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Jan 8, 2024

go to Zelenskiyy

I am not sure what to think about this.

Walla News is reporting that PM Netanyahu asked the UAE to pay wages, sort of unemployment, to Palestinian workers in the West Bank who cannot now come in to Israel for work. Netanyahu is concerned that not working, which means no wages, no income, will turn them desperate and radicalize them. Netanyahu cant send them money, even money that is theirs, because if he does his coalition collapses as Smotritch and Ben Gvir will possibly collapse the government (they likely would as this is the one thing they have stood firm on).

So Netanyahu requested the UAE pay them unemployment.

The UAE just got back to Israel saying they will not pay for what Israel has done. This is Israel's mess and Israel shouldnt expect UAE to pay to clean it up. It seems it is now expected the response for rebuilding Gaza will be the same when the time comes.

Funnily enough the UAE said Israel should ask Zelenkiyy to pay the Palestinians off as he has been raising a lot of money around the world and maybe he can help. Nice troll. Zelenskiyy obviously has his own war to fund and is not about to start using that money on other things not connected to Ukraine. 

I think asking UAE and Saudi Arabia to rebuild Gaza is more legitimate than asking to pay unemployment wages when a big part of the government policy is to not transfer funds to the Palestinians. I think it shows how big of a bind Netanyahu is in with his coalition partners. Also, they talk a lot of being stuck in the same conception as before October 7 - paying the Palestinians to not get involved in terror, all they want is a decent income to buy food and stuff for their families - is continuing to be stuck in the same "conceptzia".

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1 comment:

  1. The Arab countries have certainly been using their supposed support pf their brethren as a prop all these years.


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