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Aug 14, 2011

Satmar and the Yemenite Jews (video)

Satmar and the Yemenite Jews

(at the end of each section of video you can click to go to the next part)

The description of the video on Youtube:
The Ultra-orthodox jewish sect Satmar has throughout many years driven a campaign in Yemen with the purpose of persuading them to immigrate to the United States, and not Israel.. When the Jaradi's arrives in the community of Monroe is New York they experience a traumatic event in which their children are taken away from them and put in custody of the satmar. This is the story of how the Jaradi's try desperately to recover their children, and how Yemenite Jews are being exploited and harassed by the hasidic community.
I never heard this before. I have heard of the work Satmar does with the Yemenite community, and was always under the impression that they were doing good work saving and helping them, and they simply preferred bringing them to New York instead of Israel because of their anti-Zionist views, combined with their belief that if they would go to Israel many would become not religious or less religious. I never before heard anythign like this.

Does anybody know particulars about what goes on? Is there truth to this? Are they really doing the same exact thing they continue to hold the Zionists in such contempt for because of what was, allegedly, done in the 1950s?


  1. Wow. Hideously made. I note from the opening frames that this was sponsored by "Soros".

  2. interesting. I hadnt noticed that

  3. Made by:

    Soros Documentary Fund???

  4. The answer to all your questions is "yes" and it's not just the Satamr community that believes this. Other chasidim and the super-yeshivish believe it as well and all supported the campaign to have these people brought to Monsey rather than have the evil zionists destroy their yiddishkeit.

    One of the biggest and most imapsioned supporters was a prominent Rav from the yekkishe community.

    For them, the past is till the present.

    The fund raising bochures had images of dripping blood and many Rabbonim signed that every family was obligated to contribute, as this was in the class of Pidyon Shevuyim.

  5. B"H B"H B"H They are now in Eretz HaKodesh. Soon, hopefully the children will be back with them also.

    I saw this situation several years ago in a different video and my heart was broken. Now that I watched all the videos you posted I don't care who helped them to get to Israel. This is where they belong, and all the Yemenite Jews in Yemen. Its most similar to their previous Yemen life, and they don't have to give up their heritage.

    I'm so happy they are here now.

  6. My only surprise is that you "never heard this before".

    This has been well known for years. Unfortunately the Yemenite Jews are generally passive and trusting, so it's been up to others to publicize their plight -- but not enough, evidently.

  7. I believe that this family lives in Bet Shemesh.

  8. I really never heard it. I knew the satmar worked hard to save the yemenites, and I knew they tried to get them to go to London or NY rather than Israel. And I knew they made money off it by fundraising.
    I had no idea it went to the extent relayed in this story.

  9. Although there might be plenty of people making money off of this, I think that many of the Rabbonim and those who contribute money genuinely believe that they are helping to save the Teimanim from the evil zioinsits who will destroy their yiddishkeit.

    What happens in Monsey is that the once proud people become beggars and lose their sense of dignity and self-worth.

    Some community observers believe that what the Satmars are doing with the Teimanim in Monsey is no different than what teh Zionists did to them in the 50's.

  10. Shocking!!
    I am spellbound, i was crying watching this.
    Is this supposed to be like a Nekommo for the Teimani Neshamos taken by the Tziyoynim?!
    I am plain shocked.

    My respect (or DISrespect for that matter) factor of Satmar just went down another few notches..

  11. i just watched the whole thing and i don't get what the complaint against satmar is?
    it seems that there was a problem with the authorities that caused them to take the kids away.
    the doctor at the end seems to say that the hospital messed up so they are covering up.
    is the complaint that satmar didn't do enough to help the parents?
    there doesn't seem to be any proof of wrongdoing on the hands of Satmar and the claims of their fundraising scam is also unsubstantiated. (it also doesn't really make too much sense. who is making money on this? the askanim that are involved? is there a shortage of mosdos in satmar to make money on? i am sure that there are real costs to bringing in yemenites to america and setting them up. do they raise so much money that there is so much leftover for the askanim to be doing it for the cash?)
    these advocates shown are the ones saying that it is a scam, etc. they might have other issues with satmar (could such a thing be true?) and they are deffinately outsiders and can't really know what is going on inside behind closed doors.
    this whole things seems strange.
    if this is such a rampant problem- that they take people's kids away why wouldn't the director of the documentary bring other families?
    just curious what you think about this

  12. Anon:
    I cant understand how your so oblivious to the problem's here,
    Satmar promised these families a life of comfort in a house etc. etc.
    Instead they led them to the dumps carrying them around like schnorrers!

    Is that fine and dandy in your eyes?

    But that is the just one part, then there's the fact that they snatch they're kids a away, didn't you see in the video how there was another family too who the Satmar's claimed to child welfare services that the parents were unfit? And that they took away those kids too?

    Tell me, are you blind?
    Do you not see a problem with being Goynev Nefashos (check your local 10 commandments) all under perfectly "legal" means of claiming the parents unfit?

    I'm so sickened from watching this, and did you not see how they dumped that poor Teymani's kid in an isolated corner of the cemetery with no Matzayvo?

    How instead of fighting for the couple to have they're kids back,
    they go snatch them to protect one of they're own from being prosecuted for shaking a baby to death?

    How can you be so oblivious to the anguish of these poor Yidden who came from suffering in a hostile Arab country to another place where they are cheated, reduced to beggars, and have they're precious children snatched from them?

    Ever since watching it, i'm heart-broken for these fell'as.

    H' Y'rachem, and may these Satmars stop they're evil doing!

  13. This is a leftist-produced propaganda film with no truth to it. It's a Soros production, by leftists Yediot Achronot filmmaker.

    Any normal person, who hasn't got a strained eye against Jews, sees through this.

    The Haftara of Eikev speaks of the worst enemies of Jews - being Jews; And here you have an example of it. I personally remember being in the home of Yemenites in Monroe and Monsey and never sensed anything but joy there. Now, here comes a film, 25 years later, with nothing to do but slander the Satmar chassidim.


  14. This is a film funded by Soros who is on the left. He is also someone who supported activities that contributed to the downfall of Communism in E. Europe. I don't see why one cannot believe two things at once, Soros is doubtlessly on the left, and this film is true.

    I know nothing about this case, but it is consistent with what I know. Satmar accepts no responsibility for successffully establishing them to become self supporting in the US, and Satmar does steal their glorious teimani culture away and turns them into Hasidim, but lower status ones within their community.

    Also, two things that can both be true is that secular zionists mistreated Teimanim in the early years of the state and Satmar does it now. Right now I think Teimanim are better off landing in the hands of the Jewish Agency than Satmar just from the point of view of getting respect for their culture.


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