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Aug 8, 2011

Livni Surprised Polls Show Netanyahu Rising (video)

Livni Surprised Polls Show Netanyahu Rising despite the increasing protests

we all know polls are worthless, but politicians put everything into the polls..


  1. On what empirical data do you base your statement that polls are "worthless"?

  2. just by watching them over the years. the polls are worthless, as the questioner constructs the questions deigned to encourage a certain answer. 2 polls were just conducted about radio stations. the first showed that Radio Kol BRama had surpassed Kol Chai in popularity. 2 days later a different pollster produced his results showing Kol Chai far ahead of Kol BRama.
    How many times have we seen the polls before elections have nothign similar to the election results?
    People dont respond honestly to polls. Maybe they respond with what they would like to do but then in real life that has nothing to do with what they actually do.


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