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Aug 4, 2019

bug-free lettuce croaks angrily

Haredi journalist Yisrael Cohen reported on Twitter the other day about a bag of lettuce sold in Osher Ad. TOI and Mako followed suit.

Seems mundane but what was interesting is that this bag of lettuce was officially a package of certified bug-free mehadrin lettuce. This lettuce has 5 different Badatz hechshers on it, as Cohen himself noted. And the lettuce included a nice little fro in the bag. At no extra charge. People are shocked. 5 hechshers and they missed this!!??

On the one hand, they the lettuce is said bug-free. They did not say frog-free. So they kept strictly to their mandate. And, as one of the consumers pointed out in the video, perhaps they kept it bug-free by putting the frog in there to eat all the bugs!

On the other hand, more seriously... mistakes happen. to the best and worst of hechshers. No hechsher is perfect. And obviously this isnt a bug that grew on lettuce that might indicate an infestation, but a frog that probably got in during the packaging of the lettuce.

And on the third hand, second of the serious hands, 5 hechshers? 5 sets of mashgiach eyes missed this? What are we paying so much money for? 1 guy missed it, no problem. Mistakes happen, nobody is perfect. 2 guys, ok, same. 5 guys missed it?
Sometimes multiple hechshers on a product do not mean each has its own mashgiach checking. Sometimes some of the hechshers rely on one mashgiach and certify base don what the one mashgiach for one of the organizations said. In general I don't like that policy, as it seems to somewhat be defrauding the consumer who wants to rely on Rabbi X and not Rabbi Y, but it is often what is in place.
I dont know if that so the case in the case of bug-free lettuce. Does each organization send their own inspectors to check and supervise or do they all rely on the word of the supervisor of one organizations. Either way There is a big problem here. Either nobody is really checking, because 1 guy can make a mistake and miss it but 5 sets of eyes wouldn't, or one guy made a mistake and 4 guys are defrauding their customers.

Anyways, had I been there I would have taken the frog home as a pet. Win Win. The best deals are at Osher Ad!

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  1. As you said, 5 Hashgachot doesn't mean 5 separate Mishgachei Kashrut. I know of one highly respected Medhadrin Hashgacha that does not employ any Mashgichim. Their Hashgacha only means that they confirmed with the local rabbinate that the product meets their standard.

    I also know Mashgachim who were receiving pay checks from 2 or 3 different kashrut organizations for supervising one factory.

  2. I agree, a frog at home is a bug-free home😌


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