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Aug 11, 2011

Buy On eBay The Right To Be The Rav Of BTYA This Shabbos

The latest interesting Jewish item to go up on sale on eBay auctions is the maftir for Shabbos Nachamu (this Shabbos) in my shul, BTYA, in RBS because the rav is away for Shabbos due to a family simcha. They are calling it the right to be the rav, but they have stripped it of everything except the aliyah of maftir nachamu.

The accompanying descriptions says:
Get a chance to be "The Rav" this Shabbos, Shabbos Nachamu, 5771.

A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, unless it's your Bar Mitzvah.

The winner of this quick auction will be called up to Maftir and will say the b'rachos of the Haftorah (actual reading done by a BTYA baal koreh, from a k'laf).

Does not entitle the winner to say a d'rosha.

Winner must be present at BTYA for davening, or must arrange with a Gabbai before Shabbos who should get the aliya, otherwise the gabboim will choose on their own.

In the event of any discrepancy or question that should arise, Rav Malinowitz will be consulted, or, in his absence, Dr. Ari Stern, the head Gabbai will have the final say.

BTYA is located at Nachal Refaim 34 A, RBS
announcement said that buying this honor does not include the right to give a drasha, though if the gabbai asks you to lead the mussaf services, you can use the famous Carlebach Nachamu tune in mussaf.

Some other interesting Jewish-themed auctions on eBay included the Skverer Rebbe's leftover cake, someone to dress modestly for a week and leftover cholent. I wonder how people would rate this one compared to others...

You can place your bids for maftir nachamu until 6:47 pm Friday afternoon, according to the bidding page.

I would be curious what type of ideas someone could come up with to make this experience more interesting, taking into consideration the exceptions listed.


  1. Trust Me..I'm a RavAugust 11, 2011 7:34 PM

    Oh I want this great zchus!

    To be able to punish poor people and becherem tzedaka organizations?

    I'll beat any bid!

  2. Can i bid for David Morris to be rav?

  3. Anon-this is brilliant-see how many people you can get to donate towards it. I'll pledge!

  4. I don't get what all the fuss is about. Does only the rav do mafitr at BTYA? Doesn't the Rav get called up for Aseret Hadibrot? At the Sefaradi Batei keneset they sell mafter every week.

  5. no fuss. it says many shuls (ashkenazi) have the custom of giving the rav maftir on shabbos nachamu. he doesnt get it every week

  6. So if the rav gets maftir who gets called up for 10 hadibrot?

  7. rabbi M is a levi, so he can only get 2 aliyos - levi and maftir. When he gets an aliya, it is one of those.

  8. If I win the auction and come to RBS can I get maftir?

  9. I'd definitely like to see you try!

  10. http://matzav.com/shul-selling-on-ebay-right-to-be-rov-for-a-shabbos


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