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Free The Hostages! Bring Them Home!

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Jan 30, 2025

Tweet of the Day

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Aviad - Yesh Li Aba Melech (Music Video Official)

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Jan 29, 2025

Tweet of the Day

shocked? were they unaware all throughout the war of what had happened to Northern Gaza and are only finding out today?

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Quote of the Day

We are essentially safeguarding the old Judaism of the exile. What does that mean? The Jews never fought - we always prayed to God and ran away...

  -- Asher Medina, Spokesman for Shas

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Jan 28, 2025

Haredi support for the hostage deal

Comments made at some economic conference today have raised an interesting discussion.

A couple Haredi politicians made some comments that I think are fair. They encouraged PM Netanyahu to go all the way with the hostage deal, not to stop it before the second stage, but to bring all the hostages him, and that they would support him in doing so.

Minister Goldknopf said something a little more questionable, but mostly along the same lines. Goldknopf said Netanyahu is like Moses leading the Jews out of Egypt - we are fully behind you and with you. Goldknopf said "we do not know what is good and what is not good. Any deal you bring, we will be with you. We must free all the hostages, until the last one. We pray all the hostages should return home safely."

After these comments were made the criticism was fast in coming, and mostly from the National Religious. The Director General of the Hatzionut Hadatit party Yehuda Wald criticized saying this attitude of leaving notes with their votes and leaving the meeting (referring to the government meeting to approve the hostage deal on Friday night two weeks ago) is outrageous and calling for an end to the war knowing it means Hamas will strengthen itself and resupply and reorganize - we are the ones who are going to fight and die after the next massacre, not the Haredim!   

Wald then accused the Haredim of cozying up to the "Left" and requesting a Haredi Draft Law that won't be harsh and significant, in exchange for submission to Hamas which is what the Left believes in.
The Haredim in return have responded saying they have held this position all along that they will support any hostage deal brought by Netanyahu as redeeming captives is the biggest of mitzvahs and it has nothing to do with the Draft Law.

First of all, the Left does not believe in submission to Hamas, even if they believe the war should be conducted differently in some aspects and if they look for a peaceful way to live together (which you can fairly and reasonably dispute is possible).

Second, Wald is talking like only the Dati Leumi are fighting in the war and having soldiers killed. Yes the Dati Leumi are, and in disproportional numbers, but they dont own the battlefield and they dont own the military funerals. They are fighting with and alongside all of Israel, true minus the Arabs and minus most Haredim, but alongside 85% of Israel..

Third, the Haredi politicians (always anonymously) have said over the past half year or so several times an end of the war would be good for them as it would loosen up the pressure on them about the draft issues. Formulating a draft law acceptable to them is difficult with the war ongoing. Is their support for a full hostage deal really motivated by it meaning the war will officially be over and they will subsequently be able to put together a more acceptable law proposal?

Fourth, the Draft Law is not dependent on the Left. We have a right wing government and they are having difficulty with the law regardless of the Left. And if the Left would form a government today, I do not believe they would be so forthcoming with an easy draft law in exchange for support. A few years ago they might have (and the Haredim claim such offers were made back then), but today, after October 7, it would not happen. Also, if the Haredim think it would happen just because it might have been offered a few years ago - they should have taken the deal then.

As an aside, back to my comment above about what Goldknopf said - I too did not like that they did not participate in the meeting and just left their votes on written slips of paper, even if we know because they said in advance they would support any deal brought by Netanyahu. As ministers it is their job and responsibility to hear the details and weigh the issues, not just to rely on someone else outsourcing the decisions - even if we know which way they are planning to vote.. What Goldknopf said today at the conference is more egregious than that. We dont know anything, we dont know what is goo and what is not good, we'll just rely on you. You are a minister and it is your job to be responsible and do due diligence and try to understand as much as possible what you are taking responsibility for. This is not the vaad bayit, the homeowners association, of your condo deciding whether to install a camera int he lobby or whether or not to plant more tulips in the building garden. The attitude of senior ministers who ultimately share responsibility for decisions made but outsource it with no interest in hearing details is preposterous. 

