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Sep 19, 2010

Review: Shivtei Yeshurun Calendar 5771

NOTE: I was not paid to review this calendar. It is an unbiased and objective review. If you have a book, magazine or calendar, or anything else, with Jewish or Israel related content and would like me to write a review, contact me for details of where to send me a copy of the publication.

Kehillas Shivtei Yeshurun of RBS published a calendar for the new year 2010/2011 and 5771.

The first thing you notice about the calendar is that it is pleasant. Pleasant to look at, that is. The colors are soft and calm. Many calendars try to attack you with colors and bold words and fonts, so that you notice everything about them. This calendar is just pleasant and calm. Nice colors and soft fonts.

Then you open the calendar and you will be stunned. Stunned by the beauty accompanying each page.

Every page has the basics of every free calendar - the calendar itself, the artwork, and the advertisements. This calendar is laid out like that as well. Yet it is far more pleasant to look at than the average calendar. This calendar, again with the soft and pleasant colors and fonts, is not crowded with advertisements taking up every tiny available space, but is mostly calendar with some advertisements alongside.

The next thing you will notice is the stunning artwork. All the artists are local (RBS) artists, and their work is stunning. Whether it is the photography or the paintings, you can see that these are world class artists.

An interesting thing I noticed in the calendar is a line that says all zmanim are for Bet Shemesh only, and that candle lighting time is announced as being 20 minutes before shkia and tzais shabbos is according to the Chazon Ish (whatever that means).

I find that time rule to be different and refreshing. Most shuls, in RBS, that I am aware of, have gone the route of adopting minhag yerushalayim as the authority for all zmanim (among other things), even though Bet Shemesh has always had its own minhagim separate, and different, from Jerusalem. One good example of this is the candle lighting time for shabbos - the minhag of Bet Shemesh has always been 20 minutes, like it is in most places, and not 40 minutes like it is in Jerusalem.

I am not telling you what is right to keep - ask your own rabbi for such a decision. I just find it refreshing that they have published these times and are willing to be different from many of the shuls in RBS. I like diversity.

And best of all, this beautiful calendar is free (that being said, I am not sure what I gained by them giving me a copy to review). You can get your copy from a number of select local (RBS) locations - the Shul 2/1 Dolev, Bagels B'Ramah, Arthurs Pharmacy, Win Vino, Big Deal and the Gelt Center.

Pick up your copy, enjoy the beautiful artwork and the pleasant calendar. Support local businesses that advertise within. Check out the shul for davening or shiurim (they have a 3 nights a week night kollel led by Rabbi Haber, and a weekly Wednesday night shiur for women). You can buy artowrk form the local artists - their contact info is at the end of the calendar.

NOTE: I was not paid to review this calendar. It is an unbiased and objective review. If you have a book, magazine or calendar, or anything else, with Jewish or Israel related content and would like me to write a review, contact me for details of where to send me a copy of the publication.


  1. The design was done by Tova Sklar. She can be contacted at tsklar247@gmail.com.

    Thanks Rafi.

  2. Tzeis acc to CI is the standard calender time (as in the luach with the kuppa / bar kol). 35 - 40 mins.

    RMG advises 20 mins for hadlakas neiros. Having more to do with plag acc to rabbeinu tam than to the minhag of BS to the best of my knowledge

  3. RMG? is that Rabbi Goldstein or Raphael Mordecai Goldmeier? :-)

  4. by the way, Chazon Ish zman is about 3-4 after the "regular" tzais shabbos. Whatever that means... :-)

  5. I haven't seen the calendar yet; can you comment a bit more on the times? Do they say what calculations they use? I know what R' Rubanowitz used to do; I don't know if R' Haber / KSY kept the same psak re: zmanim (honeitz nirah, different times for RBS / BS, etc)

  6. I dont see any times listed except for shabbos in and out times (and other days like fast days),, and times of shiurimg and davenign in the back

  7. if they were to put the full range of times in the calendar, I would hope they would use the old Netz rather than Netz HaNireh. Just because everyone else in RBS uses Netz HaNireh (except for Breslav)...

  8. These are the same zmanim that Rav Rubanowitz used to use. The CI zman was his input, as is hadlakas neiros, and the minhag is still by us.
    We wanted to include all zmanim, but we felt it would take away from the look of the calendar, and make it too busy. Next year, BE"H :-)

  9. Well, my artistic abilities [or even appreciation abilities] are limited; I tend to prefer the Excel look ;)

  10. you're a veritable Siskel and Ebert

  11. Another great KSY contibution to our community!

    They have brought RBS a wonderful Rav, a great night kollel and now a nice calendar.

    What a special kehilla.

    Chazak V'amatz!

  12. daf - what am I going to do when someone sends me something lousy to review?

  13. There is *no basis* for lighting 40 minutes before shkia in Beit Shemesh.

    Ari Enkin


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