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Jan 14, 2019

Omer Adam turns down Eurovision gig

Omer Adam is an Israeli singer. Adam is not religious, though he is traditional and famously does not work on Shabbos.

Omer Adam was approached by the organizers of the upcoming Eurovision concert (being hosted in Israel) and was presented with the opportunity to perform at the Eurovision event.

Omer Adam thanked them for the honor and for the offer, but politely declined. The Eurovision event takes place on Saturday night with rehearsals on Saturday. Adam was not willing to participate considering he would be obligated to do his rehearsals with them on Shabbos.

I don't really get why a song contest needs to bring in another singer to perform, but I wish Omer Adam all the blessings in the world for choosing, on his own volition, to not sacrifice Shabbos for this tremendous opportunity, and making a public kiddush hashem in the process. It would have been so easy for Omer Adam to say yes and grab this once in a lifetime opportunity, especially considering he isn't religious anyway. Or, perhaps we need to redefine what it means to say someone is or is not religious. Is there anything more religious and faithful to Judaism than holding Shabbos dear the way Omer Adam is?

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1 comment:

  1. In Isarael? After all the time you've lived here, you don't know that the chu'l definitions of 'NOT RELIGIOUS" just don't work here? I bought my apartment from a couple with as many kids as I had, who kept a kosher home (and were careful to show me which counters and sinks were which), were shomer Shabbat, and were careful to give us the halachic status of the fruit trees out in the garden. But were insistantly "NOT RELGIOUS" and loud about their need to move away from an apartment and neighborhood they loved to get away from the "relgious people "moving in. Have met plenty of "not relgious" Israeli's whose level of emunah and observance I hope someday to approach even if I wouldn't dress like them. What can I say? We sin differently. Anyhow, Omar can sing "I'm Not Your Goy" at his concerts(yes,m I know that's not his musical style but I coun't resist).


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