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Jul 11, 2013

[Municipal] elections every year

I was very impressed this morning to see that the City has begun the project of repainting the crosswalks and the street paint (the various lines in the middle of the roads). While I saw plenty of crosswalks that are still almost invisible, I did see some in part of the neighborhood that were just freshly painted. That means the project is underway. Hopefully it will continue and all the crosswalks and lines will be repainted, and increase the level of road and pedestrian safety.

After two years of the City saying ti did not have the money to repaint the faded crosswalks, they finally found enough money for the project.

In that light, I hereby propose that Israel should pass some more electoral reform. Maybe add it to the list of electoral reforms that were passed in their initial reading last week. I propose that from now on there should be Municipal elections every year. It seems only in the months leading up to municipal elections does anything actually get done, and therefore, for the sake of the people, we should hold elections once a year.

In addition, reports have come in from many people that the local branch of the Misrad HaPnim (Ministry of Interior), where local people are able to go and get identity cards, birth certificates, passports, etc. without having to spend a day in Jerusalem, has been temporarily shut down. According to a sign on the door, the reason for the closure is that the municipal facility in which it resides has been deemed unsafe and City Hall has yet to fix it up and bring it up to safety standards.

Maybe with elections coming they will get that fixed as well. Or maybe they should move the Misrad Hapnim office to the new Municipal offices in the Neimi Mall, as the mayor has been so proud of how much space they will have in the new location, compared to how little they had in the dilapidated old City Hall building.

For national elections the only reason necessary to hold them every year is to have a national vacation day...

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