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Nov 11, 2007
Haveil Havalim #140
Welcome to the 140th edition of Haveil Havalim. I am calling this the potpourri edition because it is a mixture of a lot of different categories of posts. I decided not to separate them into categories as there is a lot of overlap. It is pretty much potluck.
There are some really great posts in this edition. When preparing this edition, I looked for posts that were not submitted. I have found a lot of new blogs in the process.
Most of these bloggers just do not know about HH yet so I took the liberty of submitting their posts myself. I asked some of them permission and some I did not. If I did not ask you permission and you did not want your post publicized, I apologize. If you let me know, I will remove it. The new blogs and the other blogs whose posts I pulled without them being submitted are all just mixed in, so you have to look through it and find the posts that look interesting to you. Don't just expect to see the usual lineup of bloggers.
This HH, in the process, has become much bigger than I originally planned or anticipated. I can't imagine anyone will have the time to read all or even most of the posts within. Peruse it. Pick out what looks interesting to you. And meet some new bloggers.
Now it is time to tip our hat to our to Soccer Dad. Soccer Dad is a heavy duty old time blogger. He is the founder of Haveil Havalim and it is due to his management and dedication to HH that we have this weekly roundup. So here is a shout out to you SD!!
And now on to the posts!
Dodgeblogium recommends a DVD saying Farewell Israel discussing the real intentions of Islam.
Barbara talks about the Islamofascists...
Friar Yid describes who his 3 Jewish role models would be...
DafNotes discusses did Yerushalmi women need more or less perfume....
Batya, a teacher, gives us her explanation and point of view of the teacher's strike in Israel which has kept high schools closed for nearly a month now...
Barry Rubin talks about the media and the resulting comedy club..
stillinshidduchim is not playing by the rules but also has no solution for her shidduch crisis
Hesh from Frum Satire put up a video rant... It is pretty funny so go check it out... and for some laughs check out his other posts as well...I can see you nodding in agreement already with a lot of what he writes...
flatbushgal wonders if she should be going to study in Israel and if people are honest about why they go...
DixieYid tells a great story about R' Chaim Shmuelevitz for shabbos....
Snapped Shot compares an Arab protest and a right-wing protest on basically the same issue and shows how the media is not fair and balanced...
Backspin shows how the Arab countries exploited their Jewish citizens and talks about the possibility of the Right of Return
the Rabbi Without a Cause has a cause right now and that would be that every shul should have a doctor....
The History News Network talks finances for the Palestinians and how they need change...
Ben Chorin talks about some supreme court issues, including the affect of the recent shmitta ruling...
The Wolf wants to know where we are going as a society...
Lubab No More listened to a tape from R' Orlofsky and found some things he said interesting. Being that I know R' Orlofsky personally and went to yeshiva with him (he was and is older than me though) I know R' Orlofsky as a straight talking, pulls no punches kind of guy...that is probably why Lubab found him interesting...
Miriam talks about some of her heroes...in honor of a belated Positive Blogging Week.
Mazel tov to Da Jew and Da Wife on their recent anniversary...
Joe Settler salutes the residents and government of Gaza... and I am giving Joe a second link here because of what he writes about the recent situation during a Beitar Yerushalayim soccer (football) match when some of the fans booed and chanted during the minute of silence for Rabin...
ProfK compares sorting socks to shidduchim...
Webgirl went through her mom's jewelery box (with her mom) and got some surprising pieces....
Rafi G (that would be me) wrote an amazing story about the daughters of Lot that Reb Moshe Feinstein had been involved in.
The Lion of Zion talks about the truth of the level of Israeli deterrence....
Gabriel Ironheart gives us his take on some of the various incidents of Haredi violence, including those in Bet Shemesh and the counter-protest by the Dati Leumi community...
Orthomom comments on a Jewish woman who was fired for taking off of work on Rosh Hashana - the company gave a reasonable excuse, but, she asks, would they have forced a Christian to come in on Christmas?
The Rubicon talks about Jewish Geneaology (not the game but actual geneaology) among Holocaust survivors and an Israeli radio program that helps people find lost relatives... I have heard this program on the radio occassionally and found it very interesting to hear some of these stories...
The Fiery Spirited Zionist shows how the IAEA has been protecting Iran...
