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Aug 11, 2024

Discounts cut to be delayed?

The responses to the Attorney General's decision to stop the daycare subsidies to anyone who is of draft age but doesnt go to the draft have been pretty strong, as expected.

The big money in the government supporting yeshivas and kollel was never the actual stipend. The big money was always the daycare subsidies, the arnona discounts, discounted camps and discounts in many other things

Lieberman as Finance Minister in the Bennett government also tried to cut daycare subsidies. If I remember correctly, the Haredi reps petitioned High Court and they reversed the decision saying cant cut the daycare subsidies so close to start of the school year. It seems like a pretty good chance this will also be reversed (at least temporarily). The difference being that this time it is being stopped as a result of a legality (ie the Supreme Court decision that in the absence of a law exempting Haredim from the draft they must be drafted like anyone else), whereas last time it was Lieberman's somewhat arbitrary decision to cut the funding even though the basis for his cut was the same - the draft issue. I still think it will likely be reversible because of it being so close to the start of the school year with placements and decisions already having been made. They might not leave it for the full year but possibly for the first few months...

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  1. why do they keep trying to cut it so close to the school year :)

  2. Are daycare subsidies refused to secular draft dodgers? Do non-serving Arabs get daycare subsidies? What about conscientious objectors, do they also loose the subsidies? Asking for a chareidi friend.

    1. Garnel IronheartAugust 12, 2024 3:43 PM

      No, it's a legitimate point. If an increasing number of seculars are refusing to serve, shouldn't they face the same penalties?


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