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Feb 1, 2022

Whoopi Goldberg proves she isnt Jewish

Whoopi Goldberg has confused some people over the years just with her Jewish-sounding name. That's ok, as it was her and her mother's intent, allegedly, when she changed her name to try to get a foot into Hollywood because the name Johnson didnt sound Jewish enough.

While the name Goldberg might have helped her get her foot in the door and get her interviews, by now most people know she is not Jewish - though she feels in her heart she is, somehow. For the few remaining people who might still think she is Jewish just because of her name what Whoopi Goldberg, just watch and listen to what Whoopi Goldberg said on The View and that should finalize for you that she is not. 

The Holocaust was just about how people treat each other? And even if she think it was not against Jews specifically, the Nazis were anti-Black as well (think Jesse Owens) and killed the Gypsies, and treated many others as sub-human. It was not about race, just about how people teat each other? Yes, they treated Jews and many other poorly. That is the understatement of the year. According to Whoopi Goldberg is there no racism anywhere, and it is really just people treating each other poorly?

In this understatement of the year Whoopi Goldberg proves to the remaining few that she is Jewish in name alone.

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  1. Everyone knows that she's not Jewish. She took that name for her 'stage' name; I think her mother suggested it to her. She and 'all' the women on that show are the stupidest women on earth. They have lost most of their viewers because they are so radically left that the show is really a comedy, rather than a talk show. They have not one normal perspective on anything! All truths are being exposed about the societies of the world and all their movers and shakers. PHONY is probably a good description.

  2. As to the other panelist claiming it was about "white supremacy"...well, let's just point out that the Nazis weren't so hot on a lot of white people either. After all, they went to war with a whole bunch of white (non-Jewish) people, and killed millions of them. On the other hand, they were allies of the Japanese. Imagine that.

  3. This says it all


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