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Aug 20, 2024

no ceremony now

Minister Miri Regev has been tasked with putting together the memorial ceremony for October 7th.

Without getting into any specifics at this point, I think overall this is a bad idea.

If there must be a memorial ceremony, it should be completely apolitical. I am not sure appointing Miri Regev to oversee it is going to keep it apolitical. 

That being said, as long as the war is ongoing, and it looks like it will continue to be ongoing for a while - at least there is no indication to the contrary at this point - there should not be  a memorial ceremony. Wait until the October 7th following the end of the war that the attacks of October 7, 2023 instigated. Soldiers are still being killed, hostages are still being killed or dying in captivity, communities are still displaced from their homes in the north and south... In the middle of this war there is no need for a memorial ceremony. 

Finish the war and then put together an official ceremony.

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  1. Garnel IronheartAugust 20, 2024 5:27 PM

    Even if Regev could keep it apolitical, the "We'd rather Hamas win if it means Bibi loses" crowd will make it political. And blame Bibi, of course.

    1. They have a special irrational hatred of Regev, have for years. I'm not her biggest fan by far, but she's not a bogeyman.


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