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Aug 6, 2012

Interesting Posts #401

Interesting Posts #401

1. One leading blog has already fallen victim to the new daf yomi cycle.. hatzlacha!

2. the daf yoineh?

3. the religious zionists have their version of a tuition crisis as well...

4. how is this traffic different from all others?

5. A Magnificent Evening: the 12th siyum hashas

6. top 5 phrases to start an online fight

7. What Abe Lincoln Would have seen

8. siyum hashas sanctifies stadium

9. Beware of collectors

10. In light of the Magen PSA post the other day, here is a good example of why that is important: Snatch attempt near Ramat Eshkol the other day

11. Agudah relied on blogs to market siyum

12. Beware of the overhaul: a response to Rabbi Dov Lipman

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  1. Thanks for the link. Much appreciated. Though IMHuO I think that the next post is a lot MORE interesting.


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