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Feb 1, 2010

Interesting Posts #135

1. Our BS discusses tzedaka collecters who disturb during davening, and some of his reactions..

2. How to be Israeli discussing pronunciation of a Hebrew word that many get wrong...

3. Not Brisker Yeshivish has notes on the Rav with some interesting anecdotes... Brisker (not) also comments on some of Jonathan Rosenblum's recent articles about Haredim leaving kollel and going to work...

4. The Israel Situation has Haveil Havalim #254, the Tu B'Shvat edition

5. Rabbi Folger discusses similar situations from hundreds of years ago to the recent "Tefillin Scare" debate of whether or not to daven and don tefillin in public

6. Kollel Guy comments on Moshe Saba not letting his son learn full time in kollel for a few years, but made him work half day, despite their great wealth and ability to allow it..

7. Chaviva is getting married, bought a wedding gown on the Internet (!) and has a bunch of questions about wedding customs...


  1. The blog is called "Our BS, eh? " as in RBS-A

  2. But thanks for the honourable mention!

  3. the "our bs" I understood as rbs. I didnt catch the "eh" as A. I just thought that was playing to the Toronto crowd. Now I get it. cute.


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