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Jan 13, 2020

Court gives further extension to City of Bet Shemesh for "tzniyus" sign removal

Actualic is reporting that the courts have given the City of Bet Shemesh another extension, this one for an additional 9 months, of the deadline for removal of the illegal "tzniyus" signs hanging in parts of RBS B.

The previous deadline had been 50 days from what happened to be the last elections of Bet Shemesh. After Dr Bloch won the elections and became mayor, she reasonably requested an extension to learn the matter and try to work her magic. Back in the day of the previous administration, the mayor had been warned by the courts that his inaction would earn him hefty fines along with possibly even jail time.

Now the City appealed the end of the deadline with a request for another extension, claiming that work is being done to resolve the matter and remove the signs peacefully and with full cooperation and dialogue among all parties. The appeal pointed to a number of details required by the court that have already been implemented (probably installation of security cameras, among other points). The court granted the extension, and the new deadline is set at September 30, 2020.

MK Moshe Abutbol (Shas), also the former mayor under whose watch this issue began, blessed the court decision for the extension thereby recognizing the complexity of the city of Bet Shemesh, Abutbol laments the fact that the courts did not show such consideration in his days, even threatening to put him in jail. Abutbol suggests that such unfair and unequal decisions are causing the people to lose faith in the justice system.

I don't know what Abutbol is complaining about. he too was granted extensions when he requested them, but Abutbol made no serious effort to resolve the matter - he did not even install the security cameras he had promised to install in the area. Bloch did it with nary a peep from the locals in that hotbed neighborhood of extremism.

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