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The Knesset Games

Itamar Ben Gvir and Betzalel Smotritch just pulled some nice shtick. Ben Gvir took his party out of the government coalition (over the hostage deal) but did not really want to give everything up. To remind you, initially Otzma and Hatzionut ran together on a joint list. That meant that when the jobs were given out, some of the MKs came in as a result of the Norwegian Law from alternating parties. They split up after the election but still, MKs from each party served as a result of the other party.

When Ben Gvir pulled his party out, Smotritch decided to punish them by resigning from his ministerial position, thus kicking out MK Kroizer from the Knesset, and then Smotritch would take his position back. Taking back the ministerial position would not put Kroizer back in as MK - the Norwegian Law can only be applied once per MK (per Knesset), and Smotritch would have to resign from the Knesset, which he would not do for Kroizer even if he could.. 

They ended up not playing this game because Ben Gvir wanted to keep his guy in despite not being part of the coalition. He negotiated with Smotritch and they worked out a deal by which Smotritch would not resign, thus leaving Kroizer in. Kroizer would commit to voting with the coalition. On any vote he plans to vote against the coalition he would give 48 hours notice, enabling Smotritch to decide whether or not to resign and kick Kroizer out. And additionally Almog Cohen would be left in place as he was not following Otzma decisions anyway and was voting with the coalition even when Otzma decided not to.


Others can play games too. 

It is being reported that Minister Yitzchak Goldknopf (of UTJ) is considering resigning from his ministerial position, go back to the Knesset, then take back his ministerial position while keeping his Knesset seat. This would kick his "Norwegian MK", Yitzchak Pindrus from Degel Hatorah, out of the Knesset but Goldknopf is more concerned with getting himself more power in his fight over the Draft Law and taking back his Knesset seat will give him back his Knesset vote.

To that end, his aide, Motti Bebchik, has been checking within UTJ what the ramifications of such a move would be. Bebchik reportedly checked in With Uri Maklev to see if Goldknopf resigns and does this shtick if Maklev (from Degel) would retaliate and also resign his [deputy] ministerial position to kick out Moshe Roth (from Agudath Israel) from the Knesset being his Norwegian MK. And if they do this, Meir Porush (from Agudath Israel) might also resign to kick out his Norwegian MK Yaakov Asher (from Degel Hatorah).

And Degel has warned that if Goldknopf resigns and pulls this shtick leading to the removal of two Degel MKs, they may vote against approving him as minister when he tries to take back his ministerial position. 

Friction in UTJ...

It remains to be seen if Goldknopf will make his move. Degel also threatened to not re-approve Smotritch (unless he commits to supporting the Draft Law) but that, so far, ended up not being a factor and it is unlikely they would have carried out their threat. I think the threat against Goldknopf is more real than against Smotritch due to their internal politics and friction. 

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Picture of the Day , peek a jew

this picture showing Secretary of State Pete Hegseth arriving at the Pentagon with a Special Agent providing security while wearing a kipa has gone viral.

I am actually surprised that I have yet to see the security agent being identified online. The Jewish community is small, and the Jewish frum community is even smaller. Someone always knows someone. If we are all separated by six degrees, in the Jewish community it is even closer than that.

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Discipline among the Hashmonaim

The IDF just recently formed the new Hashmonaim brigade for Haredi recruits. The Hashmonaim brigade is supposed to be more Haredi, more configured for trying to help Haredi recruits to stick to their Haredi lifestyle. They have all sorts of rules and requirements for the recruits (eg only kosher phones, outside of base only wearing white and black, davening and learning requirements, etc) to that end..

The first recruits to Hashmonaim (famously including Mendel Roth) just began their service a few short weeks ago. And it didn't take long for the first issues to arise and test their determination.

According to Arutz 7, three Chabad recruits to the Hashmonaim brigade are in trouble and may be transferred out of the brigade to a different one. They have insisted on going every morning to a nearby spring, off the base but near it, to use as a mikva for their regular morning immersion.

It seems one commander had approved these morning jaunts to the spring, while the commander of the brigade objected saying it is too dangerous.

It seems likely that the IDF will dismiss them from Hashmonaim, and move them to a different brigade for the remainder of their service.

