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Sep 2, 2024

Yonina- Mincha Chadasha (video)

I have actually posted this once before but now have learned more about Zechariah Haber z"l so I felt like posting it again

Right when Yoni returned from reserves, we received an email from Talia Haber, saying: "My husband was a soldier who was killed in Gaza. We used to listen to your music together...". She asked us if we could compose a song he wrote. When we went to meet Talia we learned more about Zechariah and how special and broad-minded he was. She said that Zachariah taught a lot of Torah lessons, and even pulled out an encyclopedia that he wrote about all the Shas and then she surprised us with paintings and art that he loved as a hobby. She told us that he was also a great Zionist who immigrated to Israel and he connected his genius with Zionism and his love of the land - by writing a doctorate that dealt with growing wheat in the desert. Above all, he was a family man and a devoted father to their three young children. We were overwhelmed by this special man. Then Talia brought to the table a framed page with the lyrics of the song he had written in honor of Shavuot. She said that Zachariah felt that the holidays didn't have enough Zmirot (songs) and sometimes only children's songs. We sat down to study the poem he wrote, which skips between verses from the Torah, midrashim (teachings of our sages) and more. We felt through the poem Zechariah's connection to the land and wheat, the enormous sacrifice he made for the sake of our people, and his request that we continue and be renewed with the times. We imagined families sitting around the holiday table and singing it, and in that atmosphere we composed the song. Zechariah's family wishes that this song will reach as many homes as possible and that we will all sing it together this year on Shavuot.

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  1. Zechariah grew up in our community in Modi'in. For many years his father was the Gabbai of the early minyan, and he celebrated his Bar Mitzva in our shul before his family made Aliya from Modi'in to Jerusalem.

    Zechariah was a beautiful soul, may his memory be blessed and may his family be comforted among the many mourners of Zion and Jerusalem


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