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Oct 9, 2009
Kidnapping in Meah She'arim
The article below really needs nothing added. It shows how crazy some of these people are..
The article is from the Yediot Acharonot newspaper. It reports of an incident in Meah She'arim. Meah She'arim is a very popular place for people to go during Sukkos at night, as all the hassidic courts and yeshivas in the neighborhood hold nightly Simchas Beis HaShoeva parties unlike anywhere else.
It has gotten so crowded with the throngs of people going to partake in the festivities that in recent years the Toldos Aharon and Toldos Avraham Yitzchak courts - probably the greatest attraction in the area of them all - have arranged separate sidewalks for the men and women - so as to avoid mixed congregating, to avoid men and women bumping up into each other in the crowds, to avoid possibly "less than tzniyusdike" women being seen by men, etc.
The street is split in two, men walk on one side, and women walk on the other. Guards are posted along the route, and occasionally a scuffle occurs as the guards try to enforce the separation while a couple insists on walking together, or someone mistakenly crosses the line and the guards try to force the separation.
The article below describes an incident in which a woman, haredi but not the Meah She'arim type of haredi, with her young child (male) ended up mistakenly on the mens side of the road. She was approached by a hassidic guy who screamed at her for being on the wrong side. She responded that it was a mistake and that she was leaving to go to the womens side.
The hassidic guy grabbed her kid from the stroller and ran. She started screaming and chased him. She says none of the locals helped her out, but other people saw what was happening and blocked this guys path. She caught up to him, and he threw the baby back at her. She caught the kid, but his head smacked into her face and caused her to bleed, but she didn't drop the kid.
The police have opened an investigation, but have yet to find the guy. They probably never will, as she probably couldn't identify him very well, the locals probably have not helped out at all and cooperated in giving him up, and the police won't look too hard.
Yoelish Krausz responded on behalf of the locals saying that it was not a kidnapping - the guy simply took the kid and ran to the womens section where he promptly gave the kid back.
These guys are just messed up. Amazing that we honor and respect them and somehow consider them more authentic and reliable. We trust their hechsher as being the most reliable. We run to their parties because the way they celebrate seems more authentic to us and more similar to the way it always was...
They are just crazy.
The article is from the Yediot Acharonot newspaper. It reports of an incident in Meah She'arim. Meah She'arim is a very popular place for people to go during Sukkos at night, as all the hassidic courts and yeshivas in the neighborhood hold nightly Simchas Beis HaShoeva parties unlike anywhere else.
It has gotten so crowded with the throngs of people going to partake in the festivities that in recent years the Toldos Aharon and Toldos Avraham Yitzchak courts - probably the greatest attraction in the area of them all - have arranged separate sidewalks for the men and women - so as to avoid mixed congregating, to avoid men and women bumping up into each other in the crowds, to avoid possibly "less than tzniyusdike" women being seen by men, etc.
The street is split in two, men walk on one side, and women walk on the other. Guards are posted along the route, and occasionally a scuffle occurs as the guards try to enforce the separation while a couple insists on walking together, or someone mistakenly crosses the line and the guards try to force the separation.
The article below describes an incident in which a woman, haredi but not the Meah She'arim type of haredi, with her young child (male) ended up mistakenly on the mens side of the road. She was approached by a hassidic guy who screamed at her for being on the wrong side. She responded that it was a mistake and that she was leaving to go to the womens side.
The hassidic guy grabbed her kid from the stroller and ran. She started screaming and chased him. She says none of the locals helped her out, but other people saw what was happening and blocked this guys path. She caught up to him, and he threw the baby back at her. She caught the kid, but his head smacked into her face and caused her to bleed, but she didn't drop the kid.
The police have opened an investigation, but have yet to find the guy. They probably never will, as she probably couldn't identify him very well, the locals probably have not helped out at all and cooperated in giving him up, and the police won't look too hard.
Yoelish Krausz responded on behalf of the locals saying that it was not a kidnapping - the guy simply took the kid and ran to the womens section where he promptly gave the kid back.
These guys are just messed up. Amazing that we honor and respect them and somehow consider them more authentic and reliable. We trust their hechsher as being the most reliable. We run to their parties because the way they celebrate seems more authentic to us and more similar to the way it always was...
They are just crazy.

Mea Shearim
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BC this guys is crazy - number 1 doesnt mean that the hechsher is bad or that the chassidus is bad.
ReplyDeletenumber 2 it means that they can exhibit the same craziness in ensuring that the food is really up to par. and THATS why we dont mind if they are crazy regarding he hechsher.
I dont know why you think they are more authentic. Do you think the Bnei Brak yeshivishe oilam thinks that as well? Would the CI or RAYLS agree with you? What about RYSE?
"Amazing that we honor and respect them and somehow consider them more authentic and reliable. We trust their hechsher as being the most reliable. We run to their parties because the way they celebrate seems more authentic to us and more similar to the way it always was..."
ReplyDelete1. nu, so stop!
2. uh no - it isn't more authentic to the "way it was". In fact, this is probably further than the way it really was.
wow that's sick
ReplyDeleteAgain, please boycott the Edah Chareidis Hescher.
ReplyDeleteTo Anon #1. These people are in violation of Torah law on a regular basis. Regardless of how "crazy" they are about Kashrut, they have no ne'emanut and cannot be trusted.
Likewise their wine must be treated as Yayin Nesach.
They are aberrant strain who have gone off the derech. (And are actually well on their way out of the human race.)
They are aberrant strain who have gone off the derech. (And are actually well on their way out of the human race.)
ReplyDeleteHalevai - but given their childbirth rates, and the resultant guilt their charity-propaganda will inflict on the rest of klal yisrael lest those little ones starve, I don't see them dying out very easily.
Menachem Lipkin, your comments are as extreme as theirs. THIS guy has no ne'emanus. THIS GUY is sick, crazy, etc. But this act was perpetrated by THIS GUY, not the Eidah Charedis, and not the entire charedi world. Would you say the same thing about all goyim when you read of a kidnapping in NY? To call them inhuman, who'd you learn that from, Joseph Goebbels?