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Nov 28, 2024

taxes for Kan

I am in favor of privatization wherever possible so I have no real problem with the government shutting down (aka privatizing) "Kan", and seemingly eventually Galei Tzahal and maybe other stations and outlets... 

I just am curious to see if they will lower taxes accordingly as per the savings from defunding Kan et al 

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1 comment:

  1. They should lower the taxes or at least divert 100% of the money to combat troops. YEAH - it makes me mad that I needed to raise $$ for my son-in-law in combat milluim for better equipment while Israel STILL WASTES a billion shekels a year on a TV channel that was needed in the 1970s, MIGHT have been needed in the 1980s, was ALREADY obsolete in the 1990s (30 years ago!!) But even if they do NOT lower the taxes or divert to the war (I trust every Israeli gov't to screw this up except for 2003 Netanyahu finance minister), this is STILL an improvement, since presumably the new 'beneficiaries' of the billion shekels (stipens for whomever) would be EASIER to defund in the future than an entire television/radio station which is excellent a kicking and screaming when you try to close it. Netanyahu's PREVIOUS attempt to close it in 2015 was a FAILURE - they closed THAT and then REOPENED as Kan. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH


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