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Sep 17, 2020

"your country"

JTA is reporting that US President Donald Trump, once again, in a phone call with prominent Jewish leaders in the USA told them that "we love your country", referring to Israel. 

Trump was cajoling them to vote for him and to encourage others to do so. He is bewildered by the automatic 75% Jewish vote for the Democrats and he went into a diatribe of why they should support him and why the Democrats are bad, with a large part of it being about Israel.

We love your country. Trump is, once again, telling American Jews that their country is Israel, not the USA.

This attitude upsets many Jews in the USA. Many American Jews see the United States of America as their country. The USA is a country of immigrants. nobody is a guest there. It is everyone's home. They get upset being told, or reminded, that they really are just guests there and that their real country is Israel.

Sometimes it is good to be reminded of what we prefer to forget. Nobody is chasing them out. Just reminding them that they are guests; guests with full citizenship and equal rights and unprecedented power and influence, but still guests.

And that is coming from someone who has shown himself to be a real friend and ally of the Jewish community and of Israel.

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  1. Reminds me of the Chazal that HKBH forced Bilaam to say the blessings, like putting a bit in a donkey's mouth.

    פַּלְגֵי־מַ֣יִם לֶב־מֶ֖לֶךְ בְּיַד ה’ עַֽל־כָּל־אֲשֶׁ֖ר יַחְפֹּ֣ץ יַטֶּֽנּוּ

  2. from the rabbinical council of bergen county (res ipsa loquitor)
    From the RCBC: Just as our exile from Israel was intended as punishment , but has become comfortable and even preferable to many, the same may be said about our exile from shul and yeshiva. (me- just stop at the reisha and think about it)

  3. He's not saying they should move there (although maybe he should), but that it's the Jewush country.

  4. Of course I'm a guest here in the U.S. That's why I fear for the country when the President violates clear requirements that are in the Constitution which has guided and stabilized the U.S. for more than 200 years. And if he succeeds in moving the country slowly into Fascism, as he has been trying to do for the past 4 years, Israel will assuredly be one of the long-term losers.


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