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Free The Hostages! Bring Them Home!

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Aug 30, 2024

Moshe Tischler - Replay: Shabbos Medley (Official Music Video)

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Aug 29, 2024

יעקב שוואקי - Yaakov Shwekey - Dance My Fears Away (video)

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Aug 28, 2024

Douglas Murray: stop forcing a tie on Israel (video)

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RFK on Israel - Gaza (video)

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Beautiful Israel! Incredible Quiet Streets of the Jerusalem Suburb of Ein Kerem. (video)

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Barak Grossberg & Simche Friedman - Nigun 770 (video)

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Aug 27, 2024

Picture of the Day

Arnon Segal posted the following picture online today.. he has posted similar pictures and video over the past few days..

This is happening under the watchful eye of the police, not using subterfuge as had to be done way back when, so the police are letting it happen, despite PM Netanyahu announcing that there is no change to the status quo on Har Habayit..

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Yated Neeman in Arabic

After Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gvir continued his provocations surrounding Har Habayit, with continuing to encourage open prayer and bowing on Har Habayit, with speaking out about planning to build a shul on Har Habayit and having one of his ministers push a plan to have the government fund tours on Har Habayit... while PM Netanyahu doesn't censure him and continues to just say there has been no change to the status quo on Har Habayit, the Yated Neeman newspaper put a scathing attack on its front page of today's edition.

To note, I support changing the status quo on Har Habayit and think anyone who believes in freedom of religious worship and other personal freedoms should as well.

So the Yated printed the following:

The blurb in the top right corner, leading to a full article further in, talks about how it is seriously prohibited by Jewish law to go to Har Habayit and it mentions the political pyromaniac stirring things up again, etc.. They included a translation into Arabic so the Arabs would know that they do not support Ben Gvir's statements or behavior and call for Jews to not go and to keep the status quo and even break it in the favor of the Arabs.

I do wonder about that Arabic translation. How many Arabs out there are reading Yated Neeman, even on just a somewhat regular basis, that they decided they need to be completely clear so they won't be misunderstood?

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Tweet of the Day

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Aliyah 101 - Education In Israel (video)

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Shmulik Klein - Vaetchanan (video)

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Aug 26, 2024

Tweet of the Day

this is a funny tweet... and he came up with a really funny name for Walz...

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#158: Behind the Bima - Rabbi Andrew Shaw (video)

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South African Gayton McKenzie defends Israel/Jews (video)

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Shabbbat Shalom Hotline (video)

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Vhuseir - Dovy Meisels, Mordechai Kohn, Shira (video)

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Aug 25, 2024

Quote of the Day

I work on this all the time. I am invested in it to understand what is happening. And I am not just saying this, and some think I am joking, I should be the Defense Minister. With all due humility...I would make an excellent Defense Minister..

  -- MK Tali Gotliv (Likud)

I dont know if Tali Gtliv would make a great DM or not but she explained that the Defense Minister should be someone from outside the defense system. The people from within the system all talk the same and come with the same ideas. Someone from outside will have the opportunity to be an excellent DM, and she says that could be her.
So I dont know if she would be great at this or not, but her point is not bad. In a certain aspect new ideas, new eyes, a new way to look at things can be good. On the other hand, understanding defense and their capabilities and the tools available to them is also very important...

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Tweet of the Day

this is sad and upsetting. Honestly, I initially saw an excerpt of this conversation and assumed it was just a parody of what "might happen" in such a meeting. At the time I didnt realize it had actually happened..

And still, I think the blame on Netanyahu for not coming to a deal is a bit overdone. If Hamas is not willing, there is not much Netanyahu can do, though he should be more flexible and offer more to get them back. I dont know what the red liens should be, but getting the hostages back, and as many of them as possible while still alive, should be the utmost priority... and dont forget, it is part of the "total victory" that Netanyahu laid out way back when...