Schvach Yid talks about kristallnacht, whose anniversary was November 9..
Seraphic Press reviews the new album, Rock of Sages, of Moshe Skier, a.k.a. PsychoToddler...
Treppenwitz gives in and discusses Yitzchak Rabin and Yigal Amir and has some things to say that will probably get him arrested because on this topic nobody really wants to discuss the truths, they just want the legend and myth.
HubsCubs has now met Bibi Netanyahu, always a memorable experience, for the third time. For some reason he thinks he deserves an ice cream for it...
Jameel gives us a frightening story describing some of what really happened during the riots in Pekiin last week and wonders why the media has covered it up..
Rabbi Wolpoe points us to the rules of psak....
Shmitta Rediscovered comments on the suggestion of a possible solution for the shmitta controversy..
Esser Agaroth talks about minor mishaps being part of daily life, even in the realm of security
The Big Felafel gives some funny examples of the language known as Hebrish..
Hirschel Tzig reviews a new book that he found interesting because it shows the human side of many of the gedolim... and it is published by ArtScroll!!
CosmicX goes over some more issues of the annual RabinFest..
Bad for Shidduchim describes some of the various shidduch euphemisms and explains what they really mean...
Baruch Who? discusses what Reuters could possibly mean when using the word "gesture" to caption an image...
A Simple Jew shows us what Esav must really have looked like!
Neil, the Modern Uberdox, has issues with going into a new supermarket and ends up talking about his options with Design Thinking..
Batya responds to Elliot Jager of the Jerusalem Post about his method of publishing op-eds..
Rebecca from Jewess comments on a shul's womens balcony...
Chayyei Sarah sent a letter to the NY Times about buying homes in Jerusalem
tnspr569 had a birthday this week and catches up with us after a short blogging break
Jewish Blogmeister lets us know about a new kosher restaurant opening up in town..
Sabra made some chicken soup for the onset of winter...
A lot of other bloggers discussed this topic as well, but Serandez brought the great article by Rabbi Horowitz on violence, specifically Haredi violence and how it should not be tolerated.
Mystical Paths has a wonderful story to describe davening...
The Israeli Satire Lab suggests a new police force to make sure Israelis continue to ignore reality in pursuit of peace...
Snoopy the Goon honors Eliezer Ben Yehuda on his recent yahrtzeit... yeah, that one - the guy who revived the Hebrew language...
A Mother in Israel wrote up a description of the various publications that get placed in her family's shul every shabbos and mentions some of the big issues of the day that they discuss... Also, congrats to MOI for her being a finalist in the international Weblog awards. She came out with a very respectable showing... Congrats to all the other jblogs who participated as well, including David von treppenwitz, Dry Bones, Random Thoughts, Israel Matzav and any others I might have missed...
Am Echad writes about how much the ongoing teachers strike has cost Israel so far... the numbers are staggering...
WestBankMama is feeling rebellious and displays it by ignoring the law that says you have to turn on your headlights... hope she stays safe..
It's Almost Supernatural thinks South Africa poses a great danger to Israel.. in the UN..
JammieWearingFool tells us about a concert that was supposed to happen at the site of a former Nazi death camp...
SoccerDad wants to know if the Arabs really want what Israel is,seemingly, ready to give them at Annapolis...
Here is Meryl Yourish's Bat Mitzvah speech... 3 to 5 thousand readers a day? wow!
The New Republic offers a humorous story of Menachem Begin and how he talked down the Pres of the Southern Baptist Convention...
Corner Point always wanted to break out of her box, until she learned the lesson one day that everybody has their box and need to grow within it...
Mottel made some dessert.. and chewed over some interesting facts
Daniel Saunders gives some background and commentary on the book of Yoel
Yisrael Medad writes about the left wing author who refused to shake Olmert's hand at a ceremony... and compares it to when a rightwinger refused...
Yisrael in his Arutz Sheva blog discusses the booing of Rabin at the soccer/football match this past week...
Carl in Jerusalem points out how the moderate Palestinian government in the West Bank (yes, the ones that were thrown out of Gaza during the takeover by the extremist Hamas terrorists) just transferred a lot of money to pay the salaries of Hamas officials.. Kind of makes you wonder if they really are not working together as they say.. and I am giving Carl an extra link because he has an important piece on the upcoming Annapolis conference in which he compares Condi Rice to Tom Brady - the quarterback of the New England Patriots..
