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Aug 25, 2024

Quote of the Day

I work on this all the time. I am invested in it to understand what is happening. And I am not just saying this, and some think I am joking, I should be the Defense Minister. With all due humility...I would make an excellent Defense Minister..

  -- MK Tali Gotliv (Likud)

I dont know if Tali Gtliv would make a great DM or not but she explained that the Defense Minister should be someone from outside the defense system. The people from within the system all talk the same and come with the same ideas. Someone from outside will have the opportunity to be an excellent DM, and she says that could be her.
So I dont know if she would be great at this or not, but her point is not bad. In a certain aspect new ideas, new eyes, a new way to look at things can be good. On the other hand, understanding defense and their capabilities and the tools available to them is also very important...

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1 comment:

  1. Garnel IronheartAugust 26, 2024 6:51 PM

    The local med school tries to run its small group sessions this way. A session on urology might be led by a cardiologist because they want the students to figure out the case of the week and not just have the right specialist hand them to answer. On the other hand, if they're going in the completely wrong direction, is the cardiologist going to know?


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