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Aug 3, 2010

anti-haredi campaign (video)

The organization, Yisrael Chofshit (Free Israel), is running an anti-haredi campaign. Today they are planning to stage an army march in which the "soldiers" will be carrying "haredim" on their stretchers, as if to say that the chilonim are supporting the haredim.
In the meantime, this video below is their latest video. It plays on the issue of the Tal Law, as if there is a festival going on about the release of haredim from army service, and then moves on to portray the haredim as looking for every opportunity to take, take and take.


  1. Just what we need, as if there wasn't enough division and hatred in this country - a whole campaig dedicated to increasing Hatred of one segment of society.

    Now if someone could launch a campaign encouraging dialogue and respect for each other....

  2. Its amazing how they can just make up facts as they go, and no one cares

  3. michael

    there have been campaigns about dialogue (zav pius, etc).

    dialogues will not erase the fact that there are real differences of opinion and that some of these differences are unbridgeable.

  4. Ben,

    Yes there are differences of opinion and real problems in this country, and dialogue alone will not solve them.

    However this clip does not present the reality of the situation, rather it exagerates or makes up facts and trys to paint an entire community as fools.

    Given that there is already a lot of hatred towards the religious in this country, why does this organization not try to work with the facts and look for solutions, instead of appealing to emotion to further increase hatred.

  5. they do it because they want an immediate result. they are not looking to solve the problem with dialogue or fining solutions that work for everyone somehow. They are looking to shock the public to get a specific result - to get the TAL law canceled (which might be moot now if the reports of an alternative agreement are true), to get funding slahsed, etc. It doesnt matter if true or not true, if inappropriate or inciteful, as long as they can shock the public to agreeing to cancel all funding, everything is fine.

  6. I'm surprised that their physical appearance as charedim is so fake. Are they trying to be a caricature, or do they really not have a clue?

  7. you need to relax... that was actually really funny and I laughed out loud more than once.


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