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Oct 5, 2011

Who Killed The Israeli Captured Soldiers Eldad Regev and Udi Goldwasser?

Israel News is reporting based on a book of memoirs just published by a minster of Lebanon that Eldad Regev and Udi Goldwasser were killed by Israeli explosions, and not by Hezbollah as has been thought until now. The minister says they tried to keep the soldiers alive, but the explosions were just too much to overcome and they died.

Though the report makes it sound like it was accidental, it would not be a shock to find out that it might be true (I am not saying it is true, just it would not be a shock if it were). There was a report a while back about new commands that were in place, or maybe they were being considered, that in the case of a possible kidnapping of a soldier, his unit would be commanded to shoot to kill if retrieval was not possible. the idea being that this way there would not be a long protracted ordeal with all the trauma involved and the need to trade murderers for his release, in addition to avoiding any issue of sensitive information being extracted form the captive soldier by the enemy.

I don't know if this decision ever passed, but I remember it was discussed at least as a consideration.

Regardless of that, Israel denies the claim and holds Lebanon and Hezbollah responsible for what happened to them

Hashem Yinkom Damam. May Hashem Avenge Their Blood.


  1. I don't know who this minister is but who's to say it's not propaganda? I wouldn't take seriously anything these low-lives have to say.

  2. I find it extraordinary that, 26 hours after publication of this story, not a single person has commented on the assertion that:

    There was a report a while back about new commands that were in place, or maybe they were being considered, that in the case of a possible kidnapping of a soldier, his unit would be commanded to shoot to kill if retrieval was not possible. the idea being that this way there would not be a long protracted ordeal with all the trauma involved and the need to trade murderers for his release, in addition to avoiding any issue of sensitive information being extracted form the captive soldier by the enemy.

    I would have thought that the entire population would be up in arms over such a suggestion.

    But - hey ho - deliberate murder of Israeli soldiers by Israeli soldiers would appear to be totally acceptable.

    What is happening to us?

  3. I did not do a search for the original news reports, but I do remember the discussion clearly. I also remember the IDf quickly denied it and the whole conversation quickly disappeared


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