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Aug 26, 2024

South African Gayton McKenzie defends Israel/Jews (video)

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1 comment:

  1. CNN's Soares: "Do you expect martyrdom operations?"


    On CNN, Iss Soares interviews Khaled Elgindy of the Middle East Institute.

    First, she avoided mentioning all the attacks by Arab Palestinians in these months. Even before the hammer attack 10 days earlier in Kedumim. Including foiled attacks, failed massacres.

    Here is what was publicized on Aug 1:

    Judea and Samaria saw more than 500 Palestinian terrorist attacks each month on average in the first half of 2024, according to figures Rescuers Without Borders (Hatzalah Judea and Samaria). In the first six months of this year, first responders recorded 3,272 acts of terrorism in the region, including 1,868 cases of rock-throwing, 456 attacks with Molotov cocktails, 299 explosive charges and 109 shootings. Palestinian terrorists have killed 14 people and wounded more than 155 others in Judea and Samaria since the start of the year, the group said.

    Soares: "Do you expect martyrdom operations?"

    Elgindy: "Do you mean suicide operations?"

    Regarding that Israel condemns radical (vigilante among the) Settlers who commit violence (usually in response to Arab attacks) calling it terrorism, Elgindy lied that the army is (at times) aiding them settlers. In fact, radical settlement are dealt harshly and more severe than Arab prisoners are.

    Elgindy also charged that Israel didn't provide "evidence" of Iran building an infrastructure there. Does he want collaborators to be lynched by their brethren there?

    Besides, Iran itself is bragging of its weapons provisions there.

    NYT: Iran has flooded West Bank with arms for 2 years, aims to make it next flashpoint.
    Report details smuggling routes and complex network of terror groups, criminal gangs and Bedouin used by Tehran to 'inundate' area with weapons, 'foment unrest' against Israel.
    By TOI Staff. 9 April 2024.


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