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Halacha Headlines: 8/24/24 – Shiur 480 – Is therapy good or bad? Has the mental health industry lost its mind? (audio)

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Amazing Ultra Religious Neighborhoods of Northern and Central Jerusalem. (video)

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Happy Birthday Ya | Afiko.man (Official Music Video)

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Aug 23, 2024

Shabbos Kodesh ( R' Yom Tov Ehrlich) - Avraham Fried (video)

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Aug 22, 2024

Quote of the Day

I ignore the background noise. I'll continue to lead the national ceremony marking October 7 with sensitivity

  -- Minister Miri Regev regarding the complaints abut the plans she has put together for the ceremony marking the passing of the first year since the October 7th attack

What is "background noise"? the dissatisfaction and complaints from [some of] the affected communities, the families of the hostages, the families of fallen soldiers.. instead of talking to them and incorporating their concerns as much as possible into the planning, she considers them background noise

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WATCH: Parents of Hamas hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polin speak at 2024 Democratic National Convention (video)

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JERUSALEM: Temple Mount ➡ Mount of Olives ➡ Mount Zion (video)

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Nehorai Arieli and Netanel Yisrael: Shivui Mishkal (video)

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Aug 21, 2024

dropping the minimum

Channel 12 News (Sorry, Rabbi Eliyahu) is reporting that Minister of Transportation Miri Regev is advancing a plan to lessen the number of driving lessons required by students looking to get a drivers license. 

The current requirement has students needing a minimum of 28 lessons of 40 minutes each before being able to take their driving test. Minister Regev is working to lower that minimum to 22 lessons. Presumably, if the teacher feels the student is not ready after the minimum lessons the teacher can require more lessons as is done today.

My initial reaction was to laugh and say considering how bad so many drivers here are and how many accidents there are, they should be increasing the number of lessons required, not decreasing.

In truth though, the quality of the drivers is not connected to the lessons given - at least not connected to the number of lessons. Maybe the quality of the lessons or the material needs to be adjusted but the number of lessons within the current system is not the issue. If the drivers are so bad after a minimum of 28 lessons plus various tests, plus often additional "necessary" lessons, the number isnt the issue.

Dropping the minimum will be a boon to the students, and to the financial outlay they have to deal with, but the Minister would be doing a good job is she also were to review the quality of the material being taught and if found lacking adjust it.

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Interesting Psak: Channel 12

Rav Shmuel Eliyahu, Chief Rabbi of Tzfat and candidate for the position of chief Rabbi of Israel, paskened that Channel 12 is like the spies that spoke badly about Israel, and it is prohibited to listen to their broadcasts.

Someone who listens to Channel 12 should shoot himself in the head. That his only solution. Listening all day to Channel 12 talking how bad it is and how much worse it will be , that God went to sleep or is in the bunker...it is prohibited to listen to.

source: Kol Hai News

I am not sure someone of his stature should be saying that they should shoot themselves in the head...

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Quote of the Day

The UN building in Jerusalem needs to be closed and erased from the face of the earth. This building may look beautiful on the outside, but it is crooked and distorted from within.

  -- Gilad Erdan, former Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations

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took over a pro Hamas rally at the Democratic National Convention (video)

Ami Horowitz has some cojones...

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Aviad - Yesh Li Aba Melech (Music Video Official)

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Aug 20, 2024

no ceremony now

Minister Miri Regev has been tasked with putting together the memorial ceremony for October 7th.

Without getting into any specifics at this point, I think overall this is a bad idea.

If there must be a memorial ceremony, it should be completely apolitical. I am not sure appointing Miri Regev to oversee it is going to keep it apolitical. 

That being said, as long as the war is ongoing, and it looks like it will continue to be ongoing for a while - at least there is no indication to the contrary at this point - there should not be  a memorial ceremony. Wait until the October 7th following the end of the war that the attacks of October 7, 2023 instigated. Soldiers are still being killed, hostages are still being killed or dying in captivity, communities are still displaced from their homes in the north and south... In the middle of this war there is no need for a memorial ceremony. 

Finish the war and then put together an official ceremony.