Moshe in the Sin of the Expulsion Blog talks about Binyamin Ben Eliezer's recent statements declaring the Disengagement to be a complete mistake.
Come Running has a free ticket but does not know where to go...
Jack laments a bagel place that closed down...
Yid With Lid suggests that if Hitler were alive today he would likely sue Bin Laden for plagiarism....
Dixie Yid learned a lesson from an inconsiderate meshulach..
Likelihood of Success discusses British anti-semitism..
Elder of Ziyon points out that Hamas is just an inconvenient bump in the road and should not disturb the Annapolis conference....
The Shadchun has a funny joke about an 80 year old wife getting arrested for shoplifting...
And that's a wrap... I hope you all have a good week....
There are some really great posts in this edition. When preparing this edition, I looked for posts that were not submitted. I have found a lot of new blogs in the process.
Most of these bloggers just do not know about HH yet so I took the liberty of submitting their posts myself. I asked some of them permission and some I did not. If I did not ask you permission and you did not want your post publicized, I apologize. If you let me know, I will remove it. The new blogs and the other blogs whose posts I pulled without them being submitted are all just mixed in, so you have to look through it and find the posts that look interesting to you. Don't just expect to see the usual lineup of bloggers.
This HH, in the process, has become much bigger than I originally planned or anticipated. I can't imagine anyone will have the time to read all or even most of the posts within. Peruse it. Pick out what looks interesting to you. And meet some new bloggers.
Now it is time to tip our hat to our to Soccer Dad. Soccer Dad is a heavy duty old time blogger. He is the founder of Haveil Havalim and it is due to his management and dedication to HH that we have this weekly roundup. So here is a shout out to you SD!!
And now on to the posts!
Dodgeblogium recommends a DVD saying Farewell Israel discussing the real intentions of Islam.
Barbara talks about the Islamofascists...
Friar Yid describes who his 3 Jewish role models would be...
DafNotes discusses did Yerushalmi women need more or less perfume....
Batya, a teacher, gives us her explanation and point of view of the teacher's strike in Israel which has kept high schools closed for nearly a month now...
Barry Rubin talks about the media and the resulting comedy club..
stillinshidduchim is not playing by the rules but also has no solution for her shidduch crisis
Hesh from Frum Satire put up a video rant... It is pretty funny so go check it out... and for some laughs check out his other posts as well...I can see you nodding in agreement already with a lot of what he writes...
flatbushgal wonders if she should be going to study in Israel and if people are honest about why they go...
DixieYid tells a great story about R' Chaim Shmuelevitz for shabbos....
Snapped Shot compares an Arab protest and a right-wing protest on basically the same issue and shows how the media is not fair and balanced...
Backspin shows how the Arab countries exploited their Jewish citizens and talks about the possibility of the Right of Return
the Rabbi Without a Cause has a cause right now and that would be that every shul should have a doctor....
The History News Network talks finances for the Palestinians and how they need change...
Ben Chorin talks about some supreme court issues, including the affect of the recent shmitta ruling...
The Wolf wants to know where we are going as a society...
Lubab No More listened to a tape from R' Orlofsky and found some things he said interesting. Being that I know R' Orlofsky personally and went to yeshiva with him (he was and is older than me though) I know R' Orlofsky as a straight talking, pulls no punches kind of guy...that is probably why Lubab found him interesting...
Miriam talks about some of her heroes...in honor of a belated Positive Blogging Week.
Mazel tov to Da Jew and Da Wife on their recent anniversary...
Joe Settler salutes the residents and government of Gaza... and I am giving Joe a second link here because of what he writes about the recent situation during a Beitar Yerushalayim soccer (football) match when some of the fans booed and chanted during the minute of silence for Rabin...
ProfK compares sorting socks to shidduchim...
Webgirl went through her mom's jewelery box (with her mom) and got some surprising pieces....
Rafi G (that would be me) wrote an amazing story about the daughters of Lot that Reb Moshe Feinstein had been involved in.
The Lion of Zion talks about the truth of the level of Israeli deterrence....
