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Aug 19, 2024

arrest everyone

Eyal Golan, the artist/musician, is being investigated for calling to wipe out Gaza. He said this in the aftermath of the October 7th attacks.

This is insane.

Who in Israel did not say similar things on October 7th, 8th, 9th and even up to at least December? Even most hard Leftists were making similar calls back then. And remember the ICC trying Israel for geocide, when they used as "proof" calls from celebrities and politicians to wipe out Gaza or to treat Palestinians like Amalek.. will PM Netanyahu and President Herzog be investigated next for this? Is Guy Hochman going to be investigated? Almog Boker? Ben Gvir and Smotritch and Almog Cohen? Eliyahu Yusian and Yinon Magal? Most or at least many of our average citizens said similar things in those days, and many rabbis did as well...

I am not even sure what about this needs an investigation. He either said it or he didnt, and it is documented that he did. Arrest almost the entire country for saying similar things. 

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  1. Garnel IronheartAugust 19, 2024 5:18 PM

    It's liberal self-hate and soft racism. If an Arab shouts "Wipe out Israel", well you know, um, he's just expressing frustration with 'the occuption' etc, so we don't think he really means it and if he doesn, well can you blame him?

  2. Well said, Garnel. The insanity of this new 'woke' politically correct world is destroying it day by day. That is why our Sages say that b'keitz hayamim, 'truth will disappear.
    The truth 'is' what Eyal said, as he stated in the above post. Here we see why the concept of 'no victory' (which has become the new normal, r'l) is totally insane but 'democracies' are pushing it while calling themselves democratic, all to appease enemies and to self-sacrifice
    to make the enemy feel better.
    The world has turned upside down.
    It seems G-D is testing us.


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