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hostage deals

I have been thinking about this for a while. 

While I think PM Netanyahu could be more flexible in his position on a potential hostage deal, and while I do think he is more concerned about politics and the survival of his coalition than achieving a hostage deal and the survival of the hostages, though I am sure he wants one, I am hesitant to blame Bibi for the lack of a deal.

No matter what Bibi might offer, no matter how much reasonable flexibility Bibi might show, Hamas will continue to reject it, and nobody seems to be able to pressure them to accept.

It is not Bibi's fault the hostage deals have not gone through. It is Hamas's fault.

Bibi could play the game better, knowing Hamas is rejecting everything anyway, he could at least make it look as if he cares about the hostages and as if he is willing to be flexible.

This nonsense of increased military pressure being the only option for getting the hostages back is hogwash. It has been more than ten months of increased military pressure and Hamas has not shown to be more flexible in its positions due to the pressure - no new hostages have been released in any deals because of the increased military pressure, and only small numbers of hostages have been located (dead or alive) and been brought home. Keep the pressure up, and even increase it, but the only way to get the hostages back is with a deal.

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My apologies, dear readers.

I was recently wondering why I wasnt seeing any comments and was wondering if people stopped commenting, or even reading (though the stats show me people still are reading). I didn't really look into it until just now and I discovered many comments were going to spam. I cleared many of those up and moved them over. Additionally, my gmail was automatically putting the emails letting me know of comments into my deleted items folder. Not sure why, something to do with my filters, but I think I figured it out. I was not intentionally ignoring you all

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Conversation with Former Hostage, Sapir Cohen (video)

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Eylon Levy on Channels TV (13 Aug. 2024) (video)

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Evening Adventures in Jerusalem! From Lively Streets to Residential Neighborhoods in the City Center (video)

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Yitzchak Meir: Tenuchamu (video)

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Aug 19, 2024

Tweet of the Day

interesting way to put it...

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arrest everyone

Eyal Golan, the artist/musician, is being investigated for calling to wipe out Gaza. He said this in the aftermath of the October 7th attacks.

This is insane.

Who in Israel did not say similar things on October 7th, 8th, 9th and even up to at least December? Even most hard Leftists were making similar calls back then. And remember the ICC trying Israel for geocide, when they used as "proof" calls from celebrities and politicians to wipe out Gaza or to treat Palestinians like Amalek.. will PM Netanyahu and President Herzog be investigated next for this? Is Guy Hochman going to be investigated? Almog Boker? Ben Gvir and Smotritch and Almog Cohen? Eliyahu Yusian and Yinon Magal? Most or at least many of our average citizens said similar things in those days, and many rabbis did as well...

I am not even sure what about this needs an investigation. He either said it or he didnt, and it is documented that he did. Arrest almost the entire country for saying similar things. 

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Bennett: what happened on Oct 7 and how we can succeed again (video)

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do you accept responsibility? (video)

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Eastern Market ➡ Ohel Moshe Neighborhood ➡ City Center ➡ David's Village ➡ King David Hotel. (video)

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Avi Ilson: Eretz Israel (Official Music Video)

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Aug 18, 2024

send draft notices

Minister Dudi Amsalem stepped up to the building of the Supreme Court to petition it, once again (or as he says, for the fifth time) to draft the Arab citizens of Israel - they should either serve in the IDF or at least perform National Service, like any other Israeli.

I happen to agree with him that Arab citizens of Israel should either serve in the IDF or perform National Service (one or the other, as the compulsory service law requires).

But what does that have to do with the Supreme Court? It isnt the Supreme Court that says Arabs dont have to serve. It is the government (historically, all of them, not just this one) and the IDF that has chosen to not send draft notices to the Arab community, for whatever reason (the reason is not important for this discussion- they dont send draft notices is all that is important at the moment). Amsalem is trying to point to some sort of hypocrisy in how it is treating Haredim while it is not doing the same for the Arabs. He might be right but that hypocrisy is the fault of the government, not the Supreme Court.