1. that is providing good deterrence against future infractions.
2. if a commander approved it, I think they should probably let it slide, even while stopping it moving forward. Meaning, if it was approved, dont punish them for the past but dont allow it to continue from now on.
3. maybe they should build a mikva on the base. The Chabadniks and many other future recruits, especially recruits from the chassidishe communities, are going to want regular access to a mikva as part of their retaining their lifestyle. Seems like a minor thing to provide.
4. If they prefer to use a spring, maybe the base can extend its borders to incorporate the spring as part of the base. I dont know how close it actually is to the base, but maybe this should be considered.
5. I do feel bad for these guys who did not really do anything wrong. They signed up for Hashmonaim due to it meeting their needs. They did not go to Netzach Yehuda or Tomer or Chetz or any of the other Haredi programs. And again, they did not really do anything wrong. Potential recruits might hesitate signing up for this knowing that for the slightest things they will be moved into "less Haredi" units. That is a good policy to keep the Hashmonaim brigade as Haredi as they intended but in this case they are being moved for reasons nothing to do with breaches of the Haredi rules. Perhaps a different punishment is warranted such as shabbos on base or clean the bathrooms for a week or whatever.

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Lindsey Graham on Israel and Gaza (video)

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JERUSALEM TODAY! From the City Center to the Kidron Valley. Best Walking Route! (video)

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Never Alone | Mendy Worch | TYH Nation (video)

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Jan 27, 2025

#170: Behind the Bima - Rabbi Yaakov Klein (video)

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Super Seder with Lipa Schmeltzer (video)

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JAFFA TODAY! A Walk in the Rain Through the Wet Streets of the Old City! (video)

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Aviad: Ima Toda (Music Video Official)

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Jan 26, 2025

a pointless law?

Haredi journalist Ishay Cohen interviewed former Minister (and former jailed minister) [rav] Shlomo Benizri from Shas about the Haredi Draft Law.

Benizri said whether the law is good or not good is irrelevant. If the Haredi gedolim do not come out explicitly saying young Haredi men [not learning full time in yeshivot] need to conscript into the army, they general Haredi community won't go, and nothing else about the law will make a difference.

To be sure, Benizri is not threatening and is not promising and is not warning and is not making bombastic statements. he is stating the reality as he sees it. And I happen to agree with him. Sure, some young Haredim will allow themselves to be drafted, just like we have some individuals today going to the army from the Haredi community. As a general rule, the Haredi community will continue to avoid the draft if the gedolim dont say explicitly to go join the IDF. And he seems to think that the gedolim will not make such a statement.

Which basically makes this entire exercise of trying to find a draft law acceptable to the Haredim and to the IDF and to the public all at the same time into what is basically an exercise in futility. It is well known that the tactic used by the Haredi politicians all along throughout the years was to delay. No law was ever good enough and no law caused haredim to draft and no law was really acceptable, but they were just good enough to cause the can to be kicked further down the road. But for how long can they continue to kick the can down the road, all the while increasing the public anger over the situation and sometimes directed at them... what's the point of this law they are insisting on but seemingly have n intention to act upon? Or maybe Benizri is wrong and once the law passes the Haredim, at least the ones not actually learning full time, will conscript into the army? Maybe the gedolim will call upon more young Haredi men to draft... it just seems pointless and provocative for nothing

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an opening to emigration

Everyone is all excited about a statement USA President Trump made yesterday about Gaza.

Trump spoke out about Gaza being a demolition site and he was talking about the potential rebuilding of Gaza. Trump said that Jordan and Egypt should take in more Gazan refugees so we can clear them out and rebuild. 

As you can surely understand without me pointing it out, lots of people are excited about this. Smotritch and Ben Gvir have both commented about this and how it fits their plan of encouraging emigration out of Gaza, along with others. PM Netanyahu has not, as far as I know, said anything about this yet, but he has thanked Trump for sending the shipments of weapons that had been held up.

(to note, both Egypt and Jordan have refused in the past to take in Gazan refugees. Egypt now has said explicitly they will not agree to this. I dont know if Jordan has said anything about it but they have refused the suggestion in the past. I would expect them to refuse it again, unless they cant refuse Trump,. or maybe this is only their opening offer)

To me it seems obvious that Trump is referring to Egypt and Jordan taking in refugees from Gaza temporarily until Gaza can be rebuilt but he did not say explicitly that it would be temporary and he did muse that maybe it should be rebuilt differently or somewhere else where they can live in peace, so nobody really know what his plan is at this point. 

