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Jul 12, 2012

Gender-Discrimination Back In The News In Favor Of Women

While the courts already decided that gender-segregation is illegal in the public domain, both having decided thusly in the situation of "mehadrin" bus lines and in regards to banning advertising bearing images of women, in actuality it was still allowed to continue by those interested by turning a blind eye.

Regarding bus lines, a 13 year old girl from Bet Shemesh just won a lawsuit against Superbus for a claim of having been sent to the back of the bus. She is being awarded a settlement of 13,000 NIS, and the specific driver involved in the incident might have to pay part of the fine out of his own pocket.

If Superbus though they could turn a blind eye until now, letting the "mehadrin" arrangement continue in an unofficial arrangement, now it is going to hit them in the pocket. Superbus might not be able to continue letting it happen even unofficially.

In a second situation that happened on the same day, the State responded to a lawsuit in the Supreme Court. A group of people in Jerusalem tried to advertise on buses. The advertisements they submitted bore images of women. After their ads were rejected, they sued for discrimination against women.

In a surprise move, they ended up getting the support of the State. Representatives from the Ministry of Transportation came forward saying they support the claimants, and that it is illegal to reject advertisements just because they bear the images of women (or other forms of discrimination). They also said that they will enforce the law and there is no need for the lawsuit.

Egged responded by passing the blame onto the advertising company that manages the bus ads.

The claimants expect that with the support of the Ministry of Transportation, the discrimination will finally come to an end. Being that the Ministry put out such a strong response, they are expected to continue with enforcement. Good luck with that.

While letting sexy and malnourished models appear on advertising in skimpy clothing is important (that was meant to be humorous. I know it is important, and plenty of ads dont use those kinds of models but can use modest and appropriate models as well), the real fight against discrimination should be in gaining equality in the workplace - equal opportunities for advancement, equal salary levels, along with equality in many other realms of the public sphere in which women are still treated as far from equals - in all sectors of society.

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  1. "malnutritious models"
    Did you mean malnourished?

    1. No. Rafi G probably meant that the girls are unappetising.

  2. There does need to be some regulations in advertising in public places.

  3. Didn't the Knesset already pass a law banning malnourished models?

  4. malnourished. thanks. I knew I was using the wrong word when I wrote it, but the right one just wouldnt come to me

  5. Didn't the Supreme court previously conclude that the bus companies can turn a blind eye and let riders set up and encourage mehadrin within a line "so long as it doesn't harm anyone"?

  6. sort of. technically as soon as someone tells someone else (I figure asking once politely is ok) to move to the back they are harassing the other) and the driver has to intervene..
    but in this instance the driver was involved and had told them to move to the back.


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