What does that have to do with the Supreme Court? Dudi Amsalem is part of the current government. What he needs to do is raise the issue in the next government meeting and start a discussion. Persuade the rest of the government that we should draft the Arab citizens (and they can do either IDF service or National Service), order the IDF to send draft notices. Once that happens, the Arab citizens can either fight it and be subject to losing budgets and subsidies, or their people can start serving. This has nothing to do with the Supreme Court. The government just needs to decide to start sending draft notices.

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if a politicians lips are moving he is lying

TIME magazine fact checked their recent interview with PM Benjamin Netanyahu. As TIME puts it, "Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu made several inaccurate statements during his August interview with TIME"

There is an old saying (and I have not been able to find the original source for it), if a politicians lips are moving he is lying.

The TIME analysis of what Netanyahu said in the interview and what was "inaccurate" can be found here (and the original interview can be found here), but I find this less interesting. Most Israelis (everyone but the "Bibists") already know this.

What I found more interesting from the original interview, even if it was perhaps the least important part, was when TIME asked about apologizing for what happened, Bibi said:
“Apologize?” he asks back. “Of course, of course. I am sorry, deeply, that something like this happened. And you always look back and you say, Could we have done things that would have prevented it?” 

To TIME's question he uttered a blithe apology. In Israel, to the Israelis, despite the many calls for it, Netanyahu has refused to say even something as short and blithe as that. Not in Hebrew, and not in English either. He said it to TIME, but he wont say it to Israel. That's what I find interesting, even if unimportant - unimportant being the apology for sleeping on the job (literally, as he says nobody woke him with the news of what was happening on October 7, though how a Prime Minister in Israel can possibly still be asleep at 6:30am I dont know even on the best of days). An apology might make some people feel better but I dont know that people want an apology from him rather than a statement accepting responsibility for his failures. And the attack itself is possibly the least of it. The government was in chaos and failed to respond for a very long time and even then it took a much longer time before they really took control of the situation - not the fighting but handling the civilian crisis of displaced people and supplying the reservists with what they needed. 

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biting the helping hand

UTJ is experiencing another crisis in government right now. It seems that crisis follows crisis for them this past year or so... With the Attorney General stopping the subsidies for day care for anyone who is a candidate for draft but refusing to be drafted, the Haredi parties, especially UTJ, is in crisis. They have demanded PM Netanyahu step in and solve the problem by finding some way to circumvent the Attorney General's decision. Netanyahu has yet to make a statement or step in to intervene.

Finance Minister Betzalel Smotritch penned a letter to the Deputy Attorney General and some others saying basically that he is the Finance Minister and it is his decision to continue the subsidies, their decision to cancel them will destroy the economy, etc. He expressed frustration that he was not consulted before their decision was made, etc etc

Interestingly, the Haredi parties have expressed anger, or maybe frustration, at Smotritch. They say his turning this into a big deal will just make it worse for them and escalate the matter to becoming a constitutional crisis pitting the government against the legal system and it will only make things worse. He might be the only person there trying to help (even if he has ulterior motives, and he likely does), but they get upset at him...

I dont know what their approach should be. They dont really have good options. Smotritch is being a bit disingenuous when he talks about stopping of subsidies wont cause a single Haredi to be drafted. he is right (maybe) but that is not the point of stopping subsidies. The Attorney General does not get involved in trying to draft Haredim - that is a political issue. The Attorney General is saying that continuing to grant these discounts and subsidies to Haredim is illegal considering their status as draft dodgers. According to the position of the attorney General, it does not matter if it will help draft Haredim or not, and that is not the point or what they are trying to do by canceling the subsidies. They are just saying if the Haredim refuse to draft it is illegal to give them these financial benefits.

The only real way to get the subsidies back legally is to pass a law that solves the Haredi draft issue. Once that is done and the Haredi public will no longer legally be considered draft dodgers, they will get their subsidies back. Obviously there is n simple solution for this. If there were, the draft issue would have been resolved long ago...