Even if Trump does only mean for other countries to take them in as a temporary solution while Gaza is rebuilt, once they are gone perhaps Israel can find ways to thwart and delay their return, leaving them in limbo in Egypt and Jordan or elsewhere. Or maybe once they are gone Trump can be persuaded to make it more than temporary. I am not sure it is something to get overly excited about at this point but maybe it will become that.

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the strange situation of Ben Gvir

This situation with Otzma Yehudit is strange and probably unprecedented.

Otzma Yehudit recently left the coalition government due to serious disagreement with the hostage deal approved and signed by the coalition. Otzma Yehudit consider it dangerous and did not find a compromise the way Hatzionut Hadatit did to stay in government.

Despite considering the deal made by the government dangerous, so much so that they left the coalition over it, they still have committed to doing what they can to avoid bringing down the government and to support it as much as possible. They are probably even supporting it more now than when they were in the government and repeatedly voted against the government position on various items, even nearly bringing down the government over the budget vote.

And now working out a deal for Almog Cohen to vote with the Coalition, and working on a deal with Kroizer so he doent get kicked out of the Knesset (Korizer is in the Knesset due to the Norwegian law and Smotritch might pull a fast one to resign, go back to Knesset kicking Kroizer out and then getting sworn in again as Minister) has them leaving the coalition but finding creative ways to commit to supporting it despite disagreeing severely with Coalition moves.

I get what he is doing, trying not to bring down a right wing government while not wanting to be a part of their decisions, and trying to not upset the coalition too much so when they want to rejoin they will not have burned too many bridges, but it is still strange. They disagree so badly with the decisions of the government that they dont want to be part of it but support it from the outside. Very strange situation.

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back to Gaza

According to news reports, one of the Hamas terrorist set to be released as part of yesterday's exchange refused to be part of the swap.

Actually two refused but one was persuaded to go home and was released from prison and sent back to Gaza. The other absolutely refused to leave Israeli prison to go back to Gaza.

That's how bad it is in Gaza, that's how bad the society there is. That's how good it is for them in the Israeli prisons, even after Ben Gvir, former Minister of National Security, made the prison conditions for terrorists worse than they had been.

Maybe as punishment Israel should tell him too bad, he has no choice, he's got to go. If he does not want to go back to Gaza, maybe that is where he should be.

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Tweet of the Day

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Halacha Headlines: 1/25/25 – Shiur 499 – The Hostage Ransom – Negotiation or Capitulation? (audio)

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Bardak: the dream shidduch (video)

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IM ESHKACHECH - (Reuven Garber) (video)

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Jan 23, 2025

Veten Banu - Harel Tal (video)

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Jan 22, 2025

wanted, dead or alive

About 8 months ago the IDF reported on taking out a Hamas terrorist who was the commander of the Beit Hanoun Brigades, an important hit.

This guy just appeared again in recent footage from Hamas in Gaza. Since the ceasefire went into effect and a lot of the rats crawled out of their tunnels, and this rat is one of them!

He was never killed.. maybe the IDF thought they got him and he was alive and healed underground or maybe a mistaken identity...whatever it was, the IDF reported him dead and Hama is showing him alive.

I guess he qualified as both in the wanted dead or alive signs...

I wonder how many other big hits the IDF made over the past 15 months will be found to be false. Is Sinwar dead? Nasrallah? Maybe in 6 months all those terrorists killed will star making appearances again...

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Interesting Psak: Hostages on Shabbos

With the hostage deal having the hostages mostly returned to Israel on Saturdays, Kikar is reporting on an interesting psak by Rav Yitzchak Zilbershtein, rav of Ramat Elchanan neighborhood of Bnei Braq.

The mother of a hostage reached out with a particularly difficult and painful question, She asked what to do when her daughter, a hostage held by Hamas, will be released on Shabbos. She wants to know how to receive her daughter, can she go on Shabbos to the meeting point where the hostages meet their mothers before going on to the hospital for checkups and care.

Rav Zilbershtein told her not to go on Shabbos but to send a picture with a note saying I will see you in a few hours.

