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Free The Hostages! Bring Them Home!

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Nov 24, 2024

Tweet of the Day

The thing is, how can anyone know who is/was responsible for any part of what happened as long as PM Netanyahu continues to not allow an investigation to take place? We all have lots of questions and accusations at specific moments but without an investigation we can't get answers, and looking into targeted pieces and individuals seems useless to me as it is only a partial picture. 

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  1. There will not be a proper investigation for a long time.
    Bibi will block it because he wants to preserve his legacy and this will shatter it.
    The anti-Bibi side will block it because their part in allowing this to happen will reveal to the population that they were so desperate to drive Bibi out they quietly allowed it to happen.

  2. Yes, the whole point of those screaming about this is that they are betraying that they don't really want to see an investigation. They just want the same thing they always want, to see Bibi gone, and everyone else, especially those in uniform, will all get promoted.

    Yeah, that's healthy.


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