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Halacha Headlines: 8/17/24 – Shiur 479 – Real Estate Syndications: Quick easy buck or risky pot luck (audio)

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Bennett: take down Iranian regime (video)

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Bardak: Vacation apartment swap (video)


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Jerusalem: Ultra Religious District ➡ Market ➡ Old City 🔄 Central Station (video)

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Yonina- Gvanim (video)

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Aug 16, 2024

Chasidim'lech: Nachamu (video)

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Shuki Solomon and Arik Dvir with Avremi Rot and Neshama - Shabbos songs (video)

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Aug 14, 2024

Quote of the Day

Whoever wants is invited to come and see me here.. [Nasrallah] is focusing attention on military bases, we know his eyes are open and I would be very happy for him to shoot at me and not on civilians - we can handle it.

  -- Aleph, commander of the Ramat David air force base, after Nasrallah claimed last night that the base had been evacuated due to Hezbollah drones... 

gever gever!

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Cenk DEBATES Ex-Militant: Can Israel Make Peace With Hamas? (video)

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Muslims, Jews, Arabs, and Israelis UNITED?!? - Montana Tucker and Loay Alshareef (video)

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Former Israeli Prime Minister discusses ongoing conflict in Middle East (video)

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An Abnormal Heat Wave Has Enveloped Jerusalem 🥵, but It’s No Obstacle for A Walk. (video)

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Aug 13, 2024

From Pain to Promise: Tisha B’Av Kinot 5784 with Rabbi Azarya Berzon (video)

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Rabbi Zev Leff - Tisha B'Av Program 2024/5784 (video)

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Aug 12, 2024

Bet Hamikdash: What was and what will be (video)

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Mashiach, We Are Ready (video)

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“You’re SUCH A Shameless Liar!” Israel-Iran Debate & Naftali Bennett (video)

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Eylon Levy: Severe Weather Warning (video)

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TEL AVIV TODAY! A Full Immersion into the City's Energy and Spirit. (video)

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Aug 11, 2024

Deal? No Deal

that was short-lived. Now reports are saying that Hamas has officially responded saying they will not be sending a negotiating team for further talks..

These guys just make stuff up./ one minute Sinwar is desperate for a deal, the next minute he is playing hardball again.


just keep beating them into submission and at some point maybe they will make a deal. What other choice is there?

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The Deal

The news is reporting the Egyptians and Qatari mediators have told Israel that Yahya Sinwar is ready and willing to make a deal. Sinwar, supposedly, wants to end this war.

I dont know that we can believe anything anybody says about what Sinwar wants, considering he is supposedly not in [regular] communication with anybody......but let's say these reports are right, and hopefully they are.

Here is my suggestion for what would be an acceptable deal with the devil.

if Sinwar is asking for a ceasefire deal, let's make it a fair one. Stop the war, return the hostages. That's it. if Sinwar needs to save face and has to "get" something beyond the end of the war, give 1 Palestinian prisoner per Israeli hostage. Even 2 per hostage is ok is ok. Dead hostages only get dead prisoners in exchange, and I would prefer we deduct it off the count of dead terrorists already returned, but I understand this might not be possible and should not be a deal stopper.

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Asking for a friend....

So, with Yahya Sinwar as the new Chairman of Hamas, does anybody know when he is planning to make his first trip to Iran?

Asking for a friend...

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Discounts cut to be delayed?

The responses to the Attorney General's decision to stop the daycare subsidies to anyone who is of draft age but doesnt go to the draft have been pretty strong, as expected.

