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Feb 2, 2010

Bet Shemesh is getting greener

Bet Shemesh is starting a campaign encouraging recycling. Kol HaKavod.

I was never a big environmentalist, or all that interested, though I do recognize the importance of it.

The Bet Shemesh iryah passed out fliers in all the mailboxes (I assume around the city but maybe just my area) announcing the new program. All paper materials, food cartons, old notebooks, etc. should be separated from the general trash and placed instead into one of the 300 new recycling bins that are being distributed around the city.

The flier also had on the other side words of encouragement from Mayor Moshe Abutbol and from Councilman Mordechai Dirnfeld (responsible for Environmental Issues) encouraging everyone to participate and cooperate, explaining the importance of caring for the environment.

hmmmmm - They sent printed fliers telling people to recycle. Most of these fliers will definitely end up in the trash and will not be recycled (it takes people a lot of time to change their habits)....

As well, I don't know where the bins are going to be placed and how far from peoples houses. I am pretty sure that most people will not be willing to shlep all their paper and carton trash around the neighborhood to dispose of it. I know I won't. If a bin is next to my house I would do it, but I would not go out of my way...

Great campaign though, good of them to try, and I wish them best of luck and success. I hope they put the bins in good spots. As they say, the three most important factors in anything is location, location, location.


  1. A while back (last September) someone posted to the RBS email list asking for suggestions of locations to place the new bins. I gave one suggestion but so far I haven't seen any bins there. BTW, I threw away the "going green" paper without reading it. Oops, and thanks for posting what it was about.

  2. I'm glad to hear there are more on the way. You must have noticed some around the neighbhourhood already. They're those green barrels lying on their sides. It's clear people are using them because they fill up. In fact, I think they're getting used more than they expected because I don't think they're emptied as often as they need to be.

    This is one environmental thing I''m a believer in because it's clear this stuff has to go SOMEPLACE and "someplace" is at a premium in this small country of ours. So if we can reduce the amount we need to throw away and reduce precious land that must be allocated for it, I"m all for it.

    I hope they plan to distribute more of those bottle recycling things too.

  3. actually this is not those big green things half buried in the ground. This is something new. According to the picture on the flier it is a blue trash bin and/or a large metal green receptacle.

    I think those barrels are for bottles, but I might be wrong

  4. I would like to commend two local organziations for their dedication to the enviornment:

    Sviva Yisrael and Lema'an Achai.

    Sviva Yisrael was created to educate and spread awareness of the importance of protecting our enviornment.

    Lema'an Achai, a local tzedaka and chesed organization, has always been clean and green limiting the amount of paper that they send around and where they place posters. I have also hesrd that they are recycling paper in their office.

    Kol hakavod to both Sviva Yisrael and Lema'an Achai.


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