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May 30, 2024

Gantz Netanyahu, Netanyahu Gantz

A couple of random thoughts:

1. Minister Benny Gantz recently gave Netanyahu an ultimatum saying he would leave the government by June 8th if Netanyahu does not do x, y and z before that.

Today Gantz's party submitted a no confidence motion int he government. No confidence int he government they themselves are members of. And the party members did not resign from the government upon submission of the motion. 


2. For the first time in a year, polls show Netanyahu leading in the category of who is fit for being Prime Minister, in a runoff between Netanyahu and Gantz.

I rarely comment on polls because I believe them to only rarely be meaningful, but this comment isnt really on the results of the poll.

It is a shame that these two options are the only ones (at least base don the poll question these are the only options). Both Netanyahu and Gantz should be resigning from politics for their respective roles in the issues that led to the failures of October 7 (Gantz mostly from the defense perspective and Netanyahu mostly form the political and diplomatic perspective). is there nobody else?

3. for a few years now, Israel has been basically stalled with the two main people being Gantz and Netanyahu and all their issues. 

For the good of Israel they should both step aside and let fresh young faces take over and lead Israel into the future.

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Jerry Seinfeld Moved to Tears Over Israel Trip (video)

his silence and emotion is more powerful than what his words would have conveyed

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Fmr. Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett on CONFRONTING Iran, DEFEATING Hamas | Watchman Newscast (video)

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Lenny Solomon Live (video)

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Mendel Roth: This Nation (video)

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May 29, 2024

UTJ threatening the government

whoa. this was unexpected, at least at this time.

The Haredi parties, especially UTJ, have not really threatened the government with any of the issues they consider red lines, despite saying they would. none of the passed deadlines or the various proposals for the Draft Law have caused the Haredi parties to bolt, despite them having said they would. Chilul shabbos of government officials and their offices have gone largely ignored, despite them being the impetus for crises in the past. They have always used the excuse that the Leftists just want to bring down the government and they wont be a part of it, or they would say this is the best government they can hope for so they wont bring it down to bring in a worse one. 

And now suddenly MK Moshe Gafni goes into Netanyahu's office and threatens that if money for Haredi educational institutions isnt cleared by Friday he will resign. In his wake have followed, so far, MKs Asher and Eichler, and Eichler said the others would follow along as well. 

This looks like a serious threat, though I am confident Netanyahu will solve it before they need to follow through.

The question in my head is why now. Is this really a bigger issue than all those other issues they havent been willing to turn into a crisis? Is it a matter of timing because Benny Gantz might be pulling out soon so they want to stay ahead of the curve or maybe they can take advantage of the instability?

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"My Mission: Lessons from Gaza" | Arky Staiman (video)

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Full interview: Tapper talks to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu after ICC seeks arrest warrant (video)

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Gonenim Neighborhood. A Charming Residential Area in Southwest Jerusalem. (video)

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JOEY NEWCOMB - Tantz With Rashbi (Official Music Video)

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May 28, 2024

Haley's Rocket

Halley's Comet appears once every 75 years or so. Haley's Rocket made an appearance today as Nikki Haley came to Israel and took some time to sign a rocket designated for Hamas

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Dr. Phil Speaks To The Family of Hamas Hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polin | Dr. Phil Primetime (video)

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Bill Maher On 'Woke' Policies and College Campus Protests | The View (video)

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"That’s Hamas Propaganda!" | Piers Morgan Debates US Funding For Israel (video)

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Overview of All Tram Stops. A Walking Tour of Jerusalem's Tramway Route. Red Line. Part 1. (video)

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הוא is She is She & Me by Bracha Jaffe | For Women and Girls Only (video)

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May 27, 2024

Picture of the Day

Yarin Shriki, a survivor of the Nova massacre, won the gold medal today at the Ju Jitsu Grand Prix competition in Paris today. Congratulations! and he uses the opportunity to memorialize the victims of the October 7 massacre and specifically his friend

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Quote of the Day

I accept the anger of the Haredi sector, and they are right. Yesterday's violence of several  soldiers was superfluous, exaggerated and not acceptable. From the day I entered this office as Minister of National Security I committed to back up the policemen and soldiers, and that is what I have done - at every opportunity when our heroes experienced ugly shaming and violence against them. But shoving old men and hitting women - that is not what I meant. I was very angry when I saw that and I immediately took care to suspend those soldiers.