Gabriel Ironheart gives us his take on some of the various incidents of Haredi violence, including those in Bet Shemesh and the counter-protest by the Dati Leumi community...
Orthomom comments on a Jewish woman who was fired for taking off of work on Rosh Hashana - the company gave a reasonable excuse, but, she asks, would they have forced a Christian to come in on Christmas?
The Rubicon talks about Jewish Geneaology (not the game but actual geneaology) among Holocaust survivors and an Israeli radio program that helps people find lost relatives... I have heard this program on the radio occassionally and found it very interesting to hear some of these stories...
The Fiery Spirited Zionist shows how the IAEA has been protecting Iran...
Schvach Yid talks about kristallnacht, whose anniversary was November 9..
Seraphic Press reviews the new album, Rock of Sages, of Moshe Skier, a.k.a. PsychoToddler...
Treppenwitz gives in and discusses Yitzchak Rabin and Yigal Amir and has some things to say that will probably get him arrested because on this topic nobody really wants to discuss the truths, they just want the legend and myth.
HubsCubs has now met Bibi Netanyahu, always a memorable experience, for the third time. For some reason he thinks he deserves an ice cream for it...
Jameel gives us a frightening story describing some of what really happened during the riots in Pekiin last week and wonders why the media has covered it up..
Rabbi Wolpoe points us to the rules of psak....
Shmitta Rediscovered comments on the suggestion of a possible solution for the shmitta controversy..
Esser Agaroth talks about minor mishaps being part of daily life, even in the realm of security
The Big Felafel gives some funny examples of the language known as Hebrish..
Hirschel Tzig reviews a new book that he found interesting because it shows the human side of many of the gedolim... and it is published by ArtScroll!!
CosmicX goes over some more issues of the annual RabinFest..
Bad for Shidduchim describes some of the various shidduch euphemisms and explains what they really mean...
Baruch Who? discusses what Reuters could possibly mean when using the word "gesture" to caption an image...
A Simple Jew shows us what Esav must really have looked like!
Neil, the Modern Uberdox, has issues with going into a new supermarket and ends up talking about his options with Design Thinking..
Batya responds to Elliot Jager of the Jerusalem Post about his method of publishing op-eds..
Rebecca from Jewess comments on a shul's womens balcony...
Chayyei Sarah sent a letter to the NY Times about buying homes in Jerusalem
tnspr569 had a birthday this week and catches up with us after a short blogging break
Jewish Blogmeister lets us know about a new kosher restaurant opening up in town..
Sabra made some chicken soup for the onset of winter...
A lot of other bloggers discussed this topic as well, but Serandez brought the great article by Rabbi Horowitz on violence, specifically Haredi violence and how it should not be tolerated.
Mystical Paths has a wonderful story to describe davening...
The Israeli Satire Lab suggests a new police force to make sure Israelis continue to ignore reality in pursuit of peace...
Snoopy the Goon honors Eliezer Ben Yehuda on his recent yahrtzeit... yeah, that one - the guy who revived the Hebrew language...
A Mother in Israel wrote up a description of the various publications that get placed in her family's shul every shabbos and mentions some of the big issues of the day that they discuss... Also, congrats to MOI for her being a finalist in the international Weblog awards. She came out with a very respectable showing... Congrats to all the other jblogs who participated as well, including David von treppenwitz, Dry Bones, Random Thoughts, Israel Matzav and any others I might have missed...
Am Echad writes about how much the ongoing teachers strike has cost Israel so far... the numbers are staggering...
WestBankMama is feeling rebellious and displays it by ignoring the law that says you have to turn on your headlights... hope she stays safe..
It's Almost Supernatural thinks South Africa poses a great danger to Israel.. in the UN..
JammieWearingFool tells us about a concert that was supposed to happen at the site of a former Nazi death camp...
SoccerDad wants to know if the Arabs really want what Israel is,seemingly, ready to give them at Annapolis...
Here is Meryl Yourish's Bat Mitzvah speech... 3 to 5 thousand readers a day? wow!
The New Republic offers a humorous story of Menachem Begin and how he talked down the Pres of the Southern Baptist Convention...
Corner Point always wanted to break out of her box, until she learned the lesson one day that everybody has their box and need to grow within it...
