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Free The Hostages! Bring Them Home!

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Oct 8, 2024

Let My People Go!

There's a crazy situation going on at the border of Romania with Uman pilgrims stuck in transit. The airport there seems to eb a small one with few flights, and we already know there are almost no flights to Israel nowadays. Thousands of Breslav pilgrims, including young children, from Uman are stranded there fighting over any available seat out.

The pilgrims, already stuck for a few days in transit, have started contacting various MKs and Ministers pleading for assistance, asking for Israeli intervention at the borders with the Romanian authorities... Some have said they are trying to help (though in practice, maybe they are, maybe they arent), while others have been less than helpful saying you were told in advance not to go, there is a war, flights have been canceled by almost all the airlines, there is no way for me to help.

I don't really feel bad for them. This is what they felt they need to do with their dedication to the Uman cause, isnt it? It is all a test to see if they are really dedicated to going to Uman? They need to overcome all challenges and tests and do it anyway - so this is that. There are literally almost no flights to Israel nowadays, besides for all the other travel difficulties, yet they went anyway knowing that.

That being said, if people are in a position of power and are in a position to help, they definitely should. The Breslavers dont need to be punished for their stupidity and left to rot in Romania just because they didnt listen to the travel advisories and pay attention to the war situation. If government officials can work things out with the Romanian authorities and help get them out, they should. It might even require an emergency airlift. I kind of feel saving them is not fair to many other people. People have been stranded all over the world due to canceled flights and Israel did not do anything to help them, leaving them to scramble on their own and pay lots of money to find ways home, but these people who went against all warnings and knowing the current situation should be rescued?

Despite all that, if Israeli officials are in a position to help work things out, they should.

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  1. why don't they turn to rav nachman for help?

    1. I once heard that Breslovers give Rebbe Nachman an aliyah on Shabbos, complete with answering Amen to his berachos. To which the Gerrer Rebbe reportedly said, "I'd like to see them give him Hagbah."

  2. Why should Israel waste time, effort, money and goodwill on ppl who ignored reality?

    1. Because even fools need help to be saved from their foolishness.


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