She pressed back saying I might not be able to hold back and I might feel I have to go. What should I do then?

Rav Zilbershtein said he told her that if God is so good to do an unnatural miracle to allow your daughter to survive more than a year in captivity, you should say thank you to Hakadosh Baruch Hu. While she said she would stay strong and not go, Rav Zilbershtein says he couldnt not prohibit her from going to greet her daughter but told her that it would be a tremendous blessing to not go on Shabbos. He also suggested on the Shabbos her daughter would be released she go nearby to the release point and stay there for Shabbos.

Rav Zilbershtein suggested in general people should take something obligating a shehecheyanu bracha and make the shecheyanu including keeping in mind the release of the hostages. He said he is going to make a shehecheyanu on a new tallis and have the hostages being released included.

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strange terrorism

This stabbing terrorist from Tel Aviv yesterday is a weird situation. Starting with he had a Green Card from the USA but originated in Morocco. Then, this guy living in the USA travels across the world to a country where he seems to know nobody just for a few days so he can stab people he did not know for a conflict he is not involved in. He was coming with nowhere to stay and just for a few days so it raised the suspicions of Border Control who denied him entry, but the Shabak overruled it and allowed him in, for unknown reasons. And it seems they did not find ties between him and terrorist organizations.

A video is now circulating of how the terrorist, minutes before his attack on innocent bystanders, stopped for a slice of pizza, and was well mannered enough to clean up after himself and return the tray to the counter. The pizza must have had a really great reputation to entice him to stop there to eat right before his attack. So he eats his pizza, goes outside and stabs a few people? Did the pizza not live up to its reputation and he was enraged? Was it served with pineapple or tuna on top?

Strange terrorist.

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United Terror

I hope Elise Stefanik, nominee for the position of US Ambassador to the United Nations, sees this...

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Natasha Hausdorff discusses the Middle East with Julia Hartley-Brewer on Talk TV (video)

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Levy Falkowitz Hershy Rottenberg - Boneh Chayei (video)

When people go to a simcha today, it’s usually about the superficial. What kind of food they will have? Who designed the decor? What kind of band will there be? The true accomplishment and cause of visiting a friend or family member making a simcha is to “vinch”. It’s that simple. Just to wish them a hartzige Mazel Tov. In this new single “בני חיי ומזוני” from powerhouse vocalist, Levy Falkowitz, renowned for his vocal prowess, Levy reminds us of this important life lesson from a very unique angle. This fun new Yiddish single was composed by the talented Hershy Rotenberg. Not only does the composer Hershy join Levy in the song, but the two are also backed up by the talented voices of Israel’s Malchus choir. The voices of the duo really complement each other and take the song to the next level. This song was recorded and arranged with a “live band” feel by Achiya Kohen.

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Jan 21, 2025

Students ask an Orthodox Rabbi ANYTHING at UCLA (video)

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Benediction from Rabbi Dr. Ari Berman at Trump's Inauguration (video)

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Trump welcomes Israeli hostage families, former hostage Noa Argamani on stage (video)

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TAI - ANI MAAMIN | Video By Yona Broder (video)

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Jan 20, 2025

tell us the plan

Ever since Minister Betzalel Somotritch was persuaded a few days ago by PM Netanyahu to not leave the government over the hostage deal, he has repeatedly said that if Israel does not get back to the war and destroy Hamas he will bring down the government - not leave it, but bring it down. 

I am fine with Smotritch's position. He really believes that is what is necessary and believes Netanyahu's promises to act in that regard. Even if I dont think it is realistic (and maybe I'll be proven wrong eventually), that is not something I will criticize him for. Smotritch has position he believes is correct, and he has a plan for how it should/will happen and work.

My question is for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Netanyahu doesn't tell the Israeli people anything. We have no idea what his plans are, how hew thinks it should work or how it will work, how he plans to maneuver between Trump's push to not have a war, continue the deal and see it through to the end, and his own desire to keep his government intact and placate Smotritch who wants to go back to war. Obviously he can hope Hamas violates the agreements and gives him an excuse, and maybe that is something simple to bet on, but what if they call his bluff and dont so as not to upset Trump or because they want/need more time to rebuild and get their prisoned people back? Netanyahu does not tell us how he will destroy Hamas, who will take over Gaza and or how anything is going to happen and what would be acceptable to him or Israel. if in 15 months of war Hamas has been able to stay in power and recruit enough new members to make up for those lost in the war, how will we destroy them now?

