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Aug 5, 2011

Deporting Millions Of Muslims May Be Necessary - Geert Wilders (video)

Deporting Millions Of Muslims May Be Necessary - Geert Wilders


  1. What a brave guy !!

    Finally someone with b@lls, who names things with their real names !!

    And the interviewer, what an uneducated moron... interrupted his guest everytime he was trying to assemble a complete sentence. A real class on how *not* to conduct an interview on TV.

    BTW, in any decent country, an immigrant should be immediately stripped off his citizenship and sent away if he commits a major crime - I'm not talking about stealing a dozen eggs, but raping, beating, violent protests with damage to property, arson etc. - such as the massive riots seen in France etc.

    Europe is killing itself by political correctness and the cowardly decisions of 1 or 2 generations of girlie-men (to apply one of Debbie Schlussel's favorite epithets). I hope the USA will be able to avoid the same kind of swift national suicide.

    Israel is subject to the same risks also - just check the self-delusional Jew-hating pseudo-intellectual leftists who sit in the High (sic) Court.

    Troubled times are ahead...

    R. Halevy
    Mech. Engineer
    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

  2. of ourse ! and done in a few months.We have a great experience in deportation here in Europe - sadly


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