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Free The Hostages! Bring Them Home!

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Aug 11, 2024

The Deal

The news is reporting the Egyptians and Qatari mediators have told Israel that Yahya Sinwar is ready and willing to make a deal. Sinwar, supposedly, wants to end this war.

I dont know that we can believe anything anybody says about what Sinwar wants, considering he is supposedly not in [regular] communication with anybody......but let's say these reports are right, and hopefully they are.

Here is my suggestion for what would be an acceptable deal with the devil.

if Sinwar is asking for a ceasefire deal, let's make it a fair one. Stop the war, return the hostages. That's it. if Sinwar needs to save face and has to "get" something beyond the end of the war, give 1 Palestinian prisoner per Israeli hostage. Even 2 per hostage is ok is ok. Dead hostages only get dead prisoners in exchange, and I would prefer we deduct it off the count of dead terrorists already returned, but I understand this might not be possible and should not be a deal stopper.

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