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Aug 7, 2024

Quote of the Day

This is a shocking pick and I think it’s very insulting to Jewish people

  -- Former President and Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump about VP Kamala Harris picking Tim Walz as her running mate instead of Josh Shapiro

Thanks for telling me what I should be insulted about... it is not like Donald Trump picked a Jewish running mate. He didnt even consider one (that we know of). Should we Jewish people be insulted by that as well?

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  1. So you are actually siding with the other side that is almost totally anti-semitic and her pick for a VP candidate is a literal joke. They haven't stopped talking about this guy who is more radical than her. Do you understand who these people are?

  2. The Republican Party didn't have a Jew in a high-enough position. If Lee Zelden would have won NY governor, you bet he would have been considered.

  3. This isn't difficult: There just aren't too many Jews in America, so no one expects the nomination. No one criticized Biden as anti-Semitic because he picked Harris, for example, nor Trump, etc.

    But Harris was *considering* a Jew, who was clearly her best choice, and yet she went with this guy and we all know why. Trump is just Noticing, which is of course forbidden these days.

    1. He was not "clearly her best choice." Each of them had plusses and minuses.

    2. Right, and his being Jewish was not at all a factor, nosirebob.

  4. While Trump's statement is a bit of political hyperbole, there IS a basis to it. We've all seen the growing antisemitism on the Left affect 'mainstream' institutions like universities, and the double standard the Dems use against Israel. We see how she skipped Bibi's address to Congress, where she should have been as vice president. Shapiro WAS the most obvious choice, and had been targeted by the Left because of his Jewish heritage. I don't think that it was the only reason that she chose Waltz, but even Jewish Democrat politicians have said that it was a factor.


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