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Sep 11, 2012

Interesting Posts #411

1. We all run the ultimate ultra-marathon

2. President Obama Did not need an Asifa

3. The Shofar Mistake - I think this is a fairly common misconception, even among adults!

4. parshablog is having a discussion about mashiach - the Rebbe, The Messiah and the iPhone and he continues it with saying that Jesus could have come back to be the Messiah

5. Judaism vs Twitter

6. Signs of the Rosh Hashana apocalypse - I dont know what is in those boxes. Is it an actual head or just meat from the head (usually cheek meat)? Either way, here in Israel, while they might not be boxed so nicely, heads for Rosh Hashana are always very common. I have been buying them for years already. I love it and I think it adds to the interesting experience of Rosh Hashana. It helps make the table exciting.

And no, we have not done away with the fish head, another item that almost everyone refuses to touch because it is disgusting. We use both. And no, it does not make me feel like a frummie. The two also have different prayers associated with them, so it is not one instead of the other. it does require some manipulation and deft maneuvering, as eating both fish head and sheep's head, with gefilte fish still on the way, requires it to avoid the danger we are concerned with of eating fish and meat.

Here in Israel we do far more simanim on Rosh Hashana than my family ever did back in Chicago.

7. 46 year old yungerman loses his kollel

8. no, it is not a college degree - actually it is, assuming everything is on the "up and up". The thing it is not is a college education. but a degree it is.

9. YWN goes to print - interesting that they'd go this route in a time when many powerhouse traditional newspapers are having difficulty getting by and have been cutting their presence, or even closing down.

10. Killed in the line of duty

11. Do you believe the world is getting better?

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  1. For a few years now, the Jewel in Chicago has been selling Rosh Keves with the signage "Rosh Keves". I don't think they want to freak out the general population.

  2. Speaking of where shofars come from....
    this is highly educational....


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