The big money in the government supporting yeshivas and kollel was never the actual stipend. The big money was always the daycare subsidies, the arnona discounts, discounted camps and discounts in many other things

Lieberman as Finance Minister in the Bennett government also tried to cut daycare subsidies. If I remember correctly, the Haredi reps petitioned High Court and they reversed the decision saying cant cut the daycare subsidies so close to start of the school year. It seems like a pretty good chance this will also be reversed (at least temporarily). The difference being that this time it is being stopped as a result of a legality (ie the Supreme Court decision that in the absence of a law exempting Haredim from the draft they must be drafted like anyone else), whereas last time it was Lieberman's somewhat arbitrary decision to cut the funding even though the basis for his cut was the same - the draft issue. I still think it will likely be reversible because of it being so close to the start of the school year with placements and decisions already having been made. They might not leave it for the full year but possibly for the first few months...

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Hamas raises Ben Gvir's stardom

Hamas this morning published a video threat to kill Minister Itamar Ben Gvir

Good luck to them trying. Ben Gvir has tight security, and after a threat like this it will possibly get tighter. That doesnt mean it is impossible. Ben Gvir has been known to abandon his security at times and leave them behind trying to catch up, and Hamas has plenty of sympathizers within Israel that can be recruited to try, or to sneak in from Judea and Samaria... a threat like though though raises the allure of Ben Gvir in the public eye and I wont be surprised if this makes him even more popular.....

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Halacha Headlines: 8/10/24 – Shiur 478 – Extremism – What causes Chareidi extremism? Is it a bad thing? What about Hilltop Youth extremism against Arabs? (audio)

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Prime Minister Naftali Bennett on FoxNews: “We must cut the head of the Iranian octopus of terror” (video)

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How Are Israelis Preparing For A Retaliation? (video)

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Lenny Solomon Live (video)

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Aug 8, 2024

Quote of the Day

I will stay in office as long as I believe I can help lead Israel to a future of security, enduring security and prosperity

  -- Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Times Magazine

don't go expecting an end to the war any time soon....

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Information Warfare | Jonathan Conricus on Israel's 8th Front. (video)

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We will defend Israel against terrorism: State Department spokesperson (video)

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Wild West Bank Part 2: BOTH SIDES NOW 👥 (video)

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Lenny Solomon Live (video)

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ARI GOLDWAG - Prayer for Israel [Acapella] (video)

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Aug 7, 2024

Bush is disingenuous

I am unimpressed by Cori Bush's claims that AIPAC and the Jews took her down to punish her and caused her to lose her Congressional seat.

She lost to the winner by a different of nearly 40 percentage points. Something like 67% to 29%. AIPAC didnt do that. Voter dissatisfaction with her performance did that. And there arent that many Jews in Missouri - according to Wikipedia there are something like 62000 Jews in Missouri (with 60k of them in St Louis). The Jews arent that influential and significant out there.

Maybe as a Congresswoman she should have done more for her constituents than supporting Hamas and the Palestinians...

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Quote of the Day

This is a shocking pick and I think it’s very insulting to Jewish people

  -- Former President and Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump about VP Kamala Harris picking Tim Walz as her running mate instead of Josh Shapiro

Thanks for telling me what I should be insulted about... it is not like Donald Trump picked a Jewish running mate. He didnt even consider one (that we know of). Should we Jewish people be insulted by that as well?

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Be quiet!

Boker Tov Ashdodiot!

The women of Ashdod, at least the Haredi women of Ashdod, have some new rules to follow, as of this morning.

A letter signed by a group of rabbonim of the Haredi community of Ashdod has been published and spread around town setting new rules for the women. 

The letter touches on three main issues:
1. Recently women have been riding [electric] scooters and karts (like the golf carts we see around town, usually driven by elderly people? I am not sure what type of vehicle this is). This is in opposition to all rules of Tzniyut and any female over the age of 9 is prohibited from using these devices, and for sure not to ride bicycles.

2. Stores that employ women as cashiers and they dress inappropriately not following the laws of tzniyut, the employer should make their employment conditional on a dress code and behavior appropriate for the Haredi style.

3. avreichim have been complaining that on buses running from the wedding halls at night, even though the women are sitting int he back of the bus they talk between them and can be heard all the way to the front of the bus. This is in opposition to the ways of tzniyut. The women should remember they share a space with men and should be careful about tzniyut and only speak quietly.