Mottel made some dessert.. and chewed over some interesting facts
Daniel Saunders gives some background and commentary on the book of Yoel
Yisrael Medad writes about the left wing author who refused to shake Olmert's hand at a ceremony... and compares it to when a rightwinger refused...
Yisrael in his Arutz Sheva blog discusses the booing of Rabin at the soccer/football match this past week...
Carl in Jerusalem points out how the moderate Palestinian government in the West Bank (yes, the ones that were thrown out of Gaza during the takeover by the extremist Hamas terrorists) just transferred a lot of money to pay the salaries of Hamas officials.. Kind of makes you wonder if they really are not working together as they say.. and I am giving Carl an extra link because he has an important piece on the upcoming Annapolis conference in which he compares Condi Rice to Tom Brady - the quarterback of the New England Patriots..
Moshe in the Sin of the Expulsion Blog talks about Binyamin Ben Eliezer's recent statements declaring the Disengagement to be a complete mistake.
Come Running has a free ticket but does not know where to go...
Jack laments a bagel place that closed down...
Yid With Lid suggests that if Hitler were alive today he would likely sue Bin Laden for plagiarism....
Dixie Yid learned a lesson from an inconsiderate meshulach..
Likelihood of Success discusses British anti-semitism..
Elder of Ziyon points out that Hamas is just an inconvenient bump in the road and should not disturb the Annapolis conference....
The Shadchun has a funny joke about an 80 year old wife getting arrested for shoplifting...
And that's a wrap... I hope you all have a good week....
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Wonderful, just wonderful job!
Shavua Tov and Chodesh Tov!
thanks for the unsolicited link. it's been a busy week.
ReplyDeleteThank you once again Rafi; btw, I remember Ari Issacs once wrote a thesis about "the missing nun" in Ashrei. do you know where I can locate it or him? Thanks
ReplyDeleteAnd btw, that Begin quote over at Marty Peretz's TNR blog: if Begin did say that, it was phrased "have you been here before?".
ReplyDeleteGreat job and thanks for linking me!
If you mean the Ari Isaacs who grew up in Skokie, he's now the Rabbi at Iran Hebrew Congregation (which I think changed its name to Persian Hebrew Congregation) which is the shul he grew up in (if you drop me an email I'll tell you how I know him and you can send regards; email contact on my blog, Israel Matzav).
Carl - it is the one and the same Ari.
ReplyDeleteFor those of you interested, Ari grew up in the Persian Hebrew Cong and Rabbi Weiss (Carl's FIL) was the rabbi...
As of this past summer when I spoke to Ari, he was living in Elizabeth New Jersey. He and his wife bad gotten good teaching jobs somewhere out there (dont remember where exactly) and Ari is taking some courses as well..
I went to yeshiva high school with Ari when he would lain weekly at the Persian hebrew cong...
So far no late night knocks at the door (tfu tfu tfu). :-)
ReplyDeleteOh, and of course thank you for all the hard work that went into this edition of HH.
ReplyDeletemy pleasure.... and keep your door locked at night
ReplyDeleteThank you Rafi and Carl and yes, I'll drop you an email.
ReplyDeleteThanks for linking me. I'm glad you liked the post!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI am glad you liked the shiur you heard! R' Orlofsky is great. He is funny. He has a great attitude and is an enjoyable person to listen to...
ReplyDeleteYashar koach.
ReplyDeleteNicely done though I was sad that there were no posts from the new blog Jewsbychoice.org. There are some amazing posts and discussions occurring over there.
ReplyDeleteI wasn't suprised to NOT see my blog...I need to get my blog mojo back :)
Lovely job! Thanks so very much for the mention & link!
ReplyDeletesorry Tamara. I looked for posts, but without a submission there is far from a gaurantee a blog will get in. If I found a post I liked I included it, but there is no way I could find every blog there is... There are plenty I missed... If you want to ensure being included in a roundup, the best way to do so is to submit your post...
ReplyDeleteThanks for the link.
ReplyDeleteMost excellent dude! And thanks for including my post on Kristallnacht.
ReplyDeleteGreat job and thanks for the link.
ReplyDeleteB"H Wow! That was pretty big!
ReplyDeleteNice job. Thanks for the link.
ReplyDeleteIncredible job! Thanks for including me...
ReplyDeleteThanks for the link! Like your blog.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the link!