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Aug 5, 2024

Quote of the Day

I would like to ask the Israeli government, is what we are seeing in recent days the new standard? Is it acceptable to you that for five days, an entire country has been sitting and waiting to be bombed?

-- Head of Opposition MK Yair Lapid (Yesh Atid)

like him or not, he's not wrong about this weird situation we are in

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  1. I'm no expert, I'm not even a knowledgeable amateur. But what alternative would he suggest?

  2. Les,.. . Exactly! He just says anything negative he can.

  3. Rafi, he is an agitator - nothing more , nothing less. if there would be no war, he would blame the government for the weather.
    im surprised you're taken with anything he says
    who will you quote next? olmert? barak?


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