  -- Minister Itamar Ben Gvir

oops. That's not what I meant. I told the I would back them up when they beat up protestors and are overly aggressive against people and crowds, but I didnt mean they should beat up old men and women...

They probably dont even understand why they have been suspended, considering the mixed messages he is sending...

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#153: Behind the Bima - Mark Levin (video)

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Netanyahu advisor Ron Dermer labels ICC claims 'outrageous and libellous' | 7.30 (video)

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Lag Baomer In Israel 2024 - Its Different Here! (Vlog Ep.4) (video)

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Beautiful Israel. A stroll through the city of Bat Yam, then taking the metro to Jaffa. (video)

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Yosef Chaim Shwekey - B'zchut Hatzadik (video)

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May 26, 2024

violence breeds violence

While many Haredim (some are calling them extremists from the various extreme communities) have spent the later part of the day flocking to Meron, despite the closure and the danger of missiles from Hezbollah, the police have been trying to keep them off. Some incidents of violence have been reported. Despite the danger and the breaking of the rules, I don't think violence like this is warranted - a Magav soldier shoving an elderly man who does not seem to be violent or a threat to the ground. The elderly man needed to be taken tot he hospital to have his wounds treated.

People are shocked and wondering how this can happen.

Violence breeds more violence. The police and Magav in Israel were always overly violent to begin with. Now they have a Minister in charge of them who encourages them to be even more violent than they were in many situations, and the violence just breeds more violence. They cant turn it on and off at a whim. 

The violent tendencies of the police need to be rooted out. You cant pick out one incident and judge it. They arent violent in a vacuum.

Yes, the police have a lot to deal with. Protestors, people who think the law doesn't apply to them, terrorism, danger. Today they were forced to be present in one of the most dangerous spots in Israel because some people think the law doesnt apply to them and maybe they were frustrated at the situation and at the people. None of that is a good recipe for calm enforcement, but with violence too often encouraged, the chances for explosive situations increases tenfold.. 

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Herzl in Gaza

Lieutenant Colonel Itamar Eitam, son of Efie Eitam, was injured in Gaza yesterday as he took a bullet from a sniper.

Refuah shleima to Itamar Eitam and I hope he recovers quickly and gets back to killing terrorists.

When I saw the picture publicized of Eitam I immediately said to myself, hey that looks like the famous picture of Theodore Herzl on the hotel balcony in Basel overlooking the Rhine in contemplation. What's he doing in Gaza??!! is this one of those montages where they overlay a picture into a different background?

of course that would be, minus the river and Swiss atmosphere, plus the gun and Gaza atmosphere..

and here we go side by side:

what do you think?

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Halacha Headlines: 5/25/24 – Shiur 468 – Dealing with the In-Laws (audio)

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Benjamin Netanyahu speaks out on possible war crimes in Gaza prosecution (video)

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Lag BaOmer (Dad) jokes (video)

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ARI GOLDWAG - BIT'CHU - Trust in Hashem [Official Video]

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May 23, 2024

Dr. Phil's Exclusive Interview with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu | Dr. Phil Primetime (video)

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“How DARE You Call Me A Racist!” Piers Morgan vs Cornel West vs Cenk Uygur (video)

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The Jews Are Coming - Never again all over again (video)

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May 22, 2024

“An Award To Hamas!” Israel President Herzog CONDEMNS Recognition Of Palestine (video)

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Picture of the Day

bshaa tova!
so why is the picture of a pregnant woman qualified for PotD? Because she isnt pregnant. This woman was arrested today, on Pesach Sheni, trying to smuggle a baby goat onto Har Habayit. She stuck the goat under her dress to make herself look pregnant and smuggle in the goat under the guise of pregnancy. 

A policeman noticed some strange movement and heard some unexpected noises, and checked her further, discovering the goat. The goat died of suffocation, without being slaughtered as a korban pesach.

