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Aug 7, 2024

Interesting Psak: Mashiach now!

The expanded beis din of Chabad in Israel has recently issued a psak din.

They say that the Jewish people have done teshuva - even one thought of teshuva turns one into a complete tzaddik, and we have had enough. Mashiach must come immediately!

the beis din says that especially in this time the desire and anticipation of Mashiach's arrival has gotten stronger in light of the situation with the fighting on multiple fronts against our enemies, soldiers getting injured in battle and many have been killed, our people who have been taken captive, and especially in these days of mourning the destruction of the Beis Hamikdash and the troubles of the exile..

They conclude the letter saying we thereby paskin and demand with the power of the torah that Mashiach should come immediately and redeem us and bring us to our land forever.

ok, let's see what happens

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  1. Garnel IronheartAugust 07, 2024 3:40 PM

    And remember the psak din that it is an ikkar emunah to believe that the Rebbe is Moshiach, even after he died? I don't think these guys know the limits of what paskening is.
    I recall years ago being told by a Lubavitcher that the geulah has to happen in a certain way because the Rambam paskened that's how it has to happen. And when I replied with "Really? We can tell God how to do things and He has to listen?" he replied "Of course!"
    Judaism is God telling us what to do. Idol worship is gentiles demanding the gods do stuff they want.

    1. Yes and no. There is also an element of "lo bashamayim hi" and "nitzchuni banai", etc.

    2. Yes, but that says how WE must act, as opposed to forcing HASHEM's Hand as to how He must act.

    3. "Judaism is God telling us what to do. Idol worship is gentiles demanding the gods do stuff they want."
      This is oversimplified. First, you ASK Hashem to give you something, that's tefillah. We daven for geulah three times a day.
      Second, when Hashem promises something, then we can assert to Hashem that the time has come to fulfill his promise. It's clear in the Neviim that if Klal Yisrael does teshuva, then Hashem will hasten the redemption. בְּעִתָּ֥הּ אֲחִישֶֽׁנָּה
      I agree this "psak" is over the line, but not as much as you think.,

    4. There's also concepts of ותגזר אומר ויקם לך and ברית כרותה לשפתים
      I'm not going to claim I know how these things work, but there at least is a precedent that may very well keep this "psak" within the fold. I'll leave that judgement to the experts

  2. It seems to be a מחלוקת between Rav Mordechai Eliyahu ZT"L and Rav Elyashiv ZT"L.

    Rav Mordechai Eliyahu says that we can do so.

    Rav Elyashiv says that we cannot do so.

    (As an aside, I found an error in the document that was signed - it should say Sanhedrin 97b - not Bava Batra 97b.)

  3. I think you're missing the point. This letter is clearly (there are various hints throughout) signed by people who think the late Rebbe is mashiach. The Messianist mythology has as a central point a speech the Rebbe once gave in which he said that "it's in the hands of the chassidim." These declarations are a way of fulfilling that by saying that they're all ready and now they demand that the Rebbe reveal himself, wherever he really is, and declare himself mashiach. Yes, it's all ridiculous and un-Jewish, not to mention ignoring actual reality, but it is what it is.


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