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Nov 2, 2016

changes to the porn law and to the long weekend

Sudden changes have been made in two law proposals that were expected to advance:

1. The Law proposal of Shuli Moallem Refaeli that would require ISPs to filter "adult content" by default and only open it to those explicitly requesting it. Refaeli has changed her proposal under pressure to not require the filtering by default and having people request it be opened, but the ISPs will have to offer the option of filtering more explicitly.

Opponents were worried about the limitation to people's freedoms, and who would decide what is considered hurtful content that should be included in the filtering, among other things.

that was a quick recapitulation.

source: Srugim

2. The long weekend law that would [start out] giving Israelis a long weekend once every two months. We are going to have to wait longer for it to happen, if it ever will.

The law was scheduled to go into effect on January 1, 2017, but that has been pushed further back, until next summer.

The results of the committees that have been looking into the issue to prepare the legalese for the final proposal have decided that the damage to industry will be greater than previously expected, to the tune of 9 billion shekels, by implementing a long weekend once every two months.

The presidents of the various industry organizations claim to be in favor of the law but insist on first figuring out a way to ensure that they won't lose all that money and that the lost work-hours will somehow be returned somewhere else. Another issue is the coordination with the school schedules of vacations for the kids.

Figuring out a solution and preparing the law for it cannot be done in time for January 1, so the expectations are being pushed off to the summer for implementation.
source: Yediot

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