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Aug 2, 2011

Haredi Site Showing Pictures of Women

Are things changing in the Haredi world? Are people finally starting to move away from the extreme positions that have become almost standard?

We all are aware that haredi publications will not print or post pictures of women. It does not matter how modestly the woman is dressed, the haredi community has gone very extreme on this and refuses to publicize such images.

Until very recently that was the case everywhere. Very recently I noticed a few times that pictures of women are beginning to seep through the filters. Originally I thought it was a mistake, but I am now thinking it is possibly a move away from the extreme positions.

The latest example is Kikar Shabbos has a report about Tzippi Livni paying a shiva call to the Abuchatzeira family in Beer Sheva. And there is a big picture of Tzippi Livni entering the house with her hair covered. Until very recently this never would have been posted on Kikar, or any other haredi site.

While I would not say it is already common, I would say it has happened a few times recently. And there has been no public outcry forcing Kikar to go back to the old policy.



  1. Perhaps the novelty of Tzipi Livni wearing a hair covering in a public display of Tzniyus counteracts the normal policy of not displaying such pictures.


  2. Isn't "Haredi site" an oxymoron? In its essence, it has already violated the extreme haredi position on internet. "Haredi" is used to mean whatever the speaker/writer wants it to mean, so that it doesn't mean anything anymore.

  3. call it what you will, until now they have accepted the position that they could not show such pictures

  4. Sooo sexy. Dont know what to do with myself. Kikar is responsible for so many terrible things happening.

    ...the thoughts... the thoughts!


    All because of kikar.....

  5. Ladaat showed the same picture but smudged the face a bit.

  6. I had the same question you did when I saw it, Rafi.

  7. Ultimately, like Anonymous said "Haredi site" is an oxymoron. Not because their not run for/by so-called Haredim, but because their not designed in the spirit of Haredi, and in their very essence their quite AGAINST anything that (Israeli) Haredi represents (meaning that in a Haredi utopia, people wouldn't stop to read the news as its, ultimately, a form of entertainment and not a necessity in life or a positive use of ones time. Time can be used in a much more valuable way then harvesting CPV's. Not to suggest that reading the news is inherently bad, rather there wouldn't be an entire editorial staff dedicated to the function.)

    One need not scroll past the bottom of the page to realize that as much as kikar calles its self Haredi, its run by a secular organization (globes.co.il) with nary a mention about any rabbinical board, guidance, association, or guidance behind the site. I.e. its a secular site dressed as a Hared, perhaps trying to ensnar the innocent Haredi viewer in to their clutches.

    Seems that now, the gloves have come off...


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