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Mar 4, 2024

No Vacation for this holiday

Oh, sorry the war is inconvenient for you right now because of your holiday. Maybe we should press pause for a month so you can show the proper honor to your Ramadan holiday.

Sorry, or maybe not. 

The Palestinian government of Hamas didnt respect our holiday and attacked us on it. I do not really see any reason to press pause just because they have a holiday now. If they want us to press pause they can send back our brothers and sisters that are being held hostage in their tunnels and then maybe we'll give them a holiday vacation from the war.  

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  1. Garnel IronheartMarch 04, 2024 7:02 PM

    The Muslims will stab you and then complain you got blood on their clothes and demand you pay for the laundry bill.

  2. The Arabs launched the Yom Kippur War during Ramadan. They even *call it* "the Ramadan War." They launch wars and terror against others (and against themselves) during Ramadan all the time. They just don't like being attacked back.


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