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May 7, 2019

apology for Yom Haatzmaut flag destroying

Somebody in RBS found this note in her mailbox yesterday..

The note is from a person apologizing for having, in a previous year, removing an Israeli flag from her property. He apologizes and says he is trying to make sure it doesnt happen again. He also included 5nis to pay for the flag he took/destroyed. And then, in his handwriting, apologizes again from the depths of his heart..

It is one (that I have heard of) out of tens or hundreds of incidents yearly in which flags are taken or destroyed, but at least someone feels remorse. Maybe others will follow his example.

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1 comment:

  1. Very nice to see he's doing teshuvah. Sometimes people forget themselves for the moment and do things impulsively at a moment of anger or whatever, but really regret it afterwards. The apology was a fine thing to do.


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