The demand to go back to war might be right, but not if it means going back to the same type of war we have had until now with no plan for destroying Hamas and no plan for removing them from power. All Netanyahu says over and over again is we will accomplish our war goals. Nice but how?

Smotritch says what he wants and how Israel should take land, how Israel should control Gaza, how Israel should repopulate Gaza. Netanyahu just says no to that but does not say what he wants to do.. so does Smotritch think he can push Netanyahu to act on what he is demanding? Netanyahu thinks as long as he goes back to the war Smotritch will be happy and think we are working towards those goals, but, as far as we know, Netanyahu does not have the same goals as Smotritch, so what would Netanyahu's goals be in going back to war - just send our kids to endless reserve duty so he can continue to keep his government alive? and when will Smotritch realize that Netanyahu is running a war that is going nowhere just to stay in power on the backs of the dead soldiers?

If Netanyahu has a plan and a goal for continuing the war, he should tell the Israeli people.

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Tweet of the Day

Let's hope this is true...

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#169: Behind the Bima - Rabbi David Aaron (video)

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Vurka - Avrum Mordche Schwartz (video)

This video was inspired by a story told about the holy Rabbinic Leader of vorka. (Lived from 1779-1848.) When a brokenhearted father comes to him for a blessing, the Rabbi leaves us with an unforgettable message about the power of compassion and love for his fellow brother Just a few years ago, the world was hit with unimaginable fear, darkness, and pain. Covid-19 hit us deeply. It was during the initial stages of the pandemic that Legendary composer Anshie Friedman composed this moving song. The message is strong and soothing. It's hard to see pain and be unable to help. But the most powerful tool is your heart. When you see someone hurting give him a shoulder to cry on.

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Acheinu - Srulik Lefkovitz (video)

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Red Cross begone!

The news is reporting that the Red Cross is causing delays in the processing of the Hamas prisoners set to be released. According to the report, the Red cross is looking to make Israel miss the scheduled time and look bad as not keeping the deal properly.

Honestly I would have preferred Israel refuse to allow the Red cross to be involved. Maybe Magen David Adom could have been used for this. And if not on the Gaza side, at least on the Israel side.

The Red Cross refused to play fairly and never even tried to visit or help the Israelis held hostage in Gaza by Hamas. Israel should not be allowing them to now come in and be glorious respectable organization working on the freeing of the prisoners/hostages.

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Jan 19, 2025

welcome home

For now I am going to refrain from expressing my thoughts and impressions on the images seen a short while ago in the hostage release.

Today is a day for celebration and embracing the hostages.

Welcome home!

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Halacha Headlines: 1/18/25 – Shiur 498 – Should each community have a “Rebbetzin” to teach, advise and inspire the women? (audio)

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Beautiful Israel: Eilat – the City of Dreams on the Shores of the Red Sea (video)

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🎵 Akiva-Kmo She'at 🎵 (video)

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Jan 18, 2025

Parents of Israeli-American hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polin react to ceasefire (video)

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PM Netanmyahu statement about the hostage deal (video)

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Jan 16, 2025

faith in the government

PM Netanyahu is in a tough situation. He is caught between a rock and a hard place. Damned if you do, damned if you dont. 

On the one hand this is a deal that by now he cannot back out of. This would be bad for him in his relations with Trump and it would create immense pressure from the people after raising hopes. On the other hand, he is worried about losing his government if he goes ahead with it, as he has so far failed to convince Ministers Smotritch and Ben Gvir to support the deal or at least stay in the government.

Netanyahu should be proactive, take the initiative and call for new elections on his terms, not Ben Gvirs or Smotritch's terms.

Elections might or might not solve anything moving forward, but they are necessary. too many people lost complete faith in the government because of October 7, and now many have because of this deal. They need to go back to the people. Netanyahu can run on his war accomplishments, on bringing the hostages home or on whatever platform he prefers, and Smotritch can run on standing strong against Bibi and his insistence on not ending the war, or whatever else he thinks will get him support. Let the people have their say. Give the people the chance and opportunity to choose and have a government they can have faith in again.

