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Jun 19, 2024

Tweet of the Day

Yedidya posts:
I went down from guard duty in the tower and notice Avi, who in his regular life runs a company that builds vertical gardens, sitting and working. That's what he does every day, between patrols and being stationed in the lookout seat, he continues to try to keep his business alive.
The profile of a Reservist in 2024

we deserve, the dedicated and selfless Reservists deserve, a better government with their fighting and bickering and trying to pass stupid laws so MKs and Ministers can help their relatives and friends get lifetime jobs while the Rservists are out there for months on end selflessly dedicated to the country while trying to keep their businesses from failing with little to no assistance from the government

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1 comment:

  1. Or, you know, a president who gives an award to violent draft-dodgers.

    Or retired generals declaring who is and who isn't fit to be included in a democracy.


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