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Sep 30, 2024

byachad nenatzeiach

Whatever was behind Saar's decision to join the government, ok. I might agree or disagree (I think if he was going to join and prop up the government he should have at least gotten some decent office in exchange, but that's between him and Netanyahu. Maybe it is enough for him that he is tying his wagon to what he thinks is a winning horse and that will save him from the polls that show him disappearing into the sea of irrelevancy), but that's the decision he made.

Unfortunately, and this is from both directions, they all feel the need to burn bridges. 

The people he has sat with against Netanyahu for the past 3 or so years have been attacking him for joining with Netanyahu now as if he is the devil, though until now he is fine and was even praised for opposing Bibi. And same from the other direction - Saar is throwing nasty shots at the people he just sat with for 3 years against Bibi while until now they were fine enough to work with now he is throwing pot shots.

This is the kind of behavior that needs to end. Even if it wont necessarily prevent anyone from working together int he future - Saar just joined with Netanyahu despite both having said nasty things about each other over the past few years, so in Israeli politics a burned bridge can still often be rebuilt, we still need better public discourse.

byachad nenatzeach - together we will win - is not just together with the people you [currently] agree with and like but it is, or should be, together with everyone, even the ones you disagree with.

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1 comment:

  1. Not only can no one admit they were wrong, they can't even say "circumstances changed."


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