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Oct 13, 2015

will the end of work mean the end of terror?

if there is anything that might put an end to the recent wave of terror attacks, it might just be this...

Globes is reporting that the organization of kablanim is requesting an urgent decision by the Ministry of Interior to bring in 20,000 laborers from China to replace the Palestinian laborers.

I am a bit disappointed by the basis of the request. The concern of the kablanim is not that some of their laborers are going to possibly turn, on any given and unexpected day, and attack someone with a knife or a hammer from the construction site. They might even attack a work manager or the kablan himself. Maybe a pedestrian nearby.

that is not what worries them.

The kablanim are simply worried about the possibility of a closure on areas from the West Bank that would prevent all the laborers from getting to their jobs, causing delays in construction. To make up for the loss of workers due to a closure, they want the Chinese to come to fill the void so the kablanim can continue to build even in the case of a closure.

Disappointing, but practical.

Regardless of the kablanim, perhaps the thought of 20,000 Palestinians losing their jobs is enough to cause them to think twice if they really want to go down this path of terror or not.

And if it is possible to replace the entire Palestinian workforce in Israel with foreign workers from other countries like China, maybe it is time to do so. Why should we be beholden to their whims of when to engage in terror and when not? While maybe it was a good idea for us to find a way to give them some sort of economic benefits such as employment, maybe now they have shown that we should not be so concerned about that and the risks involved are too great.

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  1. Can we really not find a way to put unemployed Israelis to work?

  2. 20,000 is not enough. what about the farm hands, those in the markets, those working for bezeq (like the one who rammed people in Geula), those working for the gihon, hashmal, et al. we really should not be hiring any of them after this murdering spree. i would be a lot happier not to see them on our streets and in our businesses. from now on none of them can be trusted. the govt is "mulling" closing east Jlem? "Mulling"? what kind of nonsense is that. Shut them out!

  3. Agree with #1; also, there should not be even one of them in the work place anywhere in Israel. It is insane to employ your enemy - only in Israel. Let unemployed Jews be employed in their place and let them remember how Israel was built up - by Jewish pioneers! These business people are more money hungry than they have Jewish hearts - let them teshuvah!

  4. There must be many sephardic unemployed, or Falashas. Or maybe there is some haredim who want to support. Israeli unemployed for just inspire them. Or perhaps employ the Eritrean Tel Aviv.

  5. My understanding is that Arab workers are cheaper to employ. Perhaps instead of requesting (temporary) immigrants, the Kablannim should be requesting exemptions from some of the financial responsibilities inherent in employing Israeli citizens (Bituach Leumi, pension, etc.). Then it would become practical to hire Israeli (Jewish) workers.

  6. Well it's nice to see the kablanim being responsible - when are the iriyas going to stop hiring arabs who roam our streets freely? -garbage men, street sweepers, gardeners etc. All these jobs are menial but could be done by non-Arabs


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