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Aug 21, 2024

dropping the minimum

Channel 12 News (Sorry, Rabbi Eliyahu) is reporting that Minister of Transportation Miri Regev is advancing a plan to lessen the number of driving lessons required by students looking to get a drivers license. 

The current requirement has students needing a minimum of 28 lessons of 40 minutes each before being able to take their driving test. Minister Regev is working to lower that minimum to 22 lessons. Presumably, if the teacher feels the student is not ready after the minimum lessons the teacher can require more lessons as is done today.

My initial reaction was to laugh and say considering how bad so many drivers here are and how many accidents there are, they should be increasing the number of lessons required, not decreasing.

In truth though, the quality of the drivers is not connected to the lessons given - at least not connected to the number of lessons. Maybe the quality of the lessons or the material needs to be adjusted but the number of lessons within the current system is not the issue. If the drivers are so bad after a minimum of 28 lessons plus various tests, plus often additional "necessary" lessons, the number isnt the issue.

Dropping the minimum will be a boon to the students, and to the financial outlay they have to deal with, but the Minister would be doing a good job is she also were to review the quality of the material being taught and if found lacking adjust it.

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