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Picture of the Day

right-wing activist Yair Ansbacher went up on Har Habayit today and form that side unfurled a couple of signs to hang form the top of the Kotel. They are hard to make out form the picture but one is a sign with the names of the 12 tribes of Israel and the other is a sign that says מי לה' אלי - who is for Hashem, join with me! Ansbacher was detained.

We all knew that one day the Kotel would be littered with plaques of who sponsored which rock.. these signs are the first step towards that...

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Evyatar Banai: Sichot Shalom (video)

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Jan 15, 2025

The deal has been signed

Thank you Mr Netanyahu, Mr Trump, Mr Biden and everyone involved for coming to a deal to bring the hostages home and end the war (for now). Hopefully the deal will be implemented and not fall apart before it begins or before the stages are complete.

The return of the hostages was long overdue. The war was not really going anywhere at this point with just more and more soldiers being killed or injured as they were sitting ducks in Gaza with a low intensity situation going on. We had tremendous accomplishments in the war. If the war was only going to continue at low intensity with no intention to conquer Hamas entirely and replace them, or to conquer and hold land or anything significant like that, better it should end and our soldiers, and hostages, should come home.

Israel can enforce this deal, Israel can prevent Hamas from rearming, Israel can be more aggressive against Hamas violations, against Hamas attacks, unlike in the past when Israel allowed Hamas to attack without any real response, when Israel allowed Hamas to build, when Israel saw Hamas as a necessary force in Gaza, when Israel let the money flow into Gaza despite knowing it was going to build terrorist infrastructure. Israel can and has to ensure that won't happen again. Even if the deal is not great (eg too many terrorists being released), it is not a deal of surrender and it is not a deal of defeat for Israel. 

Did we accomplish everything? I don't know - other than some meaningless words of "total victory" nothing was ever really defined as to what that would look like. Even if we did not accomplish everything people might have wanted, we accomplished an awful lot.

Bring them home now!

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Motty Weiss - Aneinu - Live (video)

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Razel Family - Ana Avda (video)

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Gam Ki Elech - Daniel Wais & Ofir Sobol (video)

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Yaakov Kabilo - Oriyita (video)

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Jan 14, 2025

Quote of the Day

Otzma Yehudit leaving the coalition on its own has no significance, we won't stop the deal if we leave on our own. Smotritch said the deal is horrible, he should stand behind his words. The only possibility for stopping the deal is with the threat of dismantling the government together with Smotritch.

  -- MK Limor Sun Har Melech (Otzma Yehudit)

She's right, but...

but even with Smotritch they wont prevent the deal from happening - the Opposition has given a security blanket to the government for this deal to happen. Unless Bibi backs down out of fear for his coalition post-deal, the deal is going through. Netanyahu warned Ben Gvir that he is working on paying Smotritch off to not leave with a nice incentive package of benefits. Netanyahu cant really back down at this point - it means going against Trump and this time everyone will see at this stage that Netanyahu is playing politics on the backs of the hostages - something everyone already knows from the past year+ but now it being more obvious and will surely lead to massive protests and pressure on Netanyahu, and that is without even mentioning Netanyahu is afraid to oppose Trump who wants this deal to happen - there, I mentioned it. But, if they truly believe the deal is as dangerous as they are saying they should resign even if it wont prevent the deal from going through, at least so they wont be part of it (and no, voting against does not absolve them of responsibility - they are part of all government decisions as long as they are members of the government) As I said, Netanyahu should push this deal through and call elections on his terms.

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Shlomo Stauber – Yidelech | - (Official Music Video)

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Noam Banai: Good Eyes (video)

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Noam Buskila - Et Achai (Official Music Video)

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Superstars- Shiras Hayam Girls Choir for women and girls only (video)

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Jan 13, 2025

Headline of the Day

Gaza residents feast on beached dolphin

  -- Ynet News

1. and they say Israel is starving them... we are sending in gourmet delicacies for them to eat!

2. is this what they do to Zionist agents (aka spies) that they catch?