A shanda! the men can hear the women! Not only do you have to go sit int he back of the bus, you have to go sit quietly int he back of the bus! Follow the rules, woman! Shame on you for making us men tell you to be quiet!

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Interesting Psak: Mashiach now!

The expanded beis din of Chabad in Israel has recently issued a psak din.

They say that the Jewish people have done teshuva - even one thought of teshuva turns one into a complete tzaddik, and we have had enough. Mashiach must come immediately!

the beis din says that especially in this time the desire and anticipation of Mashiach's arrival has gotten stronger in light of the situation with the fighting on multiple fronts against our enemies, soldiers getting injured in battle and many have been killed, our people who have been taken captive, and especially in these days of mourning the destruction of the Beis Hamikdash and the troubles of the exile..

They conclude the letter saying we thereby paskin and demand with the power of the torah that Mashiach should come immediately and redeem us and bring us to our land forever.

ok, let's see what happens

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the big boss

The news reported that in light of Ismail Haniyeh being removed from Hamas leadership, removed by an Israeli explosion, Hamas has decided to appoint Yihye Sinwar, yes that Yihye Sinwar, to the vacant position as head of Hamas.

I dont understand how it can work for them (though that is even better for us). If Sinwar is stuck in a tunnel hiding with no communications and only a couple people who know where he is and are in touch with him, how can he effectively run an organization?

It seems to me that this is a bad decision by Hamas, but perhaps they dont have anyone else capable enough at this point. 

That being said, with Sinwar as head of Hamas, maybe he will have to come out of his hole to run the organization, to cozy up with the Iranians and others, to fill the greater responsibilities now upon him... We'll see what happens but this could present opportunities.

They'll probably even start calling him a moderate soon enough. He is a reasonable person, the lead negotiator, etc. They way they spoke about Haniyeh and the President of Iran that died recently in a helicopter crash.

On the other hand, does he even know about this decision, if he is hiding in a tunnel somewhere with no way to communicate efficiently? Maybe he has not yet even heard the news and does not yet know he is in charge...

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Aug 6, 2024

Picture of the Day

Haredi protestors against the drafting of Haredi men broke into the Tel Hashomer army base during their protests today

1. they so badly want to be drafted that they broke into the army base. the army should lock the gates so they cant get out and send them off for basic training

2. and once again we see how poorly protected army bases are and can get a glimpse at how October 7th could possibly have happened

3. 3rd army base to be broken into by the public in less than two weeks!

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Prime Minister Naftali Bennett on ABC: “The Iranian terror regime needs to be abolished”. (video)

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Douglas Murray REFUTES Leftists Using Their Own Indigenous People's Game (video)

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Dudu Erez street survey on imminent Iranian attack (video)

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Hot Friday Adventures in Jerusalem! Fully Immersing in the City's Summer Atmosphere. (video)

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Aug 5, 2024

outdoor prayer

Someone submitted a request to the City of Tel Aviv to get permission in advance of the upcoming holidays to allow for outdoor services on Yom Kippur as was done in years past. They are wisely trying to repeat of the mess that happened last year with all the fighting and conflict.

Fair enough.

The City of Tel Aviv reportedly has said no public prayer will be allowed. Go to shul if you want to pray. From what I understand they said that in years past it was only because of CoronaVirus issues and attempts to keep indoor gatherings small, if at all, so they allowed prayer gatherings outside, but before that and after that it is not and was not allowed.

Fair enough.

While I have no specific desire for them to allow prayer in the streets, I think they should be davening in shul in general and not int eh streets unless there are extenuating circumstances, I do think the person who made the request should either appeal the decision or appeal to the courts.  The City of Tel Aviv recently allowed public prayer for Muslims in public areas outdoors for a recent holiday (Chag HaKorban). If outdoor prayer can be allowed for Muslims, it should also be allowed for Jews.

Whatever is decided, I hope people can respect the final decisions and not have/cause a repeat of last years terrible situation.

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