approved as kosher. Often the alternate importers were blocked from getting such kashrut certificates due to agreements with the official importers as being the exclusive bearer of the certificate.

The "Cornflakes Reform" of a few years ago was supposed to open up the imports market in order to bring about cheaper prices on food, but this aspect was held up and presented difficulties to the importers and prevented some of the lowering of prices.  The Rabbanut, led by Chief Rabbi Rav Yitzchak Yosef, has now approved the program to exempt the importers from providing proof of kashrut in order to be allowed to import and to get the kashrut approval of the Chief Rabbinate on the imported items.

How will the Rabbanut know something is kosher if the alternate importers do not have to present kashrut certification?

The Chief Rabbinate will collate information about the products being imported and will somehow determine the kashrut. Often the products are already known and certified as kosher, just the alternate importer is not given access to the certificate of kashrut. The Chief Rabbinate often has already seen the kashrut certificate from the original importer, and determining the kashrut won't be a problem. In other situations they will need to find ways to collect accurate information and make a determination. They plan to regularly consult with relevant kashrut experts around the world to make these determinations. At times the products might be made in multiple factories in different places around the world and at times one factory might be certified while another is not - the Chief Rabbinate will consult with the kashrut experts to determine if the items imported by the alternate importers from the other factories is also kosher, even though there is no supervision.
source: Ynet and Kipa

It sounds like it could lead to a lot of complications and complexities, determining kashrut without any supervision. In Europe this is already done to some level by some kashrut organization. Additionally, most of the relevant products are also made in factories under supervision so the determination will need to be made how similar or different the ingredients used in the other factory are and if those different ingredients are a problem or not. It sounds like it should be possible but can be very complicated. 

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