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Aug 2, 2011

Quote Of The Day

Quote Of The Day

Your city needs a big tikkun... A spiritual wall needs to be built around the city [of Elad], or else in the next war all the missiles of Hezballah will probably fall directly on Elad, God forbid.

  -- Rav Dovid Abuchatzeira

Rabbi Dovid said this to the rav of Elad, Rav Mordechai Malka, when he went to pay a shiva call at the Abuchatzeira house in beer Sheva


  1. All I know about Elad are second and third hand stories of religious pressure there. Are they at fault for pressuring too much, not enough, or something else?

  2. what haredi neighborhood isnt known for religious pressure??
    truth is I dont know much about Elad, just little bits I have heard here and there..
    the discussion in the various articles quoting the rabbonim on this issue are talking about sinat chinam, not accepting other people that are different (though this was a frum sefardi fellow killing a sefardi rav so i am not sure how this plays out as not accepting others)

  3. MiruamS
    If your knowledge of something is only 2nd hand or 3rd hand - pure hearsay - why do you bother to post it. People will remember what you said about Elad and maybe they will repeat it to others ("I heard that...) and they wont add the disclaimer its 2nd or 3rd hand.
    Come to think of it, that is a big problem in anglo B/RBS, people gossiping about others without cause and its usually based on hearsay. So they shouldn't be talking in the first place and the nonsense they spew out is usually baseless.


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