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“Expect Mega-Deaths” Norman Finkelstein vs Yishai Fleisher (video)

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Fmr Prime Minister Naftali Bennett on CNN:The “Starvation policy” lie (video)

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Dr. Phil & Yair Pinto Examine the Devastation on the Gaza Border After Oct. 7th | TBN Israel (video)

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Lenny Solomon Live (video)

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May 21, 2024

Netanyahu = Sinwar?

I dont get how this works.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has accepted ceasefire proposals, only for them to be rejected by Hamas. Israel has changed its policy to allow humanitarian aid in to Gaza, and has regularly increased the amounts of aid being let in. Israel has warned Palestinians of upcoming attacks, thus waiving the element of surprise and increasing risk to Israeli soldiers. Israel has evacuated hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from the danger zones and has created humanitarian corridors for safe passage. 

Yet somehow PM Netanyahu is equated with arch-terrorist Yehiya Sinwar who took civilians as hostages and had his people specifically target civilians in brutal rapes and murders of the most gruesome kind. Hamas operatives taken prisoner are treated humanely - they are fed and given medical treatment along with a bed to sleep on, the ability to shower and take care of their personal needs, while the Israelis held hostage by Hamas are getting none of that.

And Netanyahu is on equal footing with Sinwar??? How is this possible?

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The Rise Of Antisemitism: A Jew Who Took Action (video)

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Stefanik Delivers Historic Address on Antisemitism and U.S. Support for Israel at Israeli Knesset (video)

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Naftali Bennett: The effect of the Holocaust on Israel (video)

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'A Propaganda Tool For Israel!' Piers Morgan's Eurovision Debate (video)

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May 20, 2024

a nation that will dwell alone

Back in 1994, when Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin signed the peace treaty with Jordan, Rabin said, no longer will we be "a nation that will dwell alone" - לא עוד עם לבדד ישכון.

Today, with The Hague issuing arrest orders for Prime Minister Netanyahu and Dfense Minister Yav Galant, alongside arch-terrorists Mohammed Def and Yehiya Sinwar, while representatives of Western countries are wishing Iran condolences on the death of the Butcher of Tehran Ebrahim Raisi, while the demands on and criticism of Israel's management of the war on Hamas increase including from the United States.. I think we can safely say we are pretty close to a nation that will dwell alone again, if we ever weren't....

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Interesting Psak: bracha on the death of Raisi

Rav Yitzchak Zilbershtein, rav of Ramat Elchonon neighborhood of Bnei Braq, was asked a shaila regarding current events.

The question was asked before the final confirmation that the Iranian president Raisi was dead, but was asked while he was presumed dead but the search was ongoing. The question posed was with the news that one of the greatest enemies who made a lot of trouble for the Jews has seemingly died. When we will find out that he definitely has died should one maker the bracha of Hatov VeHameitiv? On the one hgand it will be joyous news, on the other hand another enemy and hater of the Jews will be appointed in his place so maybe there is no place  to make a bracha?

Rav Zilbershtein paskened that one should buy a new fruit and say a conditional bracha saying that if I can make the shehecheyanu on the news, I am making the bracha on both the fruit and on the news of Raisi's death, but if not then the bracha is only on the watermelon but not on the death of the wicked one.
source: Hamechadesh

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Quote of the Day

The Israeli government needs to appoint two ministers immediately. The Minister of Revenge to bring victory and deterrence and the Minister of Love to unify the nation

  -- Eliyahu Liebman, father of Elyakim, following the news that his son, presumed taken hostage, had actually been murdered by the Hamas terrorists

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#152: Behind the Bima - Rabbi Dovid Fendel (video)

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Watch CNBC's full interview with Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu on Rafah, US relations and more (video)

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HaYehudim Ba'im: The testimonies (video)

took me a moment to understand, but wow

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Jerusalem: Old City ➡ City of David ➡ Golden Gate ➡ Damascus Gate ➡ East Jerusalem ➡ Tram (video)

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May 19, 2024

The President of Iran, Zichrono Lklala

The helicopter of the President of Iran has crashed in the woods and nobody yet knows the fate of the passengers, including the President and other officials. The Iranians have been unable to make contact yet, up to this point in time, and due to bad weather have been unable to send in search teams.