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Hostages with elections

We have been led on multiple times about impending hostage deals, only for them to not happen. All we can do now is hope that the one they are talking about now goes through and our brothers and sisters come home.

I think, if it goes through and is brought to vote and it actually happens, I think PM Netanyahu would be wise and smart to use it as a springboard for calling new elections. It would be the smartest time, from his perspective (in my opinion, obviously, maybe not his), for elections to happen - on the back of a hostage deal, especially, or maybe only, if it includes all the hostages. He needs new elections and Israel needs it. This government needs to win back the support and trust of the people. If Netanyahu would win an election now, all claims against him (except the corruption ones with his trials) go away - the people will have chosen him despite Oct 7 and the wars and hostages. And if someone else wins, then that is who the people put their faith in for leadership.

Right now the Opposition, which has been weak and ineffective since Day 1, is the weakest it has ever been. Strike while the iron is hot. He can call elections and I am sure as weak as they are now, they will also run horrible campaigns.

Now would also be a good time against his own right wing challengers as well. Ben Gvir is weaker now than he has been since the formation of the government. Smotritch was never a threat. Bennett is not ready. Lieberman isnt popular enough, even if he grows his party as polls say he would. Elections around a hostage deal is the best scenario for Netanyahu, and it is something the country needs.

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#168: Behind the Bima - Rabbi Elchonon Zohn (video)

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Roni Koben with Yishai Ribo (video)

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Always // Eybik - Filmed in Cafayate, Argentina (Official Music Video) - DAVID LESHES

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Jan 12, 2025

Halacha Headlines: 1/11/25 – Shiur 497 – "Gentle Parenting” is in, discipline is out - Should parents discipline their children, or is that only for prior generations? (audio)

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Non-Jew Tries the Best Jewish Foods for the First Time (video)

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Jerusalem in The Hustle of A Weekday! a Look at A City Full of Life and Energy! (video)

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Sruli with Meni Twerski: Flam (video)

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Jan 9, 2025

IDF Life vs. Family Life: How They Balance Both | Avigal & Arky Staiman | Stories of Hope (video)

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Bet Shemesh celebrates 74 (video)

Happy Birthday!

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Avi Lerner - shir ktan (video)

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Hashem Needs Every Yid ft. Shmueli Ungar | An Oorah Original (video)

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Jan 8, 2025

Tweet of the Day

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BakoL MiKoL kol (ft. Belmondawg) (video)

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RokedLi - Itzik Dadya - (Prod. By Eliyahu Perets) (video)

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ElaytZur - Tatte Tetaher (prod.by Naor Carmi & SHINER) (video)

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Jan 7, 2025

Picture of the Day

this billboard went up today in Tel Aviv... nice. Where it should really go up is all over Gaza so the Hamasniks and Gazans (if there's a difference) see it

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Quote of the Day

I dont want to hear about negotiations after my inauguration - if they dont release the hostages by the time I enter office, the gates of hell will be opened on all of Gaza. They have heard it several times already and I wont repeat it again.

  -- President Elect Donald J Trump

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from Hollywood to Bet Shemesh (video)

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Mendel Roth on Channel 13 about the Haredi brigade (video)

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Israelis Speak Out on the Ceasefire/Hostage Deal (video)

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The Devorah Song (Official Music Video) Kol Isha

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Jan 6, 2025

Quote of the Day

I am Israel's best friend; moving the embassy to Jerusalem; all the good things; the Abrahamic Accords; every amazing event that has happened in Israel recently was thanks to me. I must point out that I am also for peace; this is the time.

  -- President Elect Donald J Trump

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stemming the tide

Day of conscription, Moshe Weiner, in the first group of Haredim being drafted to the new Chashmonaim brigade, was accompanied by his friends from the Chabad yeshiva to the Induction Center (aka Bakum). All the friends were immediately thrown out of yeshiva.

Weiner said he decided to draft because he was wasting most of his time and only learning a little bit. good on him for taking it into his own hands, but these are the boys the yeshivas should be sending to the army. Do they think kicking out his friends is going to convince young men to not support their friends who choose to go to the army? Do they think they are stemming the tide? The boys did nothing wrong in supporting their friend. 

And, just to josh around a bit, I guess now there are 8 more young men available to join the new brigade!

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