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May 3, 2010

Toldos Aharon found solutions

In recent years the students in the Toldos Aharon yeshivas did not participate in the big event at Meron. This year they found solutions to the problems so that the boys could go along as well.

Each boy to commit to staying within the Toldos Aharon sectioned off area. As a guarantee, each boy gave 200NIS which would become a fine if they were to have "shmiras eynayim" problems (i.e. if they would leave the specific area). As well, they blocked out all the windows on the bus with curtains and set up supervisors to make sure nobody would look out the window on the way. (source: Bechadrei)

I don't know why this makes me chuckle at the same time as being happy for them. On the one hand this seems so ridiculous, on the other hand I respect them for finding a solution so they can actively participate in the event they wanted so much to be part of but had a problem preventing them from doing so.


  1. It seems to me that shmiras eynayim as defined by TA chasidim is the prohibition to look at anything that is out of the realm of kedusha.
    It practically means that it is not possible for a frum Jew to live al pi Torah in a modern society but only by being completely cut-off from the outside world.
    Is this what the Tora wants from us? If so,these standards should be mandatory for everyone.If not, TA should be condemned by charedi mainstream not less than say MO.

  2. Shmiras Enayim from what exactly? Isn't Meron (especially on Lag b'Omer) separate anyway?


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