1. Good riddance
2. I hope he survived the crash with horrible injuries and takes a lot of time to die of his injuries and infections waiting for someone to come save him. Maybe the other passengers will even eat him for lack of food. 
3. I would be happy to hear the Mossad was involved in this crash
4. If the Israelis did it, they should either say so outright or at least drop some strong hints so other enemies of Israel will know the long arm of Israel can reach them.
5. If Israel had nothing to do with it, that's also fine. Good job to whoever did it, even if it was purely an accident
6. Hamas reporting on the matter is surely saying there are 500 people on board that were all killed

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Smotritch's bravado

Minister Smotritch called a press conference today to be held up north to discuss the deteriorating situation on the northern border.

Let's not forget that some people who are serving in the current government, even as senior members, regularly forget that fact - that they are senior members of the government - and go to protests against the government, hold press conferences against government policy and make statements criticizing the government they themselves serve in.

So Smotritch said we need to hit Lebanon hard, let them know we are serious, and take control of an area in Southern Lebanon and use it as a security strip to guarantee the security of the people of Israel.

The fact that we are in a war on the northern border but only playing a passive role in it is known to every Israeli and there seems to be a consensus to the fact that this needs to change. Israel cannot continue absorbing the attacks up north while tens of thousands of people remain evacuated from their homes with no end in sight. I wouldnt say war is necessary or war is imminent - we are already in a war, we just arent fighting our side of it yet.

The interesting thing about Smotritch's statement is that he wants to send us back to the 80s and 90s taking a security zone in south Lebanon to keep Israelis safe. I dont know if he thinks he can do things differently now but back then Lebanon, with the security zone, was a very dangerous place for Israelis, with soldiers killed far too frequently, and the northern border never quiet.  Israelis were so fed up of it that the consensus consistently grew that Israel needed to leave Lebanon, until it did (perhaps too hastily). Do we really want to go back to that situation?

Regardless of that though, once must really admire Smotritch's confidence and bravado. Back in the day we fought against 3 countries and defeated them in six days. The War of Independence against 6 countries took 7 months. The Yom Kippur War, which started off pretty lousy, took 3 weeks to beat two countries. And we are in a war now against a terrorist group from a pathetic little piece of land and while we have wreaked destruction on Gaza, none of the stated goals have yet to be accomplished. And Smotritch is itching to go to war (a necessary war that has been forced upon us) in Lebanon at the same time...

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Halacha Headlines: 5/18/24 – Shiur 467 – Un-Lavish Living – why are we embarrassed to live below our means? (audio)

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I studied Judaism for 1 month. Now I love to argue. (video)

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Fmr Prime Minister Bennett responds to President Biden’s statement on arms halt (video)

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Lenny Solomon Live (video)

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May 14, 2024

Guy Hochman: Reserve Duty in Gan Eden... we've grown up (video)

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Life In Israel After Aliyah (Vlog Ep.3) (video)

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live of the traditional torch-lighting ceremony of the State of Israel's 76th Independence Day (video)

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Yonina- Eretz Eretz (video)

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Picture of the Day

members of the security forces, some of whom had to have their faces covered to keep their identities secret, lit one of the torches of the Yom Haatzmaut ceremony

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May 13, 2024

Happy birthday Israel

Happy 76th birthday Israel. 
To misappropriate an expression from Rosh Hashana, 
תכלה שנה וקללותיה, תחל שנה וברכותיה - may The new year bring an end to the outgoing year with its curses, and may it bring in the new year with its blessings. 
May the coming year be much better than the past year.. 

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“Hamas Aren’t Oppressed, They’re Billionaires!” Elica Le Bon Exposes Hypocrisy (video)

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Omer Adam: Shir Lamaalot and Hatikva, Yom Hazikaron (video)

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#151: Behind the Bima - Congressman Ritchie Torres & Shabbos Kestenbaum (video)

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Israel Can't Win | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO) (video)

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State Yom Hazikaron ceremony (video)

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World Mizrachi Yom HaZikaron Ceremony 5784 (video)

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May 12, 2024

Picture of the Day

PM Netanyahu, in advance of Yom Hazikaron, donned tefillin, explainingthat the mother of a fallen soldier from the Tzuk Eitan operation gave him her son's tefillin. These tefillin had been with him the entire time in battle and it was the only item to survive the battle in which Moshiko Dwino fell. The tefillin covers are still coated in ash from the battle. Netanyahu said he promised her that he would lay them in memory of Moshiko and in memory of the other fallen soldiers.

Journalist Amit Segal surmises this is the first time Netanyahu has put on tefillin. Personally I doubt that, but maybe first time as Prime Minister.

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hostage negotiations

I think it is very nice that Hamas accepted a hostage deal that was never offered, but the terms "they accepted" are ridiculous - besides for the number of Hamas prisoners per hostage, the idea of offering some remains or living hostages in exchange for, is disingenuous. Yes, we want the remains of hostages who have passed as well, but they are being proactive and think they hold the power and are able to offer us whatever they want because we are desperate.

Israel needs to be proactive in this. If Hamas thinks hostages, dead or alive, are worth x number of Hamas prisoners, and soldiers worth y, plus humanitarian aid and cessation of hostilities and reconstruction of Gaza, Israel should take that calculation and run with it, even with some adjustments. Translate it into some equivalent calculation and start executing, ie give the death penalty which is on Israeli law, to captured Hamas terrorists. Try them in military court, sentence them (my assumption is that this should be a fairly easy and straightforward trial - there is not much of a defense for what they did), and start publicly executing them according to the calculations of the hostage deal "accepted" by Hamas. If Hamas gets upset, they can trade hostages to save their terrorists from the firing squad.

I would focus, or at least start, with members of the Nukhba force that have been captured, and if necessary move on to others. 

With the assumption/knowledge being that Hamas has been killing, or leaving to die, the Israeli hostages, and likely most are dead by now, they need to pay for that. It would be somewhat revenge but also perhaps, hopefully, a deterrent to get Hamas to keep the rest alive for as long as possible and to stop dilly dallying and to get moving on a realistic deal before too many of theirs are dead.

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Shame on the US government

The report from the Washington Post is shocking and upsetting.

Besides for the fact that Israel is an ally of the USA and at war, there are American citizens being held hostage by Hamas in Gaza.

According to the report, the USA has been holding concrete information regarding Hamas tunnels that Israel is supposedly not aware of, including information as to the whereabouts, in the tunnels, of Hamas leaders, and where hostages are being held. Not only has it been withholding this information but now it is willing to horse-trade with Israel for it.

Maybe had Israel been made aware of this information earlier the Rafah  offensive would never have been necessary in the first place. Maybe this war could have been over months ago. 

How long has the USA had this information and been keeping it to themselves? Does the USA really not care about finishing this war, getting rid of Hamas leadership and getting the hostages back? It seems the US government is more concerned about protecting Hamas than of Israel winning the war or keeping the hostages safe and bringing them home.

How dare you! Shame! Shame! How can keeping Hamas safe be your ultimate priority??!!

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Halacha Headlines: 5/11/24 – Shiur 466 – Neurolinks and Shabbos, Alexa and Shabbos, Electronics and Shabbos (audio)

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May 9, 2024

“How DARE You Call Me A Racist!” Piers Morgan vs Cornel West vs Cenk Uygur (video)

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May 8, 2024

"I'm Frightened Of My Peers" | Debate On Anti-Israel Student Protests (video)

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May 7, 2024

"I Don’t Need Your Pity!" Rahma Zein vs Mosab Hassan Yousef (video)

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Noa Tishby and Columbia Professor Shai Davidai talk about protests on Columbia University's campus (video)

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Reform and anti-zionist Jews (video)

Boker Tov

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May 6, 2024

"Israel's Government Is Filled With Fascists!" Mehdi Hasan CONDEMNS Netanyahu (video)

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Asking Palestine Protestors What From the River to the Sea Means... (video)

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May 5, 2024

Tweet of the Day

The UAE in Hebrew X/Twitter account congratulates Israel for finally getting rid of the trash (al Jazeera), just 7 years after the UAE banned them, but better late than never

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Picture of the Day

the Gvura Forum held protests outside the Knesset against the government demanding to continue fighting in Gaza until full victory is achieved.... several ministers of the government itself joined and participated in the protests (I read somewhere that 10 ministers participated), pictured above are Ministers Betzalel Smotritch and Miki Zohar.

Government ministers protesting against the government that they themselves serve in....

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Life In Israel After Aliyah (Vlog Ep.2) (video)

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Emergency Aliyah Conference (video)

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May 2, 2024

Tweet of the Day

I am not sure if this should be counted as Tweet of the Day or as Troll of the Day. I am going with Tweet of the Day, but really not sure that is the correct decision...

Minister of Internal Security Itamar Ben Gvir tweeted:
Galant, one of the leaders of the Conception and one of the leading people responsible for the failure of October 7, has no mandate to appoint generals and mold the coming leadership of the IDF General Staff. The appointments he has now decided on today in conjunction with the Chief of Staff show us that he is decidedly  showing contempt of the Israeli public.
This has no connection to the identities of the officers who have been appointed - it is very possible some of them are very worthy, but the decision-making capability of Galant to continue as if nothing happened under his responsibility as Defense Minister over the greatest failure in the history of the State.
In light of this, I call upon the Prime Minister to fire Galant from his position - he is not worthy to continue serving as Defense Minister.

1. Ben Gvir has called for the firing of Galant several times already. Maybe he needs to be more impactful if this is something he really wants - he is part of this government and if this is as serious a matter as he claims, he can threaten to bring down the government as he has done for other matters.

2. Ben Gvir has been Minister of Internal Security, in charge of the police. It seems he too was responsible for a large part of the failure of October 7. The police failed to protect the people of Israel along the border. The army failed as did the police. Ben Gvir should be fired, by his own logic, and should be prevented from making appointments.

3. PM Netanyahu was the leading person behind the Conception for many years, and holds ultimate responsibility. if he is not bringing them all to task, including the Prime Minister, how can he just try to bring one of them to task?

4. Should the army proceed to function short-handed? Until everyone responsible leaves their roles (ie after the end of the war), these changes cannot be made, so they have to be made now, like it or not. If the people responsible (ie pretty much the entire government and probably the entire leadership of the security forces) cant be fired or be forced to resign just yet, they still have to be able to continue to function.

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Quote of the Day

it will be discussed, there will be opinions, we will come to understandings. Tzfat and Metula havent been closed, but Meron will be? Ok, we heard. The entire world waits for Meron.

  -- Minister Yitzchak Goldknopf, responding to the news that Meron will be closed and declared a closed military zone for the week leading up to Lag BaOmer and for Lag BaOmer itself, to prevent people form going there against instructions. 
Meron has been hit with rockets from Hezbollah several times (there is an important army base very close to Meron) and a party with a large amount of celebrants on Lag BaOmer could make this an easy target for Hezbollah and will be a potential disaster. Goldknopf obviously doesnt like the idea of Meron being closed on Lag BaOmer. 
What he said caused quite a stir, especially because Metulla is closed down. Goldknopf has since apologized, but specifically apologized for inaccurately bundling Tzfat and Meron together. It seems he still thinks the Meron celebration shouldnt be shut down, despite the war and danger, just he shouldnt have compared it to Metulla...

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this should be our biggest problem

One of the things people get excited about with Pesach approaching, and then on Pesach, is the "KaElah" experience.

In the Torah reading in shul there is a word, KaElah, that is read in the cantillation with a rising sound and it has become popular, especially in recent years for the congregants to call it out in an exaggerated way. I have seen videos of people having a lot of fun with it, even singing it stretched out with musical accompaniment...

Recently I have seen several articles decrying this behavior, calling it inappropriate, a desecration and degradation of the Torah acting in this way during the Torah reading with the Torah laying open on the bima. Here is an exagerrated example or two...

Appropriate or not, it brings such joy to so many people..

All I will say is halevai this should be the most significant problems we have in Am Yisrael...
or in Hebrew, שכאלה יהיו הבעיות של עם ישראל....

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What Life In Israel Looks Like After Aliyah (Vlog Ep.1) (video)

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Fetterman for President!

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A message from Bill Maher to the anti-Israel activists (video)

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Exploration of The Jewish Quarter and Mount Zion. Jerusalem, Old City. (video)

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I Got INVITED to perform for the HOUSTON ASTROS! (video)

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May 1, 2024

Sen. John Fetterman stands with Israel, appreciates GOP support | The Hill Sunday (video)

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Sheryl Sandberg on October 7th attack: 'Rape is never resistance' (video)

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