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Sep 10, 2024

solving the drones in the North

My friend tried to bring in his drone, not a new drone, back from the USA (even though he took it with him to the USA from Israel) was stopped by Customs at the airport and the drone was confiscated. This was not a taxes/duties issue but they confiscated due to communications regulations, even though the exact same drone is approved and sold in Israel already.

Perhaps the government and the IDF should appoint the Customs Authorities to deal with the situation up North. Hezbollah seems to be able to send in drones regularly and the IDF cant seem to stop them. Maybe we'll have better luck wit the people at the Customs Authorities doing that work...

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1 comment:

  1. Imagine him saying that to the guy at the airport. Nu, you're so efficient? Why don't you go up north and stop Hezbollah importing all those drones?
    There's a comedy sketch here somewhere - Hezbollah tried to invade but can't get past Israeli customs.


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