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Sep 4, 2012

Video Surveillance Of Hotel Kitchens To Improve Kashrut Situation

It was reported in Maariv (though I could not find the original article on their website, only as reported on the Kikar website) that the Rabbanut has devised a new plan to keep track of offending hotels and restaurants by use of cameras installed in the kitchens.

Rav Shlezinger, rav of the Gilo neighborhood and head posek of the Jerusalem Rabbanut kashrut division, has decided that the Rabbanut should be able to have viewing access to hotel and restaurant kitchens from their own offices. Rav Shlezinger says this new arrangement will only be imposed upon hotels and restaurants that have regularly arising kashrut problems. People automatically think the kashrut in Jerusalem is fine, and they come from all over the world and dont know the details but trust the kashrut in Jerusalem.

Having these cameras installed in problematic kitchens will seemingly help the Rabbanut get a better handle on what is going on there and help them fix the problems. Then, the people's trust in the kashrut area will actually be better deserved.

While the hotels and restaurants have initially been opposed to the plan, Rav Shlezinger says they wont have a choice and as long as they want a teudat kashrut they will have to comply.

Anything that will improve the kashrut situation, and the reliability of the organizations providing the certification, is a good thing for the kosher consumer. it is also good to see them taking advantage of technology and not ignoring it. I know video cameras have been used in kashrut for a long time, to help mashgichim especially in dangerous or very remote areas. it is about time they implement this simple solution to help